Political discussions...

i think its aimed at those that are drawing their pension at the moment which being as young and prosperous as me (21 ((again))) im sure your not

No I’m not drawing a pension, (a tiny bit) too young for that, though “retirement age” is not that far off. However, it is purely “a concept” from my point of view, I have no plans in that direction

There are sites advising on how to vote tactically.
And unsurprisingly there are sites pretending to advise on how to vote tactically.
Last election one Tory party number pretended to be an independent fact checking site.
Yesterday Sunak pretended to be at a Q & A session with the public. The questioners included at least two Tory councillors and no outside press could film it.

Putting the name of your constituency will give accurate results of voting in past elections, but if, as you say, there are different parties standing then it isn’t easy to see what to do from that.

From the Tory Party?
No I haven’t.

I did get contact from the Gov before my 66th birthday.

If any party were to contact me, I would be asking them where they got my details from.

Perhaps we should modernise the election process with “a dance-off”:
Oi, Starmer! Sunak!..

Theme music wise,

Hendrix’s “If 6 Was 9” could be the theme for all Chancellors of every party.

For far too many hopeful voters, Fleetwood Mac
“Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies”

Famously sung in Jungle Book by a snake (newer version linked)
“Trust In Me”…Just in Me…

Edited after a telling off…

EDIT: Well done for having the industry to insert Youtube links for those on here who may not know those tunes (not me, I spent years working in “a record shop”)

Yes, they all tell me to vote Labour, but I don’t want a Labour landslide any more than I want a Tory one, so the late edition to the line-up has cheered me up somewhat. But I can’t find anything about him on t’internet, he might be a raving lunatic for all I know.

BTW the Tories haven’t even picked their sitting member yet, what does that say about him?

Personally I don’t think there will be any kind of landslide, most people are far too disillusioned to believe so wholeheartedly, and not sufficently fearful enough to vote en masse for only one option - Johnson only scored his huge margin because any right thinking person was scared of what Corbyn could potentially do if he got into a position of real influence.

They haven’t gotten around to drawing straws yet? :grinning:

Lots of Tories are standing down, some only announcing that recently so the party mechanism is grinding along.
I daresay the same might be true with other parties too.

ReformUK Ltd is apparently putting up 630 candidates from nowhere. I wonder how many will be well vetted and reliable folk?
Mind you Tice has already promised that he would eliminate all NHS waiting lists in 2 years. Presumably by eliminating it altogether.

At least he has no criminal record etc then.
Or just recently changed names?

Phil Moorhouse is a Labour supporting commentator. He doesn’t pretend to be unbiased.

His YT today is not about the politics per-se, but about the campaign management so far.

I found a lot of the background images of Tweets etc, as well as his points quite entertaining.
Even retailers are getting in on the act!

Today Sunak was in Belfast, giving plenty of photo ops around the…wait for it…
…Titanic Quarter…
As Moorhouse wonders is Armando Ianucci involved somewhere?

Edit to add another song:
As Gove and Leadsom join the record number of Tory MPs quitting.

Kier Starmer is today Rishi Sunak’s surprise best buddy
Wants to allow 16 year old’s to vote? What a 'tard

I’ve got a 16 year old at home, I couldn’t trust him to make decisions about the shopping list, if I did there’d be no coffee, only cans of Monster…

Appropriate tracks for the occasion?

In my Superstar DJ days :smiley:, at the end of my set, late night/early morning, when everyone was pi55ed, I used to play a smoochy record, such as ‘Different Corner’ George Michael, or Madonna ‘Crazy for you’, or something along those lines.
I used to call it the ‘Erection Section’ …for obvs reasons.
Maybe Sunak and Starmer could do a steamy smooch together in the… ‘Election Erection Section’. :smiley:



Count Binface has repeated Dizzy Lizzie’s election video!

Is this the right room for an argument?

Not at all sure that this is one i want, but…

Yeah…there is a valid point there.
“No taxation without representation” ?
So, should all under 18 be exempt from taxation?

I am very sure that “me” as a 16 year old would have different views to me as a …21(?)…plus, year old. Of course.

But who says that age brings wisdom?
The old ■■■■■ do, that’s for sure. Just look at the wise ole souls running for pres in the US!

I think Dishy has lost all the young voters Conservatives plan to bring back mandatory National Service - BBC News

Listen! What is that sound?

Is it a barrel being scraped?
Nope that is the sound of another £2.5billion dropping off the money tree.

The Tories cut defence funding and reduce military numbers for years, then when the polls are against them…
Has anyone asked whether the current military bosses want to use their time training personal who won’t be there long enough to do much good?

Volunteering to help the NHS and other institutions is definitely a good thing. Getting staff to shepherd reluctant conscripts isn’t .

I know what you are saying, but defence cuts have being going since the (supposed) end of the Cold war.
(Conscription as you say aint the answer,.recruitment of willing volunteers is a good part of it.)

All governments since that time have just hoped for the best and stuck their fingers in their ears and turned a blind eye to.any potential threat.
Then Putin rears his ugly ■■■■■■ head and it bites them on the arse…quelle surprise Rodney.:roll_eyes:
If this was 1982 there would be no chance of the task force to the Falklands, that is for sure.
To all the US haters on here, you (and those of us who aint) should thank your god for the Americans to bale us out once again, without them we are in.a 1940 style well and truly rubber ducked as far as enough equipment fot conventional warfare goes (if it escalates to nuclear we are ALL in that rd predicament on both sides)

Did I read somewhere that if Trump gets in he is threatening to disband NATO ?unless countries in Europe contribute somewhere near the same as the US financially ?

Strap yourselves in, I just hope Starmer is competent and astute enough tosee what is going on.

Bit of a heavy convo for me a Sunday morn methinks…must br the end of thr football season.:joy:

Want a couple of graphs? :grinning:

NATO asks that all members spend 2% of Gross Domestic Product on defence.
Here are those that do and don’t.

And how has UK spending changed over time?

Under Thatcher/Major a fall from about 5% to 2.7%
Blair/Brown 2.7% to 2.5%
Cameron etc onwards 2.5% down to 2.1% but now up to 2.3%.

Both parties are making claims they will go to 2.5% if elected.

Trump makes lots of claims and says many contradictory things.
I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.

NATO would be next to nothing without the US. But the US would need to spend even more if it’s current allies were hung out to dry.
As in so many things spending up front, saves spending even more later.

while i agree the idea is silly starmer has a cheek pointing the finger at the tories saying they hollowed out spending when blair cut spending when there was a war on more than the tories have in their last stint with no war on (it increased from 2017 on wards)

in 2010/11 budget was 51.6 billion it fell to 44.3 in 2016/17 so 7.3 billion in 6 years or 1.22 billion a year. 2000/2001 budget was 43 billion 2001/02 budget fell to 41.6 so 1.4 billion in a year when there was a war on that they started compared to 1.22 billion with no war.

as said in 2010/11 budget was 51.6 so from 2002 it rose 10 billion in 8 years 1.25 billion a year. from 2016/17 to 2022/23 funding rose from 44.3 to 55.5 an increase of 11.2 billion in 6 years or average increase of 1.86 billion a year

so in other words the tories have cut less on average and increased the budget more and we arent at war technically where labour was,