Political discussions...

Looks like it’s becoming official what most of us already knew…the 2 tier justice system.

So if you are a non binary, trans gender lesbian, Pakistani moslem who commits a crime you are virtually fireproof.:joy:

Or… if me and my mate (2 white working class Brit males) violently kicked off in an airport, causing gbh and assault on the Police, we’d be inside faster than you can say ‘fast track’
So basically nothing changed, buisness as usual in modern Brirain.

Why would they admit to voter “regret” if they think he is brilliant?

I refuse to give my details to The Fail nor to pay them.
But for free, I had BBC R4 this morning.

There was a report made in 2024…under the Tories…by the Sentencing Council about equalising sentences.

Recently (not earlier) the Tories criticised the report. So too has the Labour Minister Shabana Mahmood. She is talking to the Sentencing Council about what is happening.

Now I can guess how the Fail is approaching the issue…but won’t pay to read it.

And Jenrick this morning from 1-52 ish

was the rest of my post

Dont start with all this ‘discrediting the source of info’ b/s,…so predictable,:roll_eyes: .
It has been all over the radio on a few stations throughout the day.

I know it was passed over by the Tories originally, which is why I never mentioned the Labour Party to prevent you jumping in like a coiled spring to take the opportunity to slag off said Tories.

I personally do not care who suggested it all, passed it or sanctioned it …fact is it is plain wrong and makes a mockery of the justice system…‘Blind justice’ everyone is equal.

The point is

Is not so, is it?
Both Tories and Labour are pushing against it.

Ok…but Just like EVERYTHING else then mate,Trump,.Farage, et all eh?
Wait and see, instead of jumping in.
It does not alter the fact that it actually exists now to a point thiugh.

Ministry of Justice on the ball I see. Seems Rt Hon Mahmood Secretary Of State for Justice appeared to only become aware of the Sentencing Councils proposals as late as yesterday even though her Junior Ministers were well versed on it. April fools day is when the new proposals are due to begin. Writing to the independent Sentencing Council to ask them to reconsider the proposals has no legal clout.

Is this a case of being asleep at the wheel or realisation of the further claims of two tier justice if she did nowt?

Or maybe hoped nobody would notice nor bring it up before it went through.
Then felt compelled to be seen to go against it when ut did.
Depends how much you trust them…or dont.

unless your albanian a twice convicted canabis grower than you cant be deported because you have a child in the country and they cant go with you because … no idea why but you get to stay

Yep…good old ECHR eh? :roll_eyes:

well this one I am wading in up to my boxers.

Facts: minorities historically get treated worse in the legal system. Because the vast majority of everyone working in justice, is white.
You think justice should be blind hence not consider the ethnicity of a criminal, you’ve got that arse about face because black criminals are repeatedly treated worse. They’re more likely to get nicked in the first place, they’re more likely to get charged, they get poorer representation, they’re more likely to be remanded to prison awaiting court, they’re more likely to be convicted, and finally likely to be more heavily sentenced. And final insult, they’re twice as likely to have their case reported in graphic detail, than a white person.

That’s historical fact based on years and years of data comparing the outcomes of people based on their ethnicity. Proven facts.

Go on, please rebut me and say “well they’re committing more crime aren’t they, they’re more violent. Always black people in the news accused of stuff”

Exactly. My point proven.

That’s bias.
A bias that blights them from the moment they walk down the street having a laugh with their mates, to when they get banged up for a long stretch. That bias that makes the police, even other black police officers, more tempted to assume a black youth is up to no good.
The bias that makes a judge assume the criminal isn’t as remorseful as a white criminal. Even if you’re 4th generation black british, you still have certain subtle differences in attitude if you like, or how you talk and act. And that’s no different to the differences between different areas Cockney Vs West Country etc.
But judges and the rest are human, and we all make snap judgements about stuff, problem is when a judge makes a snap judgement, it’s harder for him to row back in his head his preconceived ideas about some black youth accused of a knife crime before him.

There’s a problem mostly specific to black Afro-Caribbean children of “Adultification” This is where a 12 year old being physically bigger than a white 12 year old might be, is assumed to be 16+ even though the adult ‘knows’ they’re not. Then making judgements based on the older age.

Black kids are 4 times more likely to be arrested than white kids. Which means many more of them experience negative interactions with the fuzz. Don’t know about you guys, but I was well bolshie in my early teens, if I’d been nicked by the rozzers, then who knows what might have happened, but I was white so wasn’t ever nicked (and I ran too fast :slight_smile: )

If I understand what all this hoohah is about, it isn’t about giving black people an easier ride.

It’s about ensuring their backgrounds are taken into account to inform judges about mitigating circumstances relating specifically to ethnicity.

And this is no different to what exists now, except for making ethnicity issues clearer and an aspect to be considered always, rather than as an after thought perhaps sometimes. The sentencing guidelines already require judges to consider not only the offence, details about the victim(s) the planning or spontaneity of it, mitigation for the defendant, and culpability of the defendant.

I suspect like many things that someone wants to use simply for political capital, that this could have been explained better and clearer (clearer than I can) so there isn’t this pointless argument about it, and the loony dribbling right getting their lederhosen in a twist about black people being released simply because they’re black.

Personally I think any politician that engages in this style of point scoring should be given a good slapping.

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if your looking for a block of cheese in the supermarket do you go looking in the baked goods isle first or the refrigerated dairy section?

