Political discussions...

My local labour candidate is a Libdem turncoat to Labour… Trouble is, there was only Red, Blue, and Yellow on my ballot paper last time, leaving me to hold my nose and vote for Un-Cushty Chishti…

They started with 989 seats and ended with 515. Who predicted a loss os 100%?

I seem to remember you once saying that you would vote for any party that promised more public services and lower taxes?

In that case, going from 989 to 515 means the Guardian had it spot on other a month ago…

Yes, that still stands. If Starmer says he’ll boost public services and cut taxes - I’ll be voting Labour for the first time ever.
If he says he’ll stick to anything Tory spending wise, he won’t be able to do that of course, and I’ll be voting for NEITHER.

It is time we had partisan politics again, if the mainstream parties are going to survive.

About as believable as a Truss/Kwarteng budget or an “all upsides no downsides” Brexit.
That would put me right off voting for someone. Either they are innumerate or they are lying to me.

I find him creepy (witness the smarmy welcome to the latest defecter from Dover) and insincere. Although I can’t stand the idiot Abbott, but keeping her out of his party without a hearing for such a long time despite the so-called ‘anti-semitism’ remarks is beyond the Pale for someone who professes a belief in democracy and justice. Both he and the Anneliese woman conveniently overlook that person’s right wing utterances and anti-Labour stance over the time she has been in Parliament. Also I am not sure he was so anti Corbyn when that man led the Party. Again a confusion between justice for a whole people displaced and still being displaced from their land since 1948 and translating that to being anti Jewish, just so that he doesn’t upset that sector of the community, hardly helps with my distrust of Starmer.

To add to my woes, I have similar doubts about the LibDems too, because I am a former member (I left when they repeatedly fobbed off a question I had about a personal accusation I had heard of the then leadership) I get every email they send out to me and have yet to read a word about the future relationship they believe in between the UK and the EU. Worried about scaring off the Brexiteers I assume.

Finally, I simply don’t think there is the talent on display at the moment to run the country efficiently.

I do hope you weren’t expecting a 2 word answer :rofl: :joy:

I did expect a reasoned argument, rather than a one or two word post, and got one.

I find it hard to disagree much with your comments about Abbott being kept out, for so long. Either kick her out completely or invite her back.

I also agree about the decision to allow Elphick into the party is…peculiar. It is a slap in the face for the Tories, but is she really an asset to Labour? Has she really changed that much?
I dunno, that is for sure.

I can accept, although not be happy about Labour trying hard not to scare the horses by going hammer and tongs at radical changes, until they are sure they have strong support from the country.

I have in the past voted for different parties to try to keep a worst case candidate out, but didn’t succeed in my intentions. That was in the 70’s 80’s and a lot was going on then.

Starmer’s personality?
I have no issues with it. I can imagine better MPs to go to the pub with, but I wouldn’t trust any of them with my wallet, whereas I would trust him.

Oh, and I trust Rachel Reeves very much.

The only way any party could pay for the policy rollouts I’m interested in - is to cut the foreign aid budget to zero.
This effectively makes doing thus - a new “one issue” reason to vote for ANY party - doesn’t it?

Brexit was popular - because “not paying £350m a week” to the EU - enabled that much to be used elsewhere.

Trouble is, we STILL pay money over to the EU, because we still access purchases from their common market.
We pay for membership still then, but don’t have any MEPs to argue the toss in the Euro Parliament any longer.

Brexit was literally “Turkeys voting for Christmas” and little else, it seems.
A Brexit so “Oven Ready” and SOFT that only those wanting it - have now been made to lose out FROM it.

I’d be interested to hear from Remainers who PERSONALLY have lost out because of Brexit such that they still beat the drum for “re-joining”, which is a bit daft, becase we’re still 90% in anyways.

if anyone liked spitting image there is a show on radio 4 tonight at 6.30 called dead ringers

Yes, “Deadringers”, excellent listening.
It’s a pity “The Now Show” has run it’s course, that was great too.

As an old f art I do find some of the “celebrities” to be off my radar, but still enjoy Dead Ringers, and liked The Now Show.

