Oh but they can…it’s just that they WON’T.
From what I hear it would be illegal to take them back,.I’m assuming that little gem has summet to do with the ECHR,.which shoild be banished here.
The fact that it has ‘European’ in the title kinda says it all, that it is no good for OUR country, and presumably headed by a bunch of deluded lefties.
So the glaringly obvious answer is make them NOT want to come here, cut off the ludicrous incentive.
If we have to provide for them, provide the minimum, food water and shelter…if they are all fleeing from war torn countries, (or France as it is known) those conditions will be an improvement.
But the hand wringers and bed wetters would never agree to that…they have the final say.
The ECHR was formed in 1950 as a result of WW2.
Nothing to do with any trading block.
It was a response to extremism such as Stalinism. It is a backstop to stop governments taking rights away from their citizens.
Churchill was one of founders.
too bad starmer doesnt want to apply it to here then isnt it unless of course he is using it for not stopping the illegals. Just the human rights and free speech of the indigenous population
If you think that Starmer or any future PM or Gov is over doing it the ECHR is your helper.
Of course if you think we should be outside, just like Russia or Belarus and have the same cover as them on just a few minor and inconvenient human rights protections such as the right to life, prohibition of slavery and forced labour, right to a fair trial and the right to marry.
I think there is some central EU funding relative to asylum seekers, but I don’t think it is very big. Those who are in the EU and pay into it can apply for those funds.
Since the UK is not in the EU now, we don’t pay in as before, and don’t receive as before.
As an aside, each country in the EU decides it’s own rules about who does and does not qualify for asylum.
There is also a scheme to distribute asylum seekers around a bit. Those with most of them, Greece for instance, do get to send some to other countries.
You just can’t help yourself can you?
And from YOU…, the biggest political ‘Led by the nose’ lap dog on the forum.
Yeah most amusing mate…‘Oh how we laughed’ .
Same old same old.
Next time you are in your local your…‘Fox and Grapes’ count how many blokes at the bar you are going to chuck that one at…or dare to.
Just saying like.
suppose, just suppose all the issues of the ECHR and migrants and boats and everything, is a long play by those who stand to benefit the most by us actually voting to leave the ECHR.
We can’t opt out of the ECHR just on one small detail, or for one small group. It’s all or nothing. We vote out, then heh presto, we want to protest against changes to our living conditions, tough. We have no backstop.
If reform get elected and then show their true colours i.e. the national front, and do a titler on us, no future elections etc etc, tough, we have no backstop.
We need to be careful we don’t get what we vote for, not what we want.
Anyway, as yet I’ve haven’t seen even a brief balance sheet from reform showing how they can afford their policies, so far it’s just uncosted rhetoric and sloganning. They would mess the economy up worse than even liz clueless truss.
Re RefUK Ltd being bad with finances: one of the first to give praise to Truss and Kwarteng for their budget was a certain N. Farage.
And again although the rhetoric is great, the Labour bill going through Parliament at the moment on workers rights has been voted against by RefUK Ltd (or those who show up to vote)
RefUK Ltd talks like they are for ordinary working people but vote against what helps them. They support budgets to benefit the already well off, and are against exploitative fire/rehire and zero hrs contracts etc.
Where as the Labour party are fully competent, all for the working class, are straight down the middle, keep all their promises, no sleaze,…and oh yeah
'Aint as bad as the Tories.
And the Lib Dems, they are…
Oh why bother… who tf cares about them anyway
Basically all the same but with different tyoes of shortcomings and displays of ineptitude…ie Politicians.
So whats your point?..shouldnt you be searching for more muck and propaganda to rake up for your latest ‘Franglais campaign’ on the Trump thread ?
Strawman Fallacy: A Straw Man Fallacy is a sly debating technique where an individual misrepresents another person’s argument to make it easier to attack. In simpler terms, it’s like setting up a dummy version of an opponent’s stance just to knock it down.
I have never said that. Classic strawman technique.
So? Are they all the same? Or some more competent and less corrupt than others? ie…different!
I think that is called a “mad as a hatter” argument.
In the very same sentence saying something is both the sameanddifferent.
What’s my point?
For those who do not understand my point, as opposed to those who perfectly understand my point, but feel hurt that they have been lied to:
RefUK talks the talk about helping ordinary people, but all their actions show the opposite.
Voting against measures to stop no reason sackings, to enable union recognition where most workers want it, to prevent zero hrs exploitation, to stop fire and rehire on worse conditions, is what RefUK Ltd have done.
Look mate I don’t gaf how YOU interpret anything I say, your default obtusiveness is bound to take an opposite stance anyway…we all know that.
Btw…feeling hurt? Me by YOU ? .
Have you finally flipped or what mate.
As for commenting on you and your ‘arguments’…
Yeah maybe you are right I SHOULD knock it on the head,.especially as you make a good enough job all by yourself of displaying your hatred that clouds your judgement, your biased lefty woke politics, and your ‘led by the nose’ official narrative repeating style,.aka…'Here Fido…(that was what you said to me was it not?)
Keep it up.
Nah I just sit back, observe, and go with my instincts, whether right or wrong…impartial in fact.
Much better than just readily agreeing with the same type of crowd no matter how ridiculous stuff is sometimes,.and coming across as some political lap dog (fido) or useful idiot for them.
Basically picking what I see as best of a bad bunch…seeing as they are all politicians.
I have voted for Tory AND Labour in the past…never wasted a vote on Lib Dems though,.and I will morethan likely vote Reform next time up to press, Whether that will be a wasted vote will remain to be seen.
I do wonder how many people that voted for starmer regret it. All the people i know in person would never admit it because they think he is brilliant and if you try to have a discussion about it they just harp on about all the mistakes of the others so there is no point as they didn’t have the intelligence to understand the first time.
Well it seems some members of my own family are more honest and realistic.
3 octogenarians life long staunch Labour supporters to boot, say they feel betrayed,.and are ashamed of them as a Labour governing Party.
But as one of their own ‘Right Honourable’ ministers tastefully said,…
‘They may be dead before the next election’.
Just aboit sums them up eh?