Political discussions...

heres why i think it would be the end of the country back in the late 60’s early 70’s we had just come out from 2 wars (ww2 and vietnam) Then we had a dose of labour with all the union issues at the time that caused a lot of economic issues and pretty much killed the British car industry. then we had the three day week and the winter of discontent (to those that are going to shout it was a conservative pm then yes i know a conservative was in power but think beyond the bleeding obvious and think what caused it.)

We managed to get out of it by the work ethic of the country. People were proud to be english and you were looked down upon by society to be on benefits and there was a sense of community.

We are now coming out of another world changing event (covid) whether you believe it was manufactured or real is not the point here it happened. As a society we dont want to work there is no longer the stigma of being on benefits as there once was. The pride in the country we once had has gone because it has been stamped out of us by the schools and the woke society. We have no real work ethic anymore and certainly no pride in the job. If you try and show any you get laughed at.

If labour get in all that will happen is more national debt more migration/immigration and more than likely some deal with the eu that screws us even more.

who is there going to be left the ones with the work ethic of the 70’s and 80’s will be retired. more people here will be non native that want nothing to do with our culture both from births in this country and the above mentioned migration etc. There is no native industry anymore and the woke will be sitting there crying it isn’t fair.

to comment on your middle east point yes i agree it is a big concern and always has been in my life time however as members of the public there is little we can do about it. What we can change or have a democratic chance to is the goverment

You paint a preety grim pictute mate.
The breakdown of society has a lot to answer for,.I agree on that.

The 70s thing was strong will on both sides with no give on either of those sides.
Speaking as someone who has a strong approval of Trade Unions in their original format and ideals,.I admit they did get too much power to the point of the tail wagging the dog, up against an immovable force in the form of M. Thatcher.
On other hand, at least the working man in those days took no ■■■■, unlike the servility of the workforce today.
(An intentional agenda drummed into them in school, so as to not get back into the 70s situation again…that and the sale of worker’s council houses was a brilliant political move, imo only)
Anyhow lets not get bogged diwn in Carryfastesque social history lessons.:smile:

The solution vote the Tories out??
So who tf represents the likes of you and me?..indigenous working class blokes who have worked all their lives?..the Labour Party?
Nobody, especially on here has convinced me of that yet.
So back to the Roger Daltrey adage…‘Meet the new boss…etc etc’’

i dont see wanting to do a good job and taking pride in the job as servility though. im not saying you do but i have been treated like that and see others treated the same.

im a union man myself however like you i think it went too far in the 60’s&70’s my reference to it damaging the economy was biased on them going to far.and striking over silly things. As an example my neighbor built barges in the 60’s and did his apprenticeship doing it. he was in the boiler makers union (made the hulls) the people that made the cabins and the upper part of the barge were in a different union. they had a two month strike and argument about whos job it was to bolt the two haves together.

trouble is i think people will be fooled again

No I dont see taking pride etc as servility either, that aint what I said.
I see readily and willinglly taking unfairness and pi55 taking as a matter of routine with no resistance as servility, many drivers I come across these days seem to e in that category…which many firms take advantage of and build on.
I worked in an engineering factory when I left school, so I had first hand experirnce of over zealous Unions.
However, on the positive side of all that stuff, was that in those days working men were a different breed,…as well as drivers.
In fact when I started in this game …the day I started there was a national drivers strike ffs.

I often see a couple of these same old guys in the pubs, who kinda looked after me as a newbie, showed me roping and sheeting etc, helped with breakdowns.
When I tell them about stuff like in cab cameras, drivers getting charged for damage,.and similar pi55 take b/s in today’s job, they just look at me in amazement and disbelief at how drivers readily accept it all.

As for being fooled again, you are right.
WHEN Labour get in this time, after a year or so, there will be a lot of humble pie on here alone.
At least the more astute amongst us can see the real picture…ie all the bloody same wearing different colour rosettes.

