well this one I am wading in up to my boxers.
Facts: minorities historically get treated worse in the legal system. Because the vast majority of everyone working in justice, is white.
You think justice should be blind hence not consider the ethnicity of a criminal, you’ve got that arse about face because black criminals are repeatedly treated worse. They’re more likely to get nicked in the first place, they’re more likely to get charged, they get poorer representation, they’re more likely to be remanded to prison awaiting court, they’re more likely to be convicted, and finally likely to be more heavily sentenced. And final insult, they’re twice as likely to have their case reported in graphic detail, than a white person.
That’s historical fact based on years and years of data comparing the outcomes of people based on their ethnicity. Proven facts.
Go on, please rebut me and say “well they’re committing more crime aren’t they, they’re more violent. Always black people in the news accused of stuff”
Exactly. My point proven.
That’s bias.
A bias that blights them from the moment they walk down the street having a laugh with their mates, to when they get banged up for a long stretch. That bias that makes the police, even other black police officers, more tempted to assume a black youth is up to no good.
The bias that makes a judge assume the criminal isn’t as remorseful as a white criminal. Even if you’re 4th generation black british, you still have certain subtle differences in attitude if you like, or how you talk and act. And that’s no different to the differences between different areas Cockney Vs West Country etc.
But judges and the rest are human, and we all make snap judgements about stuff, problem is when a judge makes a snap judgement, it’s harder for him to row back in his head his preconceived ideas about some black youth accused of a knife crime before him.
There’s a problem mostly specific to black Afro-Caribbean children of “Adultification” This is where a 12 year old being physically bigger than a white 12 year old might be, is assumed to be 16+ even though the adult ‘knows’ they’re not. Then making judgements based on the older age.
Black kids are 4 times more likely to be arrested than white kids. Which means many more of them experience negative interactions with the fuzz. Don’t know about you guys, but I was well bolshie in my early teens, if I’d been nicked by the rozzers, then who knows what might have happened, but I was white so wasn’t ever nicked (and I ran too fast
If I understand what all this hoohah is about, it isn’t about giving black people an easier ride.
It’s about ensuring their backgrounds are taken into account to inform judges about mitigating circumstances relating specifically to ethnicity.
And this is no different to what exists now, except for making ethnicity issues clearer and an aspect to be considered always, rather than as an after thought perhaps sometimes. The sentencing guidelines already require judges to consider not only the offence, details about the victim(s) the planning or spontaneity of it, mitigation for the defendant, and culpability of the defendant.
I suspect like many things that someone wants to use simply for political capital, that this could have been explained better and clearer (clearer than I can) so there isn’t this pointless argument about it, and the loony dribbling right getting their lederhosen in a twist about black people being released simply because they’re black.
Personally I think any politician that engages in this style of point scoring should be given a good slapping.