Political discussions...

so when did german forces land on british soil?

So where did I say they did…
I said ‘potentially’.

Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) 555 and 595, both 12-man teams, plus Air Force combat controllers, were the second and third groups of Task Force Dagger and the first American military personnel to enter Afghanistan. An initial insertion was tried on October 17 but was aborted due to weather conditions.

Two days later, on 19 October, the two teams were flown from the former Soviet Karshi-Khanabad Air Base in Uzbekistan more than 300 kilometers (190 mi) across the 4,900 metres (16,100 ft) Hindu Kush mountains.[27] They flew in two 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment MH-47E Chinook helicopters, escorted by two “DAP” (Direct Action Penetrator) MH-60L Black Hawks. Conditions were marginal due to the altitude and icing in the Hindu Kush.

Operation Enduring Freedom– Afghanistan , 7 October 2001 – 28 December 2014, NATO deployment in Afghanistan. The SAS were involved in the initial invasion and remained active in the conflict.

  • Operation Determine, October 2001, A and G squadron of 22 SAS, reinforced by members of the Territorial SAS, conducted reconnaissance tasks in north west Afghanistan none of which resulted in enemy contact.[31]

d day was 1944 the yanks joined end of 41 and it was their reconnaissance that said there was guns there. also it was their troops that were firing back at us

What has D day got to do with the part of my text that you highlighted?

Of course there were guns there, it was part of the ‘Atlantic Wall’ fortress…so what is your point?

The Yanks were firing on Brit troops on D day?
You will need to explain all of that mate, you’ve lost me

Speaking to Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid on Good Morning Britain on ITV, Mr Farage blasted the stubbornness of Mrs May and her government.

He said: “I supported Mr Trump through thick and thin in that campaign, I was loyal to him and that is why he saw me.

So Farage said he was loyal to Trump.
Trump wanted Farage to be the UK Ambassador to the US.
I wonder why?

I’m not sure how loyal he is to Trump.
I reckon Farage is actually loyal to Farage, and no-one else.

Too many points to answer individually, but a few to throw into the mix.
In both World Wars the Yanks were sensible and didn’t join in until attacked. Quite right, and what Britain should have done. No-one will ever know if Germany would have attacked Britain in either conflict, but if it had Britain would have had more time to prepare.

What Britain should have done is supplied what it could to the countries that were attacked, just as the USA did to Britain especially in the 2nd one. Which is exactly why we should be doing what we are doing now to aid Ukraine, rather than rushing in and starting yet another world war.

I don’t know if there will be a financial payback from Ukraine in the years to come, I doubt it, but it should be remembered that the US aid to Britain was not a free gift in WW2. It came at a price, a loan if you like. A loan that was not repaid until the last instalment in 2006 (I think it was).So, for the whole of my working lifetime I was paying off a loan to the Yanks. Another good reason for aiding Ukraine, it is far cheaper than going to war.

Finally, nuclear war aside, which might obliterate everyone, the Yanks are useful, very useful to be in the NATO alliance, but they are not indispensable. The supposed mighty Russian army cannot even dispose of one, vastly inferior smaller former colony even after 2 years of trying and, with that and its need of multiple foreign mercenaries has shown itself to be a paper tiger over that time. There is no way it could take on the whole of an even USA absent NATO on that showing. So Trump’s blowhard is just that, hot air.


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Has Grant Shapps succeeded in doubling the D-Day squadron yet?

Last week it was said that the Parachute Regiment had to scale back on the planned 80th anniversary drop because only one plane was available. Has he found any more?

dont worry starmer is mates with saville so if he gets in i guess both will turn up.

Still waiting for your WW2 theory explanations Mr Coop.:thinking:

for some stupid reason i read dunkirk as d-day (had d-day on the brain)

to my recollection of history class the yanks captured two beaches and swung round behind the other three in a pincer movement. Unbeknown to the british and the americans the germans had fallen back to strengthen their strong hold further inland. as we invade further in from the 3 other beaches firing up at the encampments the americans throught it was the germans and fired back.

We have long had a Special Relationship with the US, and TF for that!

I’ve no idea what you’re on about there

Our relationship with the US is, like all relationships, not perfect. However, on the whole we have broadly similar values, so I’m happy that we continue to have that relationship with them.

Still waiting for the evidence that TB started the Afghan conflict…

post 842 its all there

who declares war and who is in charge of the reigning goverment of the time.

Tell that to the people of the Channel Islands; those are British shores

Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | 30 June 1940: ■■■■ occupation of the Channel Islands begins.

And it took more than simply breaking the code for Enigma (and the later Shark) to beat the Nazis. Any military historian would tell you we could not have done it without the US; we were on our collective derriere just before they joined in.

I don’t know what source you use for your history, but I highly recommend this, which I still watch even now even though I’ve watched the entire series more than a dozen times

I thought you got mixed up tbh…sort of thing I usually do.:smiley:

Never heard that story before, could have been the US Rangers assault on the Point du Hoc peninsula before the US beach landings at Omaha and Utah ?
As far as I know the large guns on that site were trained on those beaches.
The only other operations prior to the beach landings were Airborne, but still never heard of any large ‘friendly fire’ situations.
If you ever get the chance to visit the D day sites, go for it if like me you are interested in all that kind of stuff.

Except no one asked him to create a job for himself as a “go between”, we’ve already got that covered.

I know Nige sees himself as some kind of unelected Man of The People with his fake “ordinary bloke” routine but I for one don’t want that role to be taken by someone like him.

So SAS did what they were supposed to do and went in first, doing so as part of an international coalition. That still does not support your notion that Blair started the conflict

that one made me laugh. you dont want someone that is a straight talker and holds british values for britain and would actually prefer someone that soon as something didnt go his way trounced off like a petulant child and went to work for the eu against britain.

again… who gives the orders and declaires war… blair. i dont give a rats behind that they gave america a bloody nose it had bugger all to do with us. but blair being the coward he was wouldnt stand up to the yanks and fell in line while the rest of nato told them to do one