If i am looking for someone that stabbed another person i would look for a person of colour… if i was looking for someone that was a money launder i would look for a white person.

this is the inconvenient truth of those that cry that black people are mistreated it has nothing to do with race. its simply a statistical fact.

you show me 2 people of different ethnicity and same up bringing that got treated differently.

is that why underage drinking is more common with afro carabbiens than white children of the same age or do they get asked for id the same amount?

and whats the statistical lightly hood of black children committing crime compared to white children?

which is what was said… looking at someones background and saying oh they are a ethnic minority or transgender is not an excuse for committing crime and has no bearing what so ever to do so is racist in the case of ethnicity and discredits anyone elses sexuality.

Well, they both contain yellowish stuff.
So colour would be a bad parameter to start with wouldn’t it?

Yeah strange that one isn’t it. I’m pretty certain that if everything we have witnessed in the last 8 or 9 months had been mirrored exactly as it’s happened but under a Tory government, particularly a Boris Johnson led one then we would have been bombarded with a daily barrage of stories of incompetence, double standards, links & hate. But he’s not a hypocrite or a left wing apologist and only posts on here for the benefit of “discussion” … apparently.

I haven’t as yet managed to download the 2025 version that “everyone” is getting their lederhosen twisted over.
But may I remind all, that the ‘2024’ version would have been written under the auspices of a tory government.

Blockquote 11. More than half of the judiciary are white men and over a third are white women. People from
ethnic minority groups are underrepresented in the judiciary. Between 2020-2023, Asian and
black candidates were overrepresented in applications for judicial appointments but had a
significantly lower success rate than white applicants. The proportion of Asian and mixedethnicity individuals in the judiciary has slowly increased since 2014. However, the
proportion from black backgrounds has stayed the same at 1%.377
For those non maths types. more than 50% plus 33% is more than 88% white.

Blockquote16. In England and Wales, there were 697,404 stop and searches undertaken in 2020 to 2021.
Of this, 7.5 of white people were stopped per 1,000 people, compared to 52.6 for black
people. The Metropolitan Police undertook the most searches in the UK.383 HMI
Constabulary found that the Metropolitan Police was not adequately recording its stop and
search grounds.384

  1. The Sentencing Council’s guidelines say, “there is evidence of a disparity in sentence
    outcomes” for supply of drug offences “indicating that a higher proportion of black, Asian and
    other ethnicity offenders receive an immediate custodial sentence than white offenders, and
    that for Asian offenders custodial sentence lengths have, on average, been longer than for
    white offenders.”385

  2. A correlation between race and less favourable outcomes is also identified in several other Sentencing Council guidelines:

• The Overarching Guideline on Sentencing Children and Young People says, at
paragraph 1.18, that black and minority ethnic children are overrepresented in the youth
justice system. Decisions about the welfare of a child must consider the particular factors
that arise in the case of black and ethnic minority children.386

• The Overarching Guideline on Sentencing Offenders with Mental Disorders,
Developmental Disorders, or Neurological Impairments, states at paragraph 5 that courts
should take the cultural and ethnic background of offenders into account for a number of
good reasons, and notes that black people and people from ethnic minority backgrounds
are more likely to enter mental health services via the courts or the police, rather than
primary care.387

• The Guidelines for Firearms – Possession of Prohibited Weapon states that black and
Asian defendants are more likely to receive an immediate custodial sentence than white

• The Guideline for Causing grievous bodily harm with intent to do grievous bodily
harm/wounding with intent to do GBH that for black and Asian offenders immediate
custodial sentence lengths have on average been longer than for white, mixed white,
mixed and Chinese or other ethnicity offenders.388

So assuming the 2025 guidlines aren’t actually saying open the cell doors to black people, but merely strengthening the guidelines from 2024 when the tories were still hanging sheep rustlers, I can’t see the problem.

Consider this. The prisons are overcrowded. No one wants a new prison building nextdoor to them. Some existing prisons are literally falling apart now. They are all extensively overcrowded. Criminals are leaving prison then re-offending and back in again all too often.

It is proven that recidivism lowers not when the prisoner has a truly ■■■■■■ time in prison, but when they can be rehabilitated into law abiding citizens. That only happens when they are treated well enough not to develop a deep hatred of society. When they are given useful activities including work, training and education. When they have reasonable health care.
And when the prisons aren’t so overcrowded but under staffed that they spend 23 hours a day banged up bored out of their minds doing drugs.

With more staff, there is less smuggling. More security. More interaction. More monitoring. More staff equals more chance of going outside the cell for rec time, for training and education, for work, and for exercise. And the staff are less pressured, less despondent, and more likely to want to help in the rehabilitation process.

So by ensuring one sector of the population i.e. black people aren’t being excessively imprisoned, and then serving longer sentences than their white colleagues helps reduce that overcrowding. And if ex-prisoners are then committing less crime, guess what guys?

YES! it means us lot are safer! duh. Bottom line. I want equality,and I want to be safe. No one is truly safe when there is inequality, as the filthy rich billionaires are gonna eventually find out…

From what I am told by a reliable source, prison today aint like Ronnie Barker in Porrridge.
The system is completely on it’s arse.
It’s a free for all with drugs, and grossly understaffed,.and overcrowded, where essentially ‘the lunatics have taken over the asylum’
The officers do not run it anymore, they basically sit back and watch the inmates ‘run it’. …they aint got much choice.
To add to the cluster ■■■■,.a lot of guys are… err ‘‘invited’’ to convert to Islam,… not good.

All the officers can do is try and do is try keep the peace day to day,.so a lot of blind eyes are turned on lots of things I am told, which just makes the already terrible situation worse.

Do not let the official version of events take you in.

Absolutely agree.


It’s blatantly obvious that someone is getting something twisted.

There’s a big clue here, the Sentencing Council is INDEPENDENT from ANY government.

Seriously? But no mention in your post of all the other “minorities” that will come under the Sentencing Council’s proposals.