Speaking of Gordon Brown (werent we :smiley:)
Just sat watching a clip of The Arctic Monkeys now on BBC 2.
Reminds me of when he was trying to gain popularity, by making out he was ‘down with the kids’ by replying…'‘The Arctic Monkeys’ when asked …who was his favourite band…aye right.:roll_eyes::grin:…unless of course he was confusing them with The Monkees.:joy:

By the same token just to redress the balance (before Frangers jumps in) David Cameron said his favourite track was ‘Eton Rifles’ by The Jam…to which Paul Weller said…
‘Which part of the ■■■■■■ song does he not understand’'.:joy:
Like I say, they are all the bloody same, they will say absolutely any gawd dam thing on any subject to gain votes, and basically ALL effin liars to differing degrees, …with some better/worse at it than others.
Lying and falsehoods are a routine and essential psrt of thrir armoury,.anybody who can not,.(or refuses to) see that is totally naive.

Spot on, I have got my vote back again after many years, and am keen to use it, but damned if I know where to put it for the best. What a bloody shower.

I like this though Rob:

I often see a couple of these same old guys in the pubs, who kinda looked after me as a newbie,

Sadly all those that did that for me, are long gone now but I still appreciate them nevertheless. :joy:

This struck a chord:

Just seen that arrogant supercillious cow Liz Truss on SKY news hawking her new book.:roll_eyes: …and blaming everybody but herself for her faliure of her desire to become the modern day Maggie Thatcher…no shame.
Right Honourable people my effin arse.:rage:

reason she didnt get more votes to stay on as pm is all her supporters were at the clinic getting treated for std’s. the woman is a bloat on humanity and never takes ownership for her actions

If she was in fact ‘right honourable’ she would have faded away in the background in shame, never to trouble the public again, instead of arrogantly acting as if nothing happened while living off the vast amount of money she took off the country for her short term PM stint.
To go further if she had a shred of decency at all, perhaps even donated that money to charity.

Thing is once they get their fat snouts in the trough, they cant help themselves.
I personally dislike em all…some more than others.
Can you explain the std comment btw, it’s gone right over my swede.:thinking:

std =■■■■■■■■ transmitted disease. she had an affair with mark fields who helped her career i was suggesting that others may of helped her in the same way

I didnt know that…
About Truss btw, not what an std is.:joy:

i bet that it isn’t in her new book nor all the harassment she caused afterwards

If we’re supposed to "not discriminate on the grounds of race, creed, ■■■■■■■■■, or nationality - then isn’t it an offence to censor that particular word as being “politically incorrect” when it’s surely politically correct to INCLUDE it…?

Anyone would think that all HGV drivers reading this site - are under the age of 12…?
Pah! Nanny-State mollycoddling indeed!

Raynor only needs to start delivering to justify her time on the FRONT bench… Politics needs to stop being about “Whom do we dislike the least”, and be rather more about “Which incumbents have performed the best, and are worthy to keep their safe seats?”

Sunak - isn’t going to keep in power based on us suddenly disliking Labour all the more, anytime soon.

STOP the petty backbiting - ALL sides.
I for one, want to vote FOR something, than “against someone else”…

thats just the point there is nothing to vote for.

i tell you what all this does prove though that the general public only disliked boris because they were told to by the media. If they were truly disgusted at corruption they wouldn’t contemplate labour

If the Press gets to define what “Corruption” actually IS though?
Anything goes - and often does.

Boris went out of his way to win people over with his “Get Brexit Done” strategy.
That he’s gone, like Cameron before him - means that Brexit is still yet a “work unfinished”…

Sunak has been PM for longer than 5 minutes by this point, and that’s 5 minutes longer than any PM who doesn’t immediately call a general election to win his own mandate…
He doesn’t deserve to “stay in power” because we’re at risk of a “Corbyn Government” this time around.
People are not afraid of Starmer.
THAT is why Starmer isn’t going to garner the support that the pollsters seem to think he’ll get…

“126 Tory seats lost, 120 go to Labour, 6 go to the Libdems, the RUK stay on zero seats.”

