Political discussions...

Maybe it is Jeremy Hunt’s budget he is unhappy about? News gets to Norfolk a but later than the rest of the world?

Unless he is on over £150k, the rates look the same.

It’s Lincolnshire and a bit, but I’ll forgive the slip. It’s been a long day in the trenches :joy:

All north of Winchester, so all the same …

Former Labour MP Who Repeatedly Punched Constituent Avoids Jail After Appeal – Thanks to “Two-Tier Judge” | Conservative Post

The same Judge lol, obviously Karen’s empty words on facebook are deemed by this Judge to be far more serious than a street thug brutally assaulting a member of the public in full view of others.

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International Development minister Anneliese Dodds quits over aid cuts - BBC News

And some people believe we don’t have 2 tier policing and justice.

Shocking really that writing a post on social media is deemed more serious than actual physical assault. The judge even acknowledged that Mike Amesbury only stopped the assault because someone dragged him off.

Granted, Karen’s post on Facebook was stupid, unacceptable and ill informed and should have come with some punishment - community service would have been more appropriate, especially given that 2 Tier Starmer released a load of hardened criminals early.

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Yeah it seems shes gone off bleating like my favourite goat …Billy the Kid, :joy: …because the payment for dancing lessons for disabled lesbians in Guatemala and other lefty type dog sh and waste of money is stopped.in favour of defending our country.

Aint she the woman who could not bring herself to publicly define a woman in case she offended somebody?..or am I getting mixed up with another of their loons.

Good riddance I say.
After the new found bromance of Starmer and Trump, lets hope more of these arse wipes leave the fold.

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Not sure who that was tbh but I always think Dodds has a face more suited to radio :grinning:

Yes that was Anneliese Dodds.

On a more serious note, Trump and vance had a bit of an argument with Zelensky in front of the press today, then apparently Zelensky was kicked out of the White House :astonished:

It has been noticed on the “Busy Trump” thread.

It’ll take you an hour or so to catch up! :grinning:

OK thanks, I never thought to check that thread  

This thread and that one is a bit too much politics for me though :wink:

Not a way to ensure sweet dreams, I’m afraid.

Is this a start …or a pr excercise to pacify us in the UK, those of us who are sick of being fleeced financially by keeping scrounging freeloading scum criminals and potential terrorists …(posing as refugees) in luxury.

(By the way the answer to the question in the BBC link above is a resounding…NO . )

The cost of this operation alone is costing us £540 million , the cost of keeping them in the country every day (and increasing) is astronomical.

On a dubiously positive note and after 6 months of hearing Starmer’s comedy catch phrase…'‘We’re going to smash the gangs’ :roll_eyes: this is the state of play so far.

I aint convinced it is going to work, these gangs are professional (usually drug) criminals who have discovered more can be made from the ‘refugee’ scam than drugs…which says it all.

The absolute minimal effort the govt has done so far definitely has not worked, the gangs are 10 steps ahead of them, and do not even care apparentlly.:joy:

Best just to do the obvious that everybody can see, (but for whatever reason the Govt flatly refuse to see)…Stop the incentive.
Instead of paying even more money to the French who are sure as hell laughing at us, (as well as everyone else) copy them instead.
Provide the same standards and facilities that the French do in their coastal towns…that will stop the boats in a week whrn they discover they are no longer going to be absolutely cosseted by us in this country.

Maybe Starmer should have asked Trump for advice, his ways of dealing with his illegal immigrants are much better.
It certainly does not include all inclusive continuous holidays in 4 star hotels …put it that way.

But as ever the cancerous lefties are bleating about it and doing their best to stop it all…as in this country.

An interesting take on the whole Ukraine Russia issue.

Once again at the risk of repeating myself I’ll reiterate that my social media friends list is probably split 50/50 between born and bred British (of all colours) and born and bred East Europeans living here and in their own birth country. That’s not some brag by the way to show how inclusive and happy clappy I am. It’s just the way it is.

The overwhelming majority of my EE friends tell me not to believe the official narrative as we are being lied to daily. I must admit that I’m torn on this issue. I know what I read and see reported, but I also trust the judgment of people who are firmly steeped in the history of this on a personal level.

Of course I want the killing to stop, but peace at ANY cost never works! As I said, conflicted.

Ex Squaddies | Facebook?

How do the people who do actually live in Ukraine right now feel?

Zelensky has a higher approval rating in his own country than Starmer, Trump, etc.
The Ukrainians as a whole are fighting and dying to keep Russians out.
They know what they want to do.
They do not want to submit.

They the Ukrainians see exactly how the Russians treat those they occupy. They the Ukrainians know the truth.

Are they actually Ukrainians?

Would you think that maybe in 1939 the US should have listened to French advise on how GB should act?

It is not for neighbours of Ukraine to tell them what to do, but to support them in their choice.

A mixture of Ukrainian, Polish, Lithuanian and Latvian actually with a smattering of Romanian and Portuguese thrown in.

Again I’ll stress that this isn’t me trying to appear cosmopolitan it’s actually just the way it is.

I’m not saying that they are right and you are wrong, or vice versa. What I am saying is that as always the first casualty of war is the truth.

I’m not firmly entrenched in my thoughts on this matter simply because I honestly don’t know enough either way.

Good and are any actually in Ukraine?
Or are any Ukrainians you know here in the UK?
I guess that those who choose to stay and fight for their homeland will be different to those who choose to go abroad at a time of war?

True enough.

All of the Ukrainians that I personally know were here before the special military operation started, the women mainly remained here, the males dip in and out of the UK sand Ukraine. They all have families still living there.

I’m being completely honest here and am not attempting to spin it either way.