another blow for starmers smash the gangs. appears he is letting them out of jail early!
‘‘Smash the gangs’’ has become some sort of comedy catchprase.
Starmer is just a joke, I find it hard to take him serious now, especially with his monotone delivery.
He needs some sort of voice coach…oh hang on a minute.
talking of the voice coach has anything come of that has he even appolagised or anything given the fuss that was made for domonic cummings ophthalmic appointment that really cant be done over the phone
Apparently the Labour Party chief apologist Mr F.R Anglais has said that there is no case to answer and he uncovered one of Boris Johnson’s first internet posts dated April 1907 to back up his claim
so he lied to parliament then of dear
it would be a simple thing to prove or disprove just look at his diary
just goes to show what a vile bit of trash he is.
Defence spending increases, think he would be better off spending it on cleaning the streets and cities of uk, of filth and dirt and neglect
I see that the “citizen reporter” Karen-offa-facebook has been doing her research again?
Does anyone really believe that Lammy spent thousands every day on food and drink?
This is not the figure for Mr Lammy’s personal expenses.
It is the total spent by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) as a whole on restaurants and bars for the four months from July to October 2024. The venues where the money was spent were obscured in most cases.
copied from Fact-check: Did David Lammy spend £521,527 on restaurants and bars as social media claims? | The Independent
thing is how many people were included in that and dont say it says all. it will only be the top brass and why were the restaurants and bars obscured. he is the head it is his responsibility
if that is for 4 months then its 1,564,575 a year thats a hell of a lot of meal deals at £2.50 each that the tax payer has provided.
Ha ha ha! Such staggering pomposity and sneering condescension! Exactly the type of “if I don’t agree with it then it’s worthless” attitude that you complain about in a certain Mr Trump!
Such a shame that your irony meter is broken.
It is not whether or not I agree with it, though is it?
It is whether or not it is true. And it isn’t.
Jeffrey Archer.
nah, better elaborate as some will miss the point.
Archer was a disgraced Tory MP who got served a 4 year stretch behind tall walls. Silly nit after he was moved to an open prison, continued to play games so he got sent back to a cat B prison.
He told lies.
Lies, lies lies. Oh and a brief shoplifting stint. Apparently/allegedly he lied even to get into Oxford Uni.
Still a much loved author and ex tory rogue.
Obviously labour haven’t learned a brass farthing. Squeaky clean I shout. Make sure your tighty whities are squeaky clean. But no, there are more fleas on the current labour cabinet than my dog.
I am so disillusioned with british politics that I’d rather like to emigrate to Norway and add category S to my licence .
above the PAYE threshold
i.e. £12,570 per year plus the £37,700 equals £50,270.
So you voted Labour because you wanted Labour to change the Tory decision back in 2021. A decision that the tories did not alter in 2022 or 2023 or 2024.
Assumption. Never assume as it makes an ass of U and me.
my dear sir, perhaps make your post more clear for us older harder of thinking types.
are you demonstrating ire at
A.) Labour
B.) Freeloaders
C.) Non tax paying billionaires
I’ve had a day of nothing but roadworks and temporary traffic lights. I’m expressing ire at anything with a heartbeat!
Ps. All three