I’m pretty certain I don’t want things done instantly when it comes to government. And, you’re assuming that whoever this benevolent & omnipotent overlord could be, would be in concert with what you would like to see happening: What if they decided YOU were part of the problem?
Starmer was not responsible for the post office sub-postmaster wrongful prosecutions; these were private prosecutions brought by the Post Office their self, not the CPS.
jeeszus h all i am saying is you have two systems dictatorship or democracy that is it if you want things done instantly decided by one person its a dictatorship if you want things done as to the will of the people its a democracy however the downside of that is it takes time
PERSONALLY i prefer dictatorship but i have to suffer the time requirements
thee is of course a simple way to sort all this mess out.
firstly all the people that think london is great and those that have been kicked out of london for gentrification can more back there. Build a big wall around it with about 6 delivery points and they can all stay there.
secondly anyone that thinks labour is good and votes for em can move up north along with all the immigrants/migrants and asylum seekers also anyone that thinks we need them can go with them. the 1.5 million extra homes can accommodate them again another wall from about chester to boston with a few delivery/ collection points. that way when labour has destroyed the economy and the country property values have fall through the floor due to over supply poor infrastructure crime etc etc. old ladys cant walk the streets with out getting mugged and there are bombings every week in the words of charlie daniels the south will rise again from the tyranny of labour.
Correction: only the COURTS can find people guilty.
The CPS punt the cases into court when they think they have a solid chance of winning, they do not always win.
But that is irrelevant as these were private prosecutions. There’s no need to take my word for it, here is an article from a website aimed at legal professionals
Just watched a news item concerning a lot of the old Labour ‘red wall’ traditional strong holds, that to everybody’s surprise voted Tory…or more like voted Boris.
The likes of Hartlepool on one side of the country, and Workington on the other…both places who usually would vote for a tailors dummy if it wore a red rosette.
Attitudes are quite rightly anti Tory now on the whole…
When a couple of randoms were asked if they would vote if Boris was still in charge, they said ‘Yes’.
I’ll leave it there.
Go figure.
did they ask them why or did they just leave it there. Boris did everything that he said he would do he is the only pm in a long time to do that. As much as i dislike rayner she did have a point the other day the present pm stabbed boris in the back then stole all his ideas and tried to pass them off as his own.
Nope not going to bite because all we will have is a three day discussion that has been had umpteen times before where i am proven right. if you want the evidence go back and read it
Yeah but c’mon, Labour could not believe their good luck when he gave them enough rope for them to eventually hang him in the form of his after work wind downs in the derisory covid period.
(And I bet Starmers sphincter was winking after somebody shopped him for having a pint…lucky escape for him eh.
All farrrrrr more important to the pedantic and the brainwashed, (not to mention the traitorous in his own party) than giving him a chance to get us all back to normality.
As I said NOBODY will never know how things would have gone if covid and the exaggerated and unique policies because of it, and their effects, had not taken place during his ‘reign’.
But no doubt YOU will Frangers .
Johnson mixing closely with workers and others for no good reason during the strict lock downs, whilst Starmer eating in an open restaurant during a different set of contact rules?
It’s a bit like Johnson doing 90 in a 70 zone, and Starmer doing 25 in a 30 zone!
You really are pulling all the dramatic stops out today!
The traitorous in his party?
Lovely, keep it coming!
Btw Johnson mixing with his workers as a continuation after work, not a specified arranged meeting… but there ya go.
As I said farrrr more important to the covid brainwashed amongst us.