Political discussions...

There’s something a bit fishy about this “Announcement”…

Consider the following as a “Chess Play”:

Sunak has been told by the Governor of the Bank of England that he’s about to cut interest rates 125 basis points, taking rates back to 4%.

Sunak announces that he’s calling an election tonight but then gets cold feet when some BoE insider loyal to Sunak informs him that Bailey intends only an interest rate cut of 25 basis rather than 125 basis, meaning that such an “Underwealming” interest rate cuts - makes no difference to current polls and Tory popularity whatsoever…
Sunak then gets taken down by the Parliamentary Tory Party in a vote of No Confidence, and the subsuquent “False Flag” July 4th Election - doesn’t then happen.

The PTP then announce that they’ll be sticking to outgone Sunak’s original pledge that “The election will take place in the second half of this year”…

Thus, the PTP have replaced Sunak with yet another unelected PM - without having to dash themselves on the electoral rocks first

Your Move, pundits!

Oh ffs wont that clash and interfere with Euro 24? :flushed:.

First thing I thought when I heard the announcement wasnt …
'‘About time for the good of the country’


‘I wonder who will win’ it was …

‘Frangers will have an erection for next few weeks’.:joy:
Plenty of time for you to build a Peter Snow type ‘swingometer’ in yer front room Frangers and invite yer mates round.:joy:.

Seriously though the working classes or us, should be thinking…
‘Great let’s get a party in that is going to look after US’.
Sorry there aint one, and I’m feeling the need to quote Roger Daltrey again…
‘Meet the new boss, same as the old Boss’.

So basically I’ll be too busy watching the football, and ignore all the empty promises from all sides that will be inevitably broken…as usual.

You won’t be surprised to hear that the above is the only bit of that that I agree with. :wink: :rofl:

But I am genuinely undecided as to how to vote. The LibDems are my natural home but I fell out with them a few years ago over a lack of response issue. I am urged to vote Labour to tactically eject the Tories, but am wondering what is best to do to assure a hung parliament, and thus avoid the more extremes of the others.

On the other hand, confusion could reign with that. :slightly_frowning_face:

So to sum up…

Lib Dem…wasted vote.

Tories…Already epically effed up so why would you ?

Labour…They made an even bigger f/up last time than the Tories this.

It’s like choosing your method of death.
Different options same outcome.

I know what you mean.
A real sign of the Democratic Deficit in the UK.

If only we had Proportional Representation?
Just like the EU does.

Well, yes.
If you believe everything the Tories and their media owning cronies tell you.
But if you choose to look at facts and figures, it isn’t that simple at all.

humm tories or labour which one screwed the country more…
lets look at the issues
mass migration, nhs overwhelmed, eu rubbish, national debt, low wages,
unemployment, no police and international trade to name a few that have been discussed before.

i wonder when all that lot started to go ■■■■ up and who has corrected it since…

I realise it wouldnt of made a difference because people would be hypocritical and not care but they should wait until the investigation into rayner is over and see if starmer sacks her or if he gives the same excuse as last time.

I clearly dont believe everything the Tories tell me, illustrated by my clear opinions on here, and the fact that I won’t vote for them this time.
Believing the media and official lines?
I’m sure we have been here before.
Are you now going to assure us (backed up with links and stats) that contrary to popular belief (hence the fact they were kicked out) Labour did a brilliant job last time, so we should vote for them.

I don’t like the idea of very strong Gov majorities who can force thing through on the party whip.
Hung Parliaments can be hamstrung.

LibDem/Green and in the past UKip are under represented because of the FPTP system. I expect that Reform Ltd will be underrepresented this time, if they put any candidates up.

PR has ben a subject for discussion for a long time, and is IMHO well overdue. It seems that it has been discussed in the Labour Party, but whether or not it will appear in their manifesto?

A brilliant job? I wouldn’t say that.
I would say, they didn’t do half as badly as some would have you believe.

Good point.
But we might upset RR if we actually look at facts and figures? Not just rhetoric and rumour.
So another good reason to do so!

we have and you insist to belive that having a pound in your pocket is more than having 10 pounds in your pocket

Sack her? What for?

Ah, I see:
You aren’t waiting for the investigation to be over, you have already decided she is guilty.

she is guilty of council tax fraud end of. To claim a property as your principle and only property you have to be there more often than not on a weekly basis. You are only allowed to have people over a certain number of nights per year otherwise they are classed as living there as well.

this isnt a oh dear im a ditz i didnt know the rules this is a carefully calculated and planned event(s). Then to stand on the pulpit and shout about fraud and social housing and scream and shout about others that have done less than her stinks of hypocrisy something you say you are against

so yes i have decided and so should the courts if it is a fair trial (which it wont be because starmer will have a word with his mates.

So, let’s look at some facts?
Remember that we Thatcher and Major 1979-'90 and '90-'97
Blair and Brown '97-2007 and '07-2010.
Cameron and Clegg '10-'15
Various Tories since then.

Mass migration.
Higher under Lab than under Thatcher/Major.
Higher under Tories since 2010 than under Blair/Brown.
2022 and '23 were both very high figures.

NHS overwhelmed.
I can’t find any figures for overwhelmedness of the NHS, but waiting lists figures and graphs are available.
Under Thatcher/ Major a slow rise in waiting times.
Blair/Brown consistent falls’
Tories since then rises in wait times. (NB that is before 2019 too so Covid is not an excuse)

National Debt
'80 to '97 Tory from 40% to 36%
Blair/Brown 36% to 70%
Tory 70% to just over 100%. Now it notable that the last rise under Brown was because of a Global recession and that the Tories have had Covid. However it was up to 80% before Covid hit. The recent Tory Govs have done no better than Labour.

It is also valid I believe to ask what National Debt really is?
In one sense it is borrowing against the future.
Under Blair/Brown it was spending to build more hospitals and schools and employing Drs Nurses and Teachers. Raising the general living standards for all quickly.

Low wages.
How are we to measure wages?

Over 10% under Thatcher. Major got it down to 7ish% and Blair/Brown got it further down.
Global crash got it up again, and the current Gov have got it 4-ish%.
U.K. Unemployment Rate 1960-2024 | MacroTrends.

A definite rise under Blair/Brown and a definite fall under the current Tories…right up until the last two years anyway.
It is now the same-ish number as when Labour were last in power, except that we now have a bigger population…

International Trade.

Not doing very well lately are we?

im not going to explain it all again to you

your economics are akin to truss and her cronie

ill stick with the rest of the world and accept that 10 pounds in your pocket is better than 1 pound in your pocket with nothing to show for the lost 9 pounds

I find the irony of FRANGLAIS telling ME ‘not to believe everything I hear’ astounding.:joy: but obviously lost on him.
One word…Covid.

Also on this very thread a few weeks ago I genuinely asked him for a good reason for me to vote Labour, to which he continuously deflected the question…mostly with his trademark condescending patroniding smart arse answers.

But now our resident authority and expert on all things politcs, the political correspondent of TN has imparted his political wisdom to me.

To paraphrase…

I should vote Labour because they did not make as big a balls up as the Tories.
Cheers for that mate, you have turned me around.

To “explain it all again”, it would have been necessary to have had a prior explanation.

“My economics”?
Well ignore any explanation I gave, and just at the figures, and the dates, and who was in power?

Let the facts speak for themselves.

Well, yes.
Quite accurate.

i have done so over the last 770 posts