Political discussions...

And you actually (as an obvious Labour supporter) think that is the BEST if not the ONLY reason I should vote for Labour then ? :flushed:
So to sum up in layman’s terms…
The Tories are a crock of sh, Labour is also a crock of sh…but not as big a crock as the Tories…so best to vote Labour.

I was kinda expecting a TN Frangers party political broadcast, complete with stats, spin and links… not summet as lame as that that. :flushed:

Well, if you want someone to say everything will be wonderful, all of our problems can be solved by a few easy actions, there are no bad side effects? Then just revisit the Leave campaign manifesto, or any of Johnson’s speeches.

Lots of politicians will tell you what you want to hear.

The world is a complicated place, and politicos can only do so much.
Just look at the past and see who has done the least harm to us? Looks clear to me that the Tories are normally the worst for the average Brit.

Maybe you want to join those who say “I will vote for the party that promises, lower taxes and more benefits”?
I though you were a little more realistic than that?

I have consistently said that I think Starmer is better than any Tory. And I do believe that.
I have also said that I think Caroline Lucas is a very competent and honest politician.
While he was around, I had a bit of time for Ken Clarke too; he maybe helped tone down some of Thatcher’s more extreme measures.

Labour do not have the right answers to everything, but are far better than any realistic choice for me.
If we had PR instead of FPTP I might say differently.

Ok lets cut the RR/Frangers tennis banter for a minute…:smiley:
Serious head on…

Bearing in mind I rarely believe any words from any MP or politician, because as you suggest, they tell you what they think that you WANT to here, I think policies on the future of the NHS are a strong deciding factor for a vote from me.

My theory (for what that is worth) is that the reason for the pi55 poor procedures at GPs to actually get an appointment, and the totally derisory waiting times at A&Es, are artificially manufactured as an agenda by the govt, to get you to go private…as was the present situation in NHS dentistry.

I dont know about you, but when rapidly approaching the time of life where I will be inevitably needing more visits to the doctors than now (now virtually never btw) I can sure as hell not afford to pay for it out of my own pocket,.especially as I have paid tax and NI since non stop, since I was 16.

So who ever looks more promising (literally) to maintain, improve, and carry on with the NHS will more than likely be a deal breaker for me.
If that is Labour, so be it.
As for personality wise, (which like it or not is a strong consideration for many voters :roll_eyes:) Starmer comes across as a decent bloke, (despite supporting Arsenal :smiley:) but he is an MP…is it all an act ?
Jury out.

Ok…serious head off, ‘lad’s head’ back on,…in a Worzel Gummidge stylee.:grinning:
Out for a couple of pints tonight, and looking forward to City thrashing the unmentionables so that Newcastle keep our next season’s European (Mickey mouse) competion status.
Normal service resumed. :sunglasses::joy:

ive come to the conclusion that starmer could pull his pants down and take a dump on the kings lap and most would say he was better than a tory. You wont get any real debate any facts will be ignored or twisted and anything that contradicts the labour as being above the bunch of lying scum they are that will destroy all the good that has been achieved will be ignored or classed as fortune telling.

If you want some reasons to vote tory Immigration more proper police not the pcso crap labour landed us with, Proper sorting of the nhs not just flooding it with failed doctors from other countries, sensible economic growth not just borrowing to fund the next harebrained scheme and proper educational reform not just training any muppet that can do a four year micky mouse course that it is now.

is the "unmentionables " any team that might beat them

So fourteen years wasn’t enough? Why would five more years make any difference?

I think that the waiting time graph above tells it all.
Wait times increase under Thatcher and Major, decrease under Blair/Brown and rise again under Cameron etc. And that is all before Covid, so that is no excuse.

Also look at the Tory MP who crossed the floor before Elphicke did.
Quote Dan Poulter
"The consultant psychiatrist, who served as a health minister under the coalition from 2012 to 2015, told the BBC: “I found it increasingly difficult to look my NHS colleagues in the eye, my patients in the eye, and my constituents in the eye with good conscience.”
He suggested the party had stopped valuing public services, saying: "The difficulty for the Conservative Party is that the party I was elected into valued public services… it had a compassionate view about supporting the more disadvantaged in society.
“I think the Conservative Party today is in a very different place”

Even Thatcher would be hard put to call those in power to-day “Conservatives”.

