Political discussions...

Here’s a take on the Ukraine situation. It could actually be aimed squarely at someone here

A mixture of fact and fiction, spinning faster than a Russian spambot…

The UK and other countries do not send wheelbarrow loads of cash to Kyiv. Anyone who listens will know that: the talk is of £Xmillion of aid, not £Xmillion of cash although it is often abbreviated.
And yes, lots of that is indeed UK produced weaponry providing work for UK factories, so yes , we are not just being generous.

The leftie Labour Gov invading Iraq? (3min10)
Well? Who was the leader in that venture?
In the UK it was Labour’s Blair, but only as a supporter of US Republican Bush. Hardly a limp wristed leftie, or whatever the current phrase is.

Is it an imperialist move designed to exploit a weaker country?

Putain and his forces invaded a smaller, weaker, country to grab land and subdue the people.
What else could it possibly be?


was just about to say mate, he’ll only listen to the first 15 secs to when he realises it defies the official narrative, so no chance of getting to the bit that could directly refer to him…
Seems I was wrong. :grin:
But at least it has given him the opportunity to impart his wisdom upon us once again.
The whole article is ‘nonsence’…apparentlly.:joy:

Well so you didn’t even read the very first line of my post then.

Ok so not all but presumably most?


Did you feel that his entire monologue was aimed squarely at you?

If not, why not?

I felt it was more aimed at those who, for whatever reasons, wouldn’t question it too much.

That there is an imperialist adventure under way looks true, but to see that as anything except Russian expansionism seems perverse.
It is Russia that has invaded a sovereign nation, killed and injured many civilians, etc is plain to see.

No way can I see any justification for this attack.
Unless you believe the official line form the Kremlin, that is for their protection…from a shrunken and decadent NATO force that the Kremlin says it can easily defeat etc etc.
It all looks like double speak to justify a land grab.
And if the intention was to keep NATO at bay that has backfired spectacularly.
In the past 3 years, because of the invasion, there are now NATO forces in Sweden and Finland. Two previously neutral countries have jumped swiftly away from the “liberating forces of Mother Russia”.

Au contraire mon ami, it was aimed squarely at those who share your liberal view of the world.

The simple truth is that liberalism is the absolute perfect way for humans to coexist and should be what we, as humans strive for.

The unpalatable truth is that there people out there, admittedly in the minority, but who unfortunately have a huge effect on the rest of us who want nothing more than to take everything we hold dear and cherish. You can’t reason with these people, you can’t appease these people, so the only safe thing to do is to destroy these people to prevent further harm.

Yes, I’ve moved away from Ukraine here but I’m attempting to highlight the problem that liberals don’t see and wilfully won’t see.

I’m in no way going to attempt to justify the attack, there’s very little justification for war war instead of jaw jaw, but first you must understand the Russian mindset; they’re fiercely patriotic to Mother Russia, they’re very “macho” and quick to react to what they perceive to be an insult to their masculinity. NATO’s undeniable expansion is the equivalent of a guy saying “who TF do you think you’re looking at?” Straight to their faces.

What happened when the Russians tried to base nukes in Cuba? The reverse is what they perceive to be happening here.

Au contraire…
Ukraine (and it’s invasion) is the perfect example of those who cannot be reasoned with.
.Putain is one of those who exist in the real world who cannot be appeased.
and going for the open goal
Trump is immune to reason.

You missed off the last 15 words of my post


That sounds like a defence!

The defence of a thug against a charge of assault.
“Sorry m’Lud. it is just my nature”.

Where is the parallel?
Ukraine was looking to join Nate in the 90’s and Russia (not under Putain’s thumb) did not seem to object. In 2010 it dropped the application to join. It was a relatively stable neutral country, much like Finland and Sweden. Then after the 2014 invasion it re-applied.
And who can blame them? Putain’s actions have provoked Ukraine to turn to the West.

Not at all . Sun Tzu teaches us that in order to defeat an enemy first you must understand him.

Anyhoo, I’ve obtained through top secret sources pictures of the new EE defence force getting ready to roll in to Ukraines defence….

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Seriously? you can’t see the parallel? or is it that you won’t see it?

That’s three question marks in one post! Sadly I’ve used my allocation for today so please try to reply in a manner that I won’t be forced to refute. :+1:

A member of the new LGBTQ Tank Regiment or the Non Binary one?..I need to know these things.
It would not do to offend them by getting them mixed up.:joy:
They will have Ivan running but for different reasons than intended.

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Let’s try this.
2010 Ukraine was neutral.
2014 Puatin invades part of Ukraine.
2014 because of it’s need for defence against an aggressor, Ukraine applies to join NATO.

Putain starts weeping and spitting “Look I need to defend myself! I must invade Ukraine! NATO is being aggressive!”

Cuba was, and still is, after way more than half a century an independent country. Not subjugated by the US.

Have you ever been to Cuba? I have on numerous occasions. They suffer immensely because of their refusal to subjugate. Do I admire that? Yes, because that’s my nature. Do their citizens suffer because of it? Massively so.

What’s the answer? Damned if I know. I’m a truck driver.

But this brings me back to Liberalism; the perfect world order in an orderly world. Unfortunately the world isn’t that way, the below picture fully sums up pampered Liberals moaning about something that they don’t have the cojones to pick up a rifle and change, they’d much rather snipe from the safety of their keyboards.

I know an answer. Let them live how they choose.
Let the US end the punative restrictions on them because the US does not like them.
But hey, that is just a “liberal leftie” take on it.

They do live how they choose. The US, despite being only a stones throw from them won’t export milk, food, and any number of life essentials to them. That’s their choice and also the US choice. Happy days then, everyone has chosen how they want to live :+1: