Political discussions...

Ok.Frangers you’ve converted me.
Everything about the EU is honourable and is as straight as a die,.with zero corruption, and everybody in it is selfless and charitable for the good of the people,.and not at all for what they can get out of it.
Everything in the garden is lovely, and the birds continue to sing sweetly in the lovely weather.
No links to back that up though,.sorry.

Do you know what a “straw man” argument is?

Hardly matters really because that is a truly excellent example of it.
You have set up something that you can knock down. I never said nor hinted that the EU was in any way, shape, or form perfect. It isn’t.

And I do remember saying at one time that being in the EU was a bit ■■■■.
But being out of it was worse.
However, enough of that.

I asked where you get your news and info from.
But in all of your huffing, puffing, flouncing of skirts, and pearl grabbing, you seem to have forgotten to answer.

Aye whatever mate.:joy:
We all know how seriously you take getting the last word, and how important it is to you, in your need to win any argument on here, … So I’ll let you respond to this, and I promise to ignore it.
Deal or no deal

Oh btw…quote:: ‘Do you know what a straw man argument is’’
Honestly mate…sometimes your patronising and pompous manner is insufferable.

Here is someone I haven’t seen before, but he seems to have bit of a following.
Can’t see he says much that I disagree with.
If you do watch, there is a bit of an advert between 3min30 and 8min30-ish.

Somebody else with a bit of a following.
Cant see much I disagree with either.

A mate sent me it…
This will upset/offend/annoy one or two on here, but when has that ever stopped me posting summet.:joy:

So bring on the initial character assasination of the guy,.accusations of being disingenuous, having a middle class name,.and general rubbishing and put downs.

After all that gets out the system… just listen to what he is saying.

Mostly stuff that will upset the establishment,and have the lefty wokeists reaching for smelling salts (and ‘clutcing their pearls’ and ‘flouncing their skirts’ :wink: :joy:)

You must not tell the blinding truth you know, ‘They don’t like it up em’.:smile:
Over to you TR/SCYL.

Well if we’re going down that route, may as well have a bit of Ozzy and The Blackshirts

and what about

And what about this feller? He looks popular

Ok bit of an extreme comparison analysis, but it’s your opinion and you are entitled to it.
I expected the initial rascist tag from the start…but Mosely…and HITLER?:flushed:

So can you point out what he has said that aint valid ot true? (I mean Robinson btw not Mosely or Adolf😂 …although Enoch has been vindicated over the years in many of his warnings…which incidentally were also looked upon in a right wing Na zi type context initially)

This is an election year, many of these things are genuine concerns to many people.
Can you see either of the 2 main parties actually and genuinelly adressing these points if and when in power?..too scared to I would say.

Do you really think heart of hearts that the points, are completely untrue and rubbish…some of em? Most of em…or all of em.

Are you happy with the Status Quo (no not that one) at the moment in terms of what he has pointed out?

C’mon you said you were no longer going to acknowledge me on here (again up to you/ not fussed) but surely this is worth going into…or not?

Where is he standing for Parliament?

He aint,…I did not say he was.
I was (more or less) saying the stuff he has covered in that clip, SHOULD be discussed in Parliament by those who are.
Many people share his concerns.

I am sure that some do share his views.
Not enough in any one constituency though.

Much as I dislike him, under a PR system he might have a chance of getting a seat in Parliament.

I dislike because he is a convicted thug, swindler, druggie, and stalker. He is a convicted illegal immigrant. He is a failed asylum seeker. He is a failed economic migrant.
He has been found in contempt of court more than once. He shows no respect at all to the UK, and it’s laws.

I would say since he doesn’t like it here he should just go elsewhere. But in fairness he has tried, and failed.
It seems we are stuck with him

No I’ll acknowledge your posts. My posts were intended to be mildly tongue-in-cheek, but that’s hard to convey subtly via TN. And it’s hard to have sensible political discussions on TN, which is actually appearing like much of society is these days - totally polarized in a way I’ve never seen before in my lifetime.

It is impossible to take Tommy Robinson seriously, he’s far less Hitler and far more Ernst Röhm. You may already know if you’ve got the same level of interest I have in WWII history, that Röhm’s SA were the thug element that Hitler used, until Röhm became a hindrance to the National Socialists being taken more seriously. So Hitler’s new buddy Himmler organized a few caps in a few mofo’s derrieres to clean up the party’s act.

At best the real right wingers would consider Robinson not much more than a “useful idiot”, even then he’s of doubtful “use”.

Enoch Powell on the other hand was a man of prodigious intellect, a classical scholar, a Brigadier in the British Army. According to Wikipedia, "In the aftermath of the [rivers of blood] speech, several polls suggested that 67 to 82 per cent of the UK population agreed with Powell’s opinions. But that didn’t stop him getting sacked from the position as Shadow Defence Secretary. So the fact that people may tend to be in agreement with a sentiment does not mean that we Brits are going to act upon it.

