Political discussions...

Yeah but he did cut out the “convert to Islam” part of you reply when saying he agrees. :joy:

You want to discuss that?
But of course! You want to mention the bit that I believe was edited in.

OK, Yes, it seems that inmates are being “converted” to Islam.
Why is that do you think? Because they see the light?

Or because they seek the security of joining a group that may protect them in what we all seem to agree is a violent environment?

It is a symptom of the problem, not the cause of it.

Tbf I did add that as an ediit when I remembered being told that.

So you think they do it willinglly and voluntarily then ?

I think that many do what they gotta do to get a bit of protection.

With less over-crowding, and generally better facilities to re-habilitate prisoners, then recidivism could be cut.
Spending more on helping avoid reoffending is cheaper than having more crime, more violence to innocents, and locking offenders up repeatedly.

Yes, there are some tough cases put there who will not respond, but other countries show that more input earlier on gives a smaller prison population and lower crime rates which is what we want, isn’t it?

Concentrate less on fighting bad behaviour with bad behaviour and break the cycle of violence which gives rise to most criminals.

There is a general thought that harsher punishment stops crime, but repeatedly the evidence shows this is not true.

cooper who was clearly reeves maths teacher has visited france to see how the 540 million to stop illegal crossings has been spent.

trouble is between 1st-6th march this year there have been 1613 people crossing. thats more than double then the amount for the entire month of march last year.

to put this in perspective. in the same time period…
2018 0 crossings so an increase of 1,613
2019 0 crossings so an increase of 1,613
2020 28 crossings so an increase of 1,585 or 5760%
2021 100 crossings so an increase of 1,513 or 1,613%
2022 730 crossings so an increase of 883 or 221%
2023 197 crossings so an increase of 1416 or 819%
2024 953 crossings so an increase of 660 or 169%

yet she thinks they are doing a wonderful job

When Johnson was PM of course.

But since the rest of the post makes no sense in any form that I can decipher, I don’t think I’ll waste any more time on it.

Probably more to do with the gradual Islamist takeover we are witnessing here.

Blockquote It’s blatantly obvious that someone is getting something twisted.

There’s a big clue here, the Sentencing Council is INDEPENDANT from ANY government.

Seriously? But no mention in your post of all the other “minorities” that will come under the Sentencing Council’s proposals.

Firstly. The sentencing council is only independent in the sense that it isn’t run by Drowning street or elected by us. If it went seriously against the ruling party’s wishes, it would soon see it’s wings clipped until it behaved.

How do you think business is done? Do you really think everything is decided in the open, in parliament and council chambers? Business of any kind has always been horse traded over behind closed doors, then we’re given a pantomime show of “true democracy” at work in front of the cameras.

I don’t know the actual figures, but it’s a devil of a lot, the proportion of senior politicians who all have gone through the Eton, Harrow, Oxford, Cambridge route to power.

Other minorities weren’t been discussed by us, or were they? If you read the guidelines I can assure you that they are all included though.

Blockquote The upfront capital cost per prison place is £500,000 per closed place and £400,000 per open

Blockquote Despite all the measures already
taken by this government, it is still projected that the prison population will increase by an average of 3,000 annually over the coming years.

Personally I think the “elite” are seriously missing the point.
Yes there should be a deterrent, but even more important is fixing the causes of crime.
Then there will be fewer victims, as well as fewer criminals to lock up.
And I reckon that £1.5 billion per year will go a long way towards reducing the causes of crime.

As long as you keep starving the lions and poking sticks in the cage at them, they will keep trying to escape and eat you. Treat EVERYONE with respect and equality, and incredibly, the zoo quietens down.

There always has been sinners, I believe a white middle class male and female were the original two sinners. They took drugs or something, stole food from a supermarket, then lied to the police, tried escaping lawful detention, then while in prison proceeded to fornicate with close relatives.

Anyway. Until someone shows me this turgid disgraceful iniquitous attack on the rights of the white male as updated in 2025, then I don’t see how we can have a meaningful debate about it’s minutia, and how it reduces our rights, if it really does.

I maintain my suspicion that it’s all hot air generated by farage lovers trying to hole starmers sieve like row boat, with the sneaky intention that when starmer careers out of control, the collateral damage also takes down a weak and ineffective tory party too.

Spring is here now, snowdrops and daffs are out, lighter nights, better weather, resuting in calm seas…
…and an increase in the continuous deluge of young foreign blokes escaping from (war torn) France on their unlimited all inclusive hols.

