Blockquote It’s blatantly obvious that someone is getting something twisted.
There’s a big clue here, the Sentencing Council is INDEPENDANT from ANY government.
Seriously? But no mention in your post of all the other “minorities” that will come under the Sentencing Council’s proposals.
Firstly. The sentencing council is only independent in the sense that it isn’t run by Drowning street or elected by us. If it went seriously against the ruling party’s wishes, it would soon see it’s wings clipped until it behaved.
How do you think business is done? Do you really think everything is decided in the open, in parliament and council chambers? Business of any kind has always been horse traded over behind closed doors, then we’re given a pantomime show of “true democracy” at work in front of the cameras.
I don’t know the actual figures, but it’s a devil of a lot, the proportion of senior politicians who all have gone through the Eton, Harrow, Oxford, Cambridge route to power.
Other minorities weren’t been discussed by us, or were they? If you read the guidelines I can assure you that they are all included though.
Blockquote The upfront capital cost per prison place is £500,000 per closed place and £400,000 per open
Blockquote Despite all the measures already
taken by this government, it is still projected that the prison population will increase by an average of 3,000 annually over the coming years.
Personally I think the “elite” are seriously missing the point.
Yes there should be a deterrent, but even more important is fixing the causes of crime.
Then there will be fewer victims, as well as fewer criminals to lock up.
And I reckon that £1.5 billion per year will go a long way towards reducing the causes of crime.
As long as you keep starving the lions and poking sticks in the cage at them, they will keep trying to escape and eat you. Treat EVERYONE with respect and equality, and incredibly, the zoo quietens down.
There always has been sinners, I believe a white middle class male and female were the original two sinners. They took drugs or something, stole food from a supermarket, then lied to the police, tried escaping lawful detention, then while in prison proceeded to fornicate with close relatives.
Anyway. Until someone shows me this turgid disgraceful iniquitous attack on the rights of the white male as updated in 2025, then I don’t see how we can have a meaningful debate about it’s minutia, and how it reduces our rights, if it really does.
I maintain my suspicion that it’s all hot air generated by farage lovers trying to hole starmers sieve like row boat, with the sneaky intention that when starmer careers out of control, the collateral damage also takes down a weak and ineffective tory party too.