Re Starmer, did you get around to watching Jess Phillips talking about him?
Phillips says she was feeling some sympathy for Sunak and Starmer said, “Oh, just ■■■■ off, Jess”.

it wasnt 14 years it was 9. 2010 to 2015 cameron was hamstring by clegg any decent thing cameron wanted to do was blocked by the lib dems.

cameron said he would sort out the eu and hold a referendum he did. he might not of liked the outcome but he did what he said.

may only got the job because she hadnt said if she was pro brexit or anti brexit. she proved herself to be anti brexit and spent 3 years lining her pockets. The british public caught on to this and voted in boris who did everything he said he was going to do. apart from build 40 hospitals by the time the next ge was announced as he only had 2.5 years in power and 2 of those was dealing with covid. then you had the bike from the east that spent her entire time in office with her knickers round her ankles probably. then lastly you have the current one that has reduced waiting lists increased trade and come up with a plan to stop immigration.

what did labour do in the 13 years they were in power? weaken the defense strategy even further than thatcher create a load of non jobs that cost money rather than save money and claim there are more police officers or what ever sector they went to. fill the shortages with non british nationals paid the french to deal with the immigration issue and open the borders to mass migration to staff the non jobs that just pushed up the gdp when in reality we made less and exported less.

so in short if you want to go on past failures… i guess you will welcome boris back

Yeah I saw it.:grin:

He was on ‘Sunday Brunch’ this week (ok yeah, I know, but the wife watches it :smiley:) tbf he did come across as being down to earth a lot more than I thought …a football fan who likes beer and curry :smiley:.

As I said though mate, it’s part of his job to appeal to people, more so these next few weeks, so I aint fully convinced, but there ya go.
I have already said that wots her face who is his deputy has the right qualifications and life experience to appeal to the working class, the fact she allegedlly made a few quid out of her council house or whatever, does not even come on my radar, they are (or can be ) all a bit dodgy, some are better hiding it than others…not bothered.
So still making up my mind.

The Tories were the dominant partner, the Lib Dems were used like a $10 “lady of the night”, ergo that was a Tory government

Seriously, for gawds sake just accept Boris is gone and gone for good, and good riddance to a disgraced PM

As an aside, I wonder if Brian Cox’s bank account will benefit from this election?

I think any royalties that might be due would be dwarfed by his payments from the BBC

But are Labour really re-hashing this track? I thought the background to the speech was just a one off

T’was mere musings on my part.

Steve Bray certainly was adding to the moment though by playing that track as Sunak was standing there getting a soaking.

I have no idea whether or not Labour or Tories or anyone has official tunes/songs for the campaign?
Maybe some useful or (more likely) insulting suggestions are incoming? hint. :wink:

Matt Hancock has had the Tory whip restored…

Who came up with that idea I wonder?

Just before an election remind everyone of his performance as Health Minister?
Of his mate getting a Covid contract?
Of his personal behaviour at that time?
Of him buggering off to earn money on TV rather than serve his local constituents?

Was the idea to re-instate him-- from Labour HQ?

Corbyn has announced that he will be standing as an independent.
Starmer has said that the inquiry (a very long one) into Diane Abbott should report in the next few days and then it will be decided whether or not she will have the Labour whip restored or not.

For the Tories

For Labour

The really are all a bunch of s hits aren’t they, and I am bombarded with urgings to vote tactically. I am trying very hard to make my mind up, but I see that there is a LibDem in my constituency now, apparently there wasn’t one last time. I didn’t know that. :thinking:

For we the electorate, I would like to suggest our theme song should be a slight paraphrasing of the Smiths classic: Panic (Hang the MP)

Though I feel it may all lead to a little bit too much of

has any one had a questionnaire from the tories about their pensions?

No but I get regular mailings from our incumbent MP, who is a Tory, and naturally they’re all a little carried away with their selves because of The Blue Baron’s surprise re-election