Political discussions...

Not surprised Poland are up there at the top and the rest of the countries in the vicinity of Russia…but Greece?
That is a surprise.

To be honest mate, way I see it the world could be on the brink of WW3 if things aint dealt with properly and prudently …(.yep I know Frangers, mega drama/ Queen clutching pearls and all the rest of it, )

But I do genuinely believe it.
A lot from what is said on the news and official sources (again, mate I know) but mostly from an ex Royal Marines mate, who’s son is also a RM, and what he tells his Dad and me…(that mebbys he shouldnt be btw :thinking:) .and the preperations they are undergoing in parts of Eastern Europe…which aint being done for fun.

So party politics is a triviality in comparison, in fact ANY bloody subject is, it is how well the next govt whatever party deals with the situation that we may face that is paramount.

Hope I have cheered you all up btw.:joy:

So the (as I see it) gains of Starmer’s most current gaff are instantly negated by an even bigger Sunak gaff, which would be about as popular as flatulence in a spacesuit with a generation who have been led to believe that top grades at GCSEs are an automatic key to a job where the starting salary is nothing less than 50k.

You have to wonder who Sunak and Starmer are listening to when they’re making up their election promises

In one sense yes, we have been a mere slip away from WW3 for decades now.

No point in screaming and clutching at our pearls, but proportionate actions and expenditure is always needed.

From the link you provided.
1999 to 2010 42.5 to 51.6 £b. Is that a cut ?

On a side note, on Sky News this morning, my favourite politician ‘No nonsence Nigel’ (Farage) has been getting flak for basically stating the truth.

When asked about National Service, after commenting (again truthfully) about how the forces have shrunk in 14 years of Conservatism, he went on to say…
‘We have a growing number of young people in this country, you see on the streets everyday,.who do not only not subscribe to Brit values, but in fact loath much of what Britain stands for’'.

To which the interviewer inevitably jumped on, with a self satisfied supercillious grin on his boat :roll_eyes: , and in a… ‘must not say any effin thing that could be construed (or chosen to be taken that way) as racist …not even if perfectly true’ , stylee asked.

Are we talikng about Muslims here?
(You could hear the woke drawing sharp breath.:flushed:)

To which Nigel replies…
‘We are’'.

Then he went on to discuss non integration…(to the inevitable pseudo for effect shock of the interviewer. :roll_eyes:)
Well said that man.:sunglasses:

I think the short period of me and Frangers agreeing has just bombed.:joy:

clearly not however how is that relevent. they did have a cut in 2001/02 while the afghan war was on that blair started then increased spending while operation peace or what ever the blood thing was called by blairs bromance with bush that achieved absolutely nothing.

the tories increased spending while the world was at peace and at a higher rate then labour

i know you have difficulty with averages and patterns of data but i think i made my point

I appreciate you have a personality-related view of political analyses, but you cannot blame Tony Blair for starting the conflict in Afghanistan.

so do we want a party that has shown that it will kowtoe to the yanks and be dragged into it for their gain or a party that has the balls to do what is necessary if it is needed.

I wonder what your mate and his son thinks about the sas soilder that spoke out about the equipment . I suspect you would have trouble repeating it and getting past the auto censor

personality related do you mean factual rather than blinkered by the media lies?

but to address the rest of it whose boots were first on the ground in Afghanistan hint it wasn’t the yanks

As far as defence goes…
I want a party in govt that will stick with the Yanks, as I am realistic enough to know damn well we do not have the resources to face a strong enemy with success on our own,.and the Yanks have proven in history to be a bloody good ally.
I have no military experience myself, but I would rather rely on the US forces than any Euro outfit

As for your question ,
Knowing a lot of ex Brit servicemen, (all of which have a similar character and tempranent) they will no doubt just get their heads down together, and get on with it, …and most succesfully to boot.


Brits were in Afghanistan in the early 19th century, so from that perspective, yes we were “first in” (link 1) :roll_eyes:

Link 2 from the Imperial War Museum (they know a thing or two about military history) tells us the UK were part of a US-led campaign, but even if we did land first (and you haven’t provided any back up for your statement), it was not the UK nor Tony Blair who began the conflict: It began because the Taliban sheltered Al Qaeda, who had attacked the US



there is a difference between working with and kowtowing to This is the reason we have nato so that one big country cant dominate another smaller country by force. This is another issue with the eu originally it was all agreed so there was a land mass between russia and the pesky Europeans that kept trying to invade now europe is right on its doorstep. Something the remain camp forget when they cry about the good friday agreement

the trouble with the yanks is they only get involved if they have a financial interest in doing so, since the 60’s their track record has been ok you go and have a punch up with that country over there and we will sell you the weapons. If they do get involved they just go hammer and tongs and its the rest that have to put it all back together.

and that is our problem because?? and before you start shouting about nato where were france, italy, spain etc etc they all told em tough

Could not gaf mate.
The Americans have proven to be a sturdy ally, that is why you are not known today as Herr Cooper and me as Herr Rob.
If their motive is anything financially beneficial, I can live with that.
The ‘kow tow’ thing as opposed to working with, is YOUR opinion, and tbf you ate entitled to it, but it aint mine.

No conscience Farage?

Who has decided that after being beaten time after time (including by a dolphin related independent) that he will not be standing as an MP this time?
Try, try…and again…and give up. *

Since he has already said that he gave his allegiance to a foreign leader, maybe he is afraid of being called a traitor?
Or maybe he sees more $ signs working for Trump than working for the UK?

*Seriously? He probably should have been an MP.
UKIP and Reform Ltd have support and should have MPs. With FPTP that is unlikely to happen.

except of course the germans never landed on british shores and we had cracked the enigma machine before the yanks joined. What the yanks did do was shorten the war,

:flushed: Wowsers :grin:
I can see you aint took much notice of him,.and not formed a proper opinion.

But yeah, come on now , apart from all that, you love him really.

Anybody who is anti EU, and says what he sees, is ok by me.:thinking:

At first I thought you were gonna say Nigel and ‘A dolphin related INCIDENT’ :flushed:
Wondered where you were going with it. :joy:

Beyond parody or comment, so I won’t.

go on ill bite where has he said he has given his allegance to a foreign leader if your talking about trump he has said he would work as a go between trump and the british pm

Aye whatever.:joy:
And we had a decimated Army with virtually no equipment returning didillsioned and virtually defeated from Dunkirk,… after an alliance with the French.

And then potentially facing an all out Blitzkreig with crack ground troops, including ruthless Waffen SS , and elite Falshumjager patatroopers on British shores…facing them alongside Dads Army…(no disrespect intended btw, all bloody brave men.)

So how do you reck we would stand up to that if the Yanks had not stepped in?

Not to mention the lend lease scheme with ships etc …oh aye another financially led scheme you would say?
Nah I’ll still stick with the Americans.

Btw the ONLY reason they did not invade was bad management by Hitler abd his ■■■■ for Russian invasion.