How is Starmer getting on with ‘Smashing the gangs’ btw?
Oh yeah he’s too busy trying to ‘secure the borders’ of Ukraine,.and suitably ignoring the borders in his own country.:roll_eyes:

Never mind Johnson, Starmer is an effin joke.:roll_eyes:

Snow Probably only for a few days,

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hence why or otherwise the brainwashed are shouting about illegals being down 42% over the first 7 weeks or what ever it was of this year compared to last. Well of course it was we had 7 weeks of unseasonably bad weather compared to the unseasonably better weather we had the first 7 weeks last year.

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A history lesson, they have been there before you were born even more than what you believe is coming in now, look around you

Yeah but I wasnt paying to keep them in the lap of luxury then was I ?

Yes you were, it just wasn’t in your radar then because you were bringing a family up and working hard with no thought about what was happening
Im not been sarcastic but just look around you,

I think you completely miss my whole point mate on this.
Sure there has been immigrants and immigration since time immemorial.
Sure there has been refugees from war torn countries the same.
I have no problem whatsoever with immigrants coming here working hard,.settling, and enhancing the economy.
I have no problem whatsoever with the likes of Jewish people fleeing the holocaust, or the likes of Asians fleeing Idi Amin’s regine in the 70s…aka refugees.

My problem is illlegal economic immigrants passing through numerous safe countries with the sole intention to get here …en masse.
Taking full advantage and reaping the ridiculous incentives we provide, foc, whilst posing as refugees.

When all we see on our streets are young men between the ages of 17 to 35 range, …many of whom indulge in criminal and anti social activity.
They cost us a fortune whilst our own people go wanting in different areas, homeless people and pensioners to name 2 groups.

My other problem are these lefty deluded do gooders who are totally conned by the whole situation,.maintaining that they ARE actually refugees…
They bleat on about ‘not being processed’, and ‘backlogs’,…they should NOT be here in the first place they are ILLEGAL, but even that is euphamised in their desperate attempt to make them acceptable, so they are now ‘Irregulars’ …aye right. :roll_eyes:

The country is the laughing stock of the civilised world because of it…THAT is my point and problem with it all.

THIS covers all my points made…and then some.
Especially that deluded stupid cow gobbing off the leftist rhetoric.
Read the comments after it btw.

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Yes there was controlled immigration for decades. People wernt happy about it then either. salmon rushdi comes to mind… i remember as a child a great who har about it. Before that we had windrush with all the social and economic issues that caused and still does. Do you not think that we should learn from our mistakes.

The other difference was they were expected to acclimatize themselves and fit into british customes and society. We didnt spend billions building synagouges we didnt have signs in 10 different languages with english at the bottom. If they wanted special schools for their children that spoke their language and taught their values they paid for them themselves.

So if the rest of the civilised world thought we were doing a good job, you would be OK with the situation?
Your problem is with the image of the UK, and you? OK.

The rules about who gets to be accepted as a refugee are set by the Gov of the day. For many years the Gov were not "lefty deluded do-gooders ; or more accurately in my opinion Home Secretaries such as Patel and Braverman were not “lefty deluded do-gooders”, you might disagree?

This report shows the figures of those granted asylum.How many people are granted asylum in the UK? - GOV.UK

“En masse”? Those who apply here are a fraction of those applying in other safe countries. The greater masse do not come here.
Per capita of pop, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain just in Europe have more refugees than the UK.

Reports that “they are all coming here” are plain wrong.
Assuming they are “civilised countries” why would they be laughing at us I wonder?

The last Gov especially spent less money on employing officers to sort out the genuine asylum seekers from the illegal entrants. They spent more on paying money to landlords to house the applicants while they waited doing nothing.
A waste of tax money, and with loads of social problems involved.
And the chance for them to point the finger at a small group and say “Nothing is our fault, it is just this group stopping you being better off”.

Illegal entrants should be deported ASAP. That only happens after they have been processed. The sooner the better.

Classic Franglsis post…it’s ALL there.:joy:

Choosing to interpret a point wrongly for effect.

Sticking up for the Leftist agenda.

An official set of figures or a survey designed to refute a valid point.

Oh yeah and the obligatory knock at the .‘‘last govt’’ keeping up the official narrative, and generally pointing out Tory ineptitude.

All done in the style of Comical Ali trying to salvage something out of a crap situation with a bit of positive spin.

Nothing else to say really,.that says it all.:grin:

Which one is that?

Oh no!, How stupid and unfair me. Fancy me using real facts, backed up with evidence to support my point. Why on earth aren’t I clever to write some old bollox and expect it to go unquestioned.
Valid points are valid if they are true, not a load of tosh invented by you or invented by someone else and repeated by you.

He’s the establishments w.e.t d.r.e.a.m. Believes everything he’s fed from the bought and corrupt mainstream media and government and their “official stats and figures”.

The Covid pandemic should have been the biggest wake up call to everyone about the power of the media and how everyone can be controlled to whatever agenda necessary by central government’s through media outlets, stats websites, official surveys etc.