Yep…ooh the drama of it all.
Where’s me pearls??
umm alot of the pics of boris having drinks were outside;) starmers lot were mixing with members of the public inside
Thats a point, but to me it’s all a nonsence whatever.
The covid thing was a knee jerk reaction to another flu type epidemic, a bad one granted, but just another flu epidemic nonetheless, …blown out of all sensible proportion that nearly effed up the whole economy.
The so called ‘partygate’ was seen as a golden opportunity to get rid of the guy who was virtually the sole reason for them getting into power…even I voted for him ffs.
And what did the rules at the two different times say?
When Johnson was having social drinks, all social gatherings were banned.
When Starmer was eating a meal, accompanied by a drink of beer, restaurants were all open.
You said yourself that he was in an open public restaurant!
You still swallowing that old nonsense then.
Still thinking that China, EU, Russia, USA , UK, all got together to screw up the global economy at the same time?
His crime was his indiscretion, his naivety, but mainly as everything else in life … Getting caught for it !.
As you rightly say he (or they) made the rules, so he laid himself wide open, as it did admittedlly look bad in that context.
As for the rest of us we were in 2 categories, those that were completely taken in who followed those stupid ■■■■■■ rules to the degree, and to the detriment of their quality of life, and those that were not and didnt…
And hey !.. those of us in the latter caregory did not suddenlly drop down dead in a plague stylee, but still live to tell the tale.
Nobody “got together “ to screw the global economy, that was a nasty byproduct who’s ramifications are still unfolding
As you keep saying to me…read the bloody post.
Not a conspiracy by different states…I aint Winseer or Carryfast ffs., but a knee jerk and grossly over reaction to a bad flu type epidemic, which could have been dealt with a lot better.
Well, no.
His crimes were
breaking the rules,
and being a hypocrite about following those rules,
and lying about breaking those rules.
It’s not about throwing people back, it’s about keeping the north for northerners and keeping you southerners out
Again read the effin post.
Yep naivety and induscretion
That is more or less what I said…but with a fraction of the drama or servile perspective.
Ah Trebuchets, a lost art. While we are bemoaning lost arts what about merkin making? The whole world’s going to Hell in a handcart I tell ya.
I know I’m not the only person who read that and thought “Merkin?”
Come on Dr Rob !
Tell us all about how practically the whole worlds virologists, epidemiologists, medical doctors, all agreed on the same sorts of actions, but YOU know better?
Nobody “got together “ to screw the global economy,
If every country all agreed on what was going on…and pretty much how to deal it…how was it not a global conspiracy?
OR…just maybe…the sensible and rational thing to do?
Come on you two.
If you really aren’t WS and CF, argue it through.
And speaking of the good old days, and remembering Coop’s lost love Boris, I’d have him taking Edward Woodward’s role in a live-action-no-actors remake of one of my favourite films
Do you think it “saved lives” “cost lives” or a mixture?
My personal opinion is the measures probably saved lives but the long term effects of the measures will inevitably cost more lives than simply letting Covid rip through would have done.
Yep naivety and induscretion
If that means
elfs important and entitled, (by ignoring the rules)
selfish, (by not considering the health of others)
hypocritical, (by exhorting others to follow rules he ignored)
liar (too cowardly to admit his actions)
That is more or less what I said
OK, we agree.
What would be the point arguing covid with somebody who was totally conned and brainwashed, and arguing Boris Johnston with a staunch Labour party fan.and an avid Boris hater?
Nah you know what?..
Been there done that too many times on here, …cba, it will achieve nothing as ever,apart from about 10 pages of Trucknet Tennis.
Best to just agree to differ, and to agree we are direct opposites in the spectrum of…well everything I would say.
Love the ‘Dr Rob’ bit though .
I see that Astra Zeneca (or whatever tf the correct name is) have finally admitted to adverse effects of their jabs now.
A very litigiously guarded admission though needless to say.
Hate to admit even I had 2 of them in a weak moment of giving in to a member of my offspring.
No mental effects yet though, although that is open to the opinion of others.
Excellent question.
As I read the figures many more lives were saved by the lock downs and other restrictions, than were caused by them.
It is undoubtedly true that some lives were lost because of the measures employed. But I haven’t seen any figures that suggest the restrictions actually increased overall mortality.
I haven’t seen many saying that the next pandemic should be handled vastly differently.
Those advocating “letting it rip” seem to be outside of medicine, health, etc. Mainly rich people concerned more with keeping their fortunes than worrying about others’ lives.