Oswald Mosely? Again, a highly intelligent and capable man, could have been far more successful in his objectives, but unable to appreciate that we Brits are simply not prone to extremism, “it’s just not cricket old chap”.

Hitler… Clearly intelligent, possessed of extreme focus, a powerful orator by anyone’s standards; it is not hard to see why the Germans fell for his style, given the harshness of the Versailles treaty, and their own economic depression. But, more so than Mosely, mad as a box of frogs, and (fortunately for the rest of us) the architect of his own downfall because of his madness.

I’m not a lefty BTW, but neither am I a fan of Robinson’s right-wing numbskull thuggery. I consider myself to be “centrist with a pronounced leaning to the right”, but I still consider Farage to be beneath contempt, even though I can see why some are taken in by his act.

I’ll be honest, I possess (and have listened to) the audiobook of Mein Kampf, (the Ford Translation). The fact that the rest of Europe ignored what he put into print is staggering in its stupidity, he literally spelled out all his plans.

So if there was a moderate right wing party, who didn’t present with all the typical right-wing values so commonly associated with rightist politics, they could potentially get my vote, but there is none of them who have earned even a modicum of respect from me.

Cheers, a concise answer.
A lot of which I do agree with tbf

I confess to not knowing a lot of detail about Robinson’s history…a past thug you say?
Well I was never a thug, nor a criminal,
but I have done some dodgy things in the past, much of which I would not do today.
I think that people are ‘entitled’ (if that is the right word) to have a past, but in the context of the clip I posted, I am more concerned, or at least interested in his present.
Way I see it he made a lot of sense, and was/is not afraid to speak his mind, nor upset the establishment.
We will see how much they have said establishment and the left rattled, by the deliberate lack of news coverage of his protest on Jul 1, compared to say the Palestine and BLM protests.

Ok mate, I did expect that kind of answer from you, so you have not disapointed me …once again,.being that you are vitrually the antithesis of most political opinions that I hold.
So no offence Frangers but if he offends you and people like you, it shows he is ‘doing his job’. :joy:

As I said, I aint concerned too much about his past, it is just a breath of fresh air despite that past, that is a public figure speaking a lot of truth, a lot of facts that most of us accept, because we see it every day…not ‘pretty’ facts, not pc facts, not facts that the woke crew will accept…but nevertheless Facts.

All a matter of public record, see the wikipedia link

Robinson reminds me of a kid at school, a supposed “hard man”, though he was always surrounded by a crowd of “followers”, and never ever started a fight with anyone when he was on his own, and never anyone who was also renowned for being “hard”.

After school became a proper crim, drug dealing, extortion, involved in dodgy businesses to launder money (care homes are a favourite for that). Last I heard he’d picked a fight with someone who was a hard man who didn’t need “followers”, left that guy from school a partially-paralysed, gibbering, drooling wreck in a wheelchair.

Largely he looks at real and complex problems, and offers a very simple solution.

The facts he uses are largely facts, but the way he connects them makes little sense.

Would we be better with fewer immigrants?
The NHS would be far worse off without the Drs and nurses they import. The queues would be longer.
We don’t have enough houses. Bur that isn’t due to a few years of immigration. It is due to years of not building enough of them.
And please not the we’re overcrowded stuff again. Guernsey and Jersey aren’t exactly concrete jungles, The Netherlands and Belgium are also more densely populated.

What a contrary sentence! Saying “no offence”, but you are glad if I am offended?
But I am quite OK with being someone who is upset by hypocrites. When I stop being offended by hypocrites and red-faced shouty people I will feel a bit disappointed in myself.

Cause and effect. Do we need immigrant doctors and nurses to deal with long waiting lists? Undoubtedly. Would we have long waiting lists without the million plus immigrants living here?


Frangers defending his illegal immigrants again, telling us 'what an asset they are to the country, all those ‘doctors and solicitors’ :joy:.
Who would have thought it eh.

To sum up in 4 words my last reply to you…

As for my ‘contrary sentence’ you know EXACTLY how I meant it, buy true to form ypu feel compelled to try and make some sort of petty issue out of it.

7.6 million on the waiting list.

Most migrants are here to work.
Everyone gets emergency and infectious disease treatment. Depending on various things they may or may not be eligible for non-urgent treatment.
Some treatment is billed to the individual or their own country in reciprocal arrangements.
Checkout The immigrate Health Surcharge

Two and two make how many RR?

I was talking about immigrants you are suddenly shouting about illegal immigrants…
As I believe you might say…F F S

Meanwhile in real world situations …and I’m sure I have posted this before.
A few months ago my mate who had been in hospital with something serious could not get an appointment for love nor money.
The receptionist who was an old school friend unofficially advised him to change his surgery/med centre, as priority was being given to the nearby illegals in 2 hotels…his family have been patients there for years.

So at risk of repeating myself…things I see, things I hear, things I experience Frangers.

So at another risk of offending you again ram your official stats somewhere private warm and moist.