Political discussions...

See Frangers is in his element and in full flow now that Covid and Boris is trending on here today.:joy:

I’ll leave Maoster to keep our ends up…(ooer Mrs), as I have an appointment with my wife in our Church this afternoon after shopping.
Or ‘Wetherspoons’ as it is comonlly known.
I bid you farewell Frangers for now.

The blood clotting risk?
That was discussed by the EMA in 2021?

No one with any credibility has said that all vaccines are 100% safe.
No one with any credibility will say there are never side effects.
What is apparent is that mostly the risks from C19 are far, far greater than the risks from the approved vaccines.

Yep in the final scenes, :grinning:

But I would willing stand in for him in an earlier scene… :heart_eyes:

Yeah but I suspect neither you or I would be on the wrong side of Britt’s bedroom wall like Sgt Howie was :yum:

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johnson was having drinks with work colleges after work outside in the garden

when starmer had his knees up we were only suppose to travel where necessary certain,y not all the way to durham for a knees up. the restaurants might of been open however he wasnt in a restaurateur they were in a hall they hired for a party conference that they had invited members of the public to and others that wernt in their social circle or what ever it was called and decided to order a takeaway at the end of the night to thank the organisers

Is anyone saying that you and I aren’t allowed in a pub to day?
Of course not! We are not in a lockdown now.

When the rules forbade that.

When the rules allowed that.

These events were at two different times with two different sets of rules.

The ToryGraph is pushing a hard right agenda…again.

“There is frustration among figures on the Tory Right that Mr Sunak has packed his Cabinet with moderates.”

Will reinstating Rees-Mogg, Patel, Braverman, stop more right wing voters drifting off to Reform Ltd?
Or force more moderates to move towards, Lab, Lib, or stay at home?

no they didnt the police the independent investigator and anyone with an ounce of literacy skills can see that

no sorry wrong again
making unnecessary journeys against the rules
socalising in groups outside of your circle against the rules
and before you tell me that oh starmer was cleared who was the head of the cps and what poltical belife was the chief of police for durham

Johnson admitted the offence, apologised, and paid the fine.
Maybe he lacks literacy skills?

I get it as I said that they made the rules and it looked bad on them bending or breaking them, even if they did all spend time mixing together in the same room at work prior to the party in mitigation.

In general do you take all rules so seriously Frangers?..to be obeyed to the letter no matter what ?
Especially those that are totally ■■■■■■ stupid to those that can see through the b/s.

I’m as reasonably law abiding as the next bloke, but ffs if I see something as totally unneccesary and totally bloody stupid, and especially if it is to my own detriment, I’ll keep an open mind on them at the very least.
Maybe that is one of the ways I have gone wrong in life, who knows.

In those days nobody was gonna tell me I could not go and see, or spend time with my family at Christmas for instance.
As I said bloody stupid and totally unneccesary, proven by the fact that we were all vindicated, proven by the fact that we all lived to tell the tale.

I’m thinking that you were maybe a bit of a teacher’s pet at school Frangers.:joy:

No, they didn’t all work in the same office. Downing St is a series of different rooms. At that time there were screens between desks etc.

No drinks with colleagues after work?
Well, I manged my life perfectly well like that for a few months.
Maybe you and Johnson are just weak willed alcoholics? Or drama queens ( :+1:) who need the adulation of others?

Ah, so Dr Rob once again knows more that the expert virologists.

Well all those lost family and friends will be very happy to hear that you had a nice Christmas.

thing is boris made one mistake in my book. he said here are the rules stick to em and when they whinged and whined they didnt understand rather than saying look here you thick pieces of entitled trash just stay the hell home you ended up with all the complication that no one obayed so no one has the right to complain about any of this.

The fact of the matter is that the remain camp were always going to be against boris because he got brexit done. they had nothing more to whine about so they have to pick on every little thing he did to point the finger regardless of the truth of the matter

Classic drama queen Franglais, clutching his pearls and getting all hot and bothered when others do not share a passion for a subject, believe an official line, nor kow tow to…‘‘The Rules’’. :roll_eyes:

I’m neither weak willed nor an alchoholic mate thank you, but I can think for myself without being told what to think, and not too fussed about the actions of others when it has no direct effect on me.
And yeah we did have a good Christmas that year thanks, maybe the same time you were hiding under the table wearing your mask and generally obeying all …‘‘The Rules’’…so how was it for you ?

ive just realised something some are like rayner and starmer here digging their heals in that there way is right no matter the mountain of evidence against them.

We will have to think of a catch phase for them every time they are asked a question and just rehash the same tired old rubbish

Yep absolutely, and they and the backstabbers in hus own party managed to get rid of him in the process.
How did that turn out for them btw?
You reckon they will be expecting another landslide result at the election?

It looks like Labour will get in this time.
I genuinely hope they prove many of us wrong and make a success after all.

I for one wont be visiting the bookie’s on the strength of it anytime soon though.

Like defending someone who has admitted an offence, and paid a fine, and apologised?
What would be a suitable descriptor for someone like that?

Sat watching ‘This Morning’ on the telly…(look , I know, but give me a break, it’s my day off, I’m sat on my own the wife is out, I know I only used to watch it cos Holly was on it, but I’m bored ffs ! :joy:)

Anyhoo…apparentlly the Welsh Parliament is having a vote today on whether or not to make it illegal for all MPs to lie…:flushed: :joy: I kid you not.

Edit…Stop press, it has been decided to try and make it illegal for them to breathe instead, being that it would be a lot easier for them. :joy:

Seriously though,.as said on the tv item, '‘What does that say about our political culture when this is actually a serious proposal and looked upon as a necessary one’

Cue Frangers and his ‘Boris facing a death sentence’ comedy material.:roll_eyes: :smile:

you jest but i know someone that is part pf a quaker group that campaigned for that. They also what to bring honesty into public life. Welcome to my world

Nothing whatsoever surprises me what fanatical religious people do mate, they are a different breed.

Thing is (hang on, just checking date for April 1) this was not a joke but a genuine item.