I still have fond memories of Week Ending too.
I remember driving late on a Friday when instead of the expected
“Week Ending Friday 18th January 1991”, it was
“Peace Ending Friday 18th January 1991”.

And on one occasion instead of
“A look at all the news this week” it was “A look at most of the news this week”.
They didn’t take the pee out of Dunblane. Anything else was ripped apart.

Very peculiar times we live in…

Dominic Cummings, yes the publicity officer for Barnard Castle, has started a new political party…

I normally try to avoid foretelling results, but in this case?
I predict that if Count Binface stands in the GE then he will get far more votes than Cummings.

Who does he expect to actually support him?
Who hasn’t he upset in the past few years?

Dear Lord! What kind of drugs are these people on? There’s already RP UK, now this one is having a go?

In case anyone thought you were kidding about that:

Lies, Dam lies, and political claims…

Once again the Tories have been called out for misleading claims.
This time it is claiming that the NHS are recording record falls in waiting lists.

Here it is reported in…Canada, for a change. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/conservative-partys-official-social-media-114543899.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIA4eEtI_txGAa3yApsbEi8uu1GYcm4eyh9MGzqF2H4fJmjmZRI0sQKhyQHUKIf0R_x46RKtixiiRY04aASvzBf7AEOihEae05tHR6adENBcjPSQGaL10Oh0oB3lGmg-nk5Vox0G_TXobbBIEsucEFgQkSFLz59fNLgv9HPSXmHK

And Badenoch is at it again

Just to lighten the mood a little…:smiley:

labour today have announced their policies apparently (no different to what they were a year ago)

so starmer the indecisive has said he will sort immigration day one. sort education day one and sort 40,000 nhs appointments a week with in 100 days

all this will be funded by tax dodgers unless of course your rayner or some of the other labour party then it doesn’t matter to him

Not promising rail links one year and cancelling them the next.
Not promising money for the North today, and promising the same money to the Home Counties tomorrow.
Consistency will be a nice change.

Is in direct contradiction to

“Straw man” argument.

Even the Torygraph has stopped flogging that dead horse!

The T-G seems to be also forgetting Zahawi, and his £5mllion tax…issues… as it’s owners, the Barclays, are apparently taking him in another role with the Very Group.

no there was an article the other day saying the police were going to interview her under caution for a second time

sorry it what he has said

is that the rail link that none of the northerners wanted in their back yard and the funding that happened to all parts of the country

but dont worry thats exactly what starmer has done with his tax campaign so we wont be supporised

Go on then: please show where he said that 40,000 extra NHS appointments would be there within 100 days?

He did say that from day one immigration and education would be worked on.
I see nothing at all controversial about that.

Ah, the rail link that was promised multiple times and then cut back to the point of being pointless.
The only part of “The Northern Powerhouse” that sort of made any sense at all, and was welcomed by many in the North but moaned about by those further South who had property bought up etc?
Yes, the project that has already bought up property, and is now all for (next to) nowt.

“The funding for all parts of the country”?
So the “money tree” has produced fruit! Everyone wins!
As economically innumerate as promising extra services with no extra taxes.

Strange video has appeared from Elphicke.
She is seen to be smiling, and relaxed, anvery unlike her previous self.

If the country leaves the Tories behind at the next election will we all be so positive?

Elphicke got a mention on last night’s HIGNFY.
Labour’s Jess Phillips had a few comments to make about her. I am a fan of that programme anyway but even @robroy might like Phillips’s contribution.
She is a bit of a “plain speaker”!

Phillips is on throughout but the bit starting at 12-00 is worth a look.

oh the train-line that lets me get from where i live in kent to liverpool in 3-4 hours and lancaster in 3.5-4.5 hours or newcastle in 4-5 hours.

yes nhs police housing need me to go on?

if i have 100 pounds to spend on food a week and chose to eat take out pizza every night i would be skint half way through the week. if i ate sensibly and cooked my own food and ate lots of veg i could eat 3 meals a day and have money left over with no extra money.

rather than wasting the money like labour will (and borrow at a higher rate than the conservatives) you can do more with the money if spend wisely with out asking for more