Political discussions...

So, Starmer did not say 40,000 more appointments in 100 days.

The train line promised many times by different people is not going ahead.

More money for everyone, everywhere…
Yeah, right.

All governments borrow money, that’s a given: Tory, Labour, Count Binface Reform Everything Party… It makes no difference

where did i say no one else did… i just said they will borrow more than and use it less wisely than the conservatives

he clearly said he was having discussions now so that he didnt have to waste time in the first 100 days doing things that can be sorted now. so if it is this magic pill that labour have been spouting about and now made one of their aims clearly it will be done with in 100 days if its all sorted before the election as he said it will be

the trainline that no one wants end of

has your pension gone up or down? has your tax allowance gone up or down. has the interest on your savings gone up or down?

wait 1 minuet you think having a pound in your pocket is better than having 10 pounds in your pocket no wonder your disappointed.

you dont work for three do you they seem to use your maths as well… they flogged me a 600 quid phone for 11.81 a month for 36 months with 50 pounds down ie 475.16 a difference of 125 quid

Frangers if I find myself at a loose end after removing my earwax, and watching my new paint dry,.I may have a look at the… political speech :flushed: you recommended to me.

If you really want to persuade me you need to spell out the attraction.
Does it involve fit buxom blonde women, Newcastle Utd, Alan Sherarer, or where I can buy pints of bitter for £1.50 for instance ? :wink:

Bloody hell the disapointment.
My curiousity got the better of me, but all I got was this .:flushed:

I will never know now.:flushed:

Ah! So you have solid inside information on an election that hasn’t yet happened and a government that hasn’t been elected yet? Impressive…
While you’ve got your crystal ball out, may as well give us the lottery numbers for next week?

Good. Forward planning at work.

In your imagination maybe. I have heard no “magic pills” mentioned lately.
Not since 2016 and “all ups with no downsides” and the “oven ready deal” etc in 2019.

That is your opinion? Fine, up to you.
But no one is promising that.

The trainline that many in the Midlands and North wanted.
But even if no-one wanted it…it was commissioned by and supported by the Tories over many administrations including your fav Johnson.
The stopping of it at the stage it was at was foolishness.
There is an argument that it was a bad idea. But all the Tory Govs, until the latest administration have been for it, hence my comment, which you took exception to, that the Tories promise things but don’t deliver.

Been playing with a VPN…

Try this

sure i can the same way i can predict what labour will do looking at their past behavior and listening to starmer himself saying borrowing will increase for the first 5 years and wont go back down to current levels for 10 years

but you asked for the lottery numbers… they will be 6 numbers between 1 and 59

ok lets put this as simply as possible. if starmer needs x to put his plan into fruition he has to wait till x is archived correct? ill help you out yes that is correct. so he is putting all the bits in place now so when he comes into power it is all ready to go nothing to wait for so quite simply we will have 40,000 more appointments a week with in 100 days as he has clearly said. Just like he said he will sort immigration and education day one…

Please, where has he “clearly said” that?

He did say “As quickly as we can. As swiftly as we can”…“I won’t put a number on it” … “I don’t want to waste the first, say, hundred days, of a Labour Government having discussions we could be having now”

He has never said it will be sorted in 100 days.

only you franglais could say all that and still not get it will be done with in 100 days you quoted his words. i cant explain it to you any simpler i suggest you go back over what i have said and what he has said. He has been blasting the conservatives for doing nothing so he has had plenty of time to come up with a plan. he himself has said he is sorting it now before he gets into power so he doesnt have to waste time so what is left to do?


Could it be he is a brainless idiot baying at the moon that like most of the population cant think for himself let alone wipe his own behind and actually hasnt got any plan at all and just spouting gibberish because his pollsters are telling him thats what people want to hear.

HS2 project was a labour idea not conservative. They did bugger all with it. Boris kicked it of in 2020 since then 2/3 of the viaducts 1/2 of the bridges and 1/3 of the tunnels have already been completed and construction underway at 350 sites.

Get some more Doctors maybe?

Labour commissioned the study.
Cameron started it off.

July 2019.
"Boris Johnson’s promise to fund the high-speed rail route between Manchester and Leeds has been met with optimism from transport bodies but Liverpool Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram has questioned the focus on Transpennine connectivity over routes linking Liverpool and Manchester.

The Prime Minister announced the Government’s backing for the scheme in a speech over the weekend, Johnson said: “I want to be the Prime Minister who does with Northern Powerhouse Rail what we did for Crossrail in London”.
Nov 2021
, the prime minister, Boris Johnson, said it been “clear that the plans – first drawn up 11 years ago – had to change”,

But critics in the north and Midlands say it is a “rail betrayal” and a watered down version of what was promised.

nope the 40,000 appointments a week are going to be provided by current doctors and nurses working overtime in the evenings and weekends no extra staff needed.


so plans drawn up by a lunatic that screwed the country even more than blair (brown) have to change 11 years later now that is a surprise.

so they have done what they said they are going to do. ie started work on the feasible bits and come up with solutions to the non feasible bits. its not the governments fault that they are dealing with a load of communist turn coats that would vote to capsize the lifeboat they were on if boris told them not to

Well…yes, I s’pose.
I will repeat: Labour commissioned a study’
Cameron started the scheme.

The plans were changed 11 years after the start, but only a couple of years after Johnson said they were going ahead.

It has been said staff will be offered overtime to do more.
I don’t know if that has been accepted and agreed upon?

But nowhere has he said it will be done in 100 days.
Starmer specifically said to Mason that he would not a figure on it (the time)

It’s all communist turncoats now?
Oh my days!

And that’s about as useful as your other “political analyses”

The rumour mill is firing on all cylinders at the moment regarding the date of the next election…
Annndddd…we’re off!

July 4th.

Bang the starting gun has been fired for a 4th July election

The only down side is that some of the politically sensitive comedy shows will be somewhat hamstrung for a few weeks, but hey-ho! A small price to pay.

And I guess that in the interests of balance…GBN will be off air for the duration?