Really? - Pull the other one!

I reckon it’ll be more like:-

"126 Tory seats lost, 60 go to Labour, leaving them short of a majority, 60 go to RUK, None go to the Libdems, but 6 Libdem seats go to RUK as well, along with around 14 Labour seats - giving RUK a total of around 70.
Labour and Conserative will then panic, and Sunak will offer a coalition with Labour where Keir Starmer becomes PM, and Sunak returns to the Treasury… A Lab/Con “Coalition of National Unity”.

I’ve got a tenner on that (Lab/Con full coalition government) at 100/1 odds (price still available!) so we’ll see if I’m anywhere warm on this…
There’s no point betting on things like “RUK to win the most seats” or “RUK to be in a coalition” - because in my mind - that ain’t ever going to happen, the “Establishment” simply won’t allow it.
Isn’t my own postulation above - far more realistic at this point?
Labour AND Conservative conspiring to keep RUK upstarts from power?

The NEXT election after this coming one - could then be even more interesting, should the “Failing Partner” get busted like Nick Clegg’s Libdems did after being in coalition with Cameron’s Tories back at the 2015 election…

as a reminder, for those who never saw this one before… (!!)
Warning - Contains adult themes - Not suitable for “Rigid” drivers phnar phnar!)

I would argue the Cost of Living Crisis is the most important issue right now.

I see this as a Foreign Policy blunder, where our Government be they that you voted for, or not (NO one elected Sunak - Right?)
…have chosen to throw away prevous good relations with Russia that involved us getting cheap Natural Gas imports if we wanted them…
THROWN AWAY so we could help a Non-Ally win a private civil war between Zelensky’s Nationalist Socialist Azovs vs the previously Moscow-backed Ethnic Russians living in East Ukraine…

It isn’t Putin that has taken us to the bring of WWIII, but NATO, the EU, and of course the UK and US being mustered together by Deep State (rather than “National” or “Public”) interests.

We, the ordinary plebs - don’t get anything out of “We mustn’t let Putin win!” cries from our establishment…
We get
(1) A big rise in inflation
(2) An imminent Recession, maybe a Depression
(3) Sky-High Gas and Electricity prices, even thought the initially spiking Gas prices has dropped all the way back since…
(4) Worsening prices for Farmer’s Produce, leaving Farmer’s margins as tight as ever
(5) More reliance rather than less on foreign imports
(6) Being bossed around STILL by the European Court of Human Rights

and of course

(7) The EU still demand that we get involved in what started out as it’s own “Pet Expansionist Project” - trying to invite yet further ex-soviet states into the EU/NATO without holding a referendum as to what the Public of those countries wanted.

Why couldn’t Ukraine do what former Czechovslovakia did, and simply split into two regions either side of the Niper river?
Kiev, and the West joins the EU, Dombass, and the other regions to the East - join the Russian Federation…

If the EU had held, let alone recognized a referendum (which they don’t, nor ever did of course…) we wouldn’t be where we are today, on the brink of WWIII.

This entire sitation - was entirely avoidable POLITICALLY, but the Western Deep State powers - simply wouldn’t have it, wasted Western public resources ON their ongoing folly, and now intend to prevent themselves being busted out of office via the ballot box.
Therefore, ladies and gents - “Democracy” has already ENDED - hasn’t it?

We live in a Elitist Dictatorship now.

Nobody votes FOR that, but we plebs - now get prevented from voting against it.

Heres the thing about the cost of living crisis raising wages wont help people will just have more money to waste or the price of goods will go up. Its no good bringing down the unit cost of gas and electric because the daily charge goes up to cover it. my winter bills are roughly what they were last year and the year before. Its a little hard to notice because they “forget” to charge for one of them one month then charge 2 months for it the next month.