No doubt the second to none British Forces will go and do their duty whatever.
Whilst many of their ex colleagues with ptsd lie in their sleeping bags homeless outside a …what is it?..Oh yeah…
‘A hostel’ housing ‘irregular immigrants’ in luxury, Many of which who were no doubt killing British soldiers in Iraq and Afghan a few years before, while Starmer continues to condone it and encourage more of them over every day.
You should send Franglais opinions on Brit forces to a couple of your Para mates…
So Starmer tells his party to basically stop looking down on the working class …(a bit bizzare from a Party which was actually originally designed to represent that class,) and to listen to people’s objections about illegal immigrant policy (or lack of it)
So given that, am I right in thinking we are no longer ‘Far Right racists’?..
I need to know these things I am having sleepless nights over thinking that the lefties think I’m a racist, I’m at the end of my tether in fact.
It sounds to me like he is running a bit scared of (my hero ) Nige and his party who are looking more and more like a threat to him after every misdemeanour and general f.up they make.
I do actually think that it’s commendable that Starmer is preparing the ground in order to send other people’s sons and daughters to defend Ukranian borders.
If only he was so passionate about defending Britains borders? Wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing?
@maoster or anyone else that may know. what is the offical punishment for refusing to deploy. Am i right in thinking that its not the pm of the day that gives the order its the monarch?
Yes I was indeed part of BAOR. I’m sure that you know what it was all about.
My post was supportive of defending Ukranian borders but questioned when we would protect our own. But of course you knew that also. So what exactly was your point, except for your usual Carryfasteque habit of arguing for arguing sake?
The punishment would be courts martial mate. I’m not sure who gives the ultimate green light tbh, but I suspect that you aren’t far from the mark when you suggest that it would be the King.
It certainly did to me,.despite the added caveat…and everyone else I would think.
But admit it …It also did to you in reality…, but we all know how you think you are being clever being obtuse and controversial for effect.
.Police conceded that the 54-year-old had committed no crime’
Well that was big of them eh?
Probably some poor ■■■■ getting stabbed in the next street whilst they were ‘investigating this potentially heinous crime’ …and what if she was criticising them? Do they not deserve it?..
They are a complete shower of sh who are totally out of touch with the majority of the British public (I feel a graph or a stat list link of refutement coming on btw )
I wonder if she is another Labour voter btw?
Never mind 54?.. she may even be dead before the next election…that’s the official line aint it Franglais?
I hope to f they dont monitor Trucknet or I’ll be walking out the front door cuffed.
Give the neighbours summet to talk about and it wouldnt be the first time …joke again btw.
Some numpty made a complaint about the woman. The Police did not think any crime was involved at all.
“Greater Manchester Police defended their actions, stating they had a duty to inform Jones about the harassment complaint.”
They were not going to her house, to have a go at her for anything…they were letting hjer know that a complaint had been made, and they were not taking the complaint anywhere.
Seems to me, that if someone was making official complaints against me, I might like to know about it. Better than being accused of things, and not having any knowledge, nor chance to put my point of view.
If the Police decided there was no case to answer why tf would you even be bothered?
I am sure they have much more important things to pass their time.
Put it this way …If some despicable 'kin coward who did not have the balls to accuse me of something untrue to my face, I would want to seriously kneecap him if I met him …, but I would not expect the Police to waste their time even informing me of it just to massage my ego of perceived self righteousness. …which I do not have anyway.
What an utter crock of 5 hit response. Why tf would the Police need to do anything if there is no offence or any imminent risk of an offence. Utter waste of Police resources especially when they are not permitted to declare who made the complaint in the first place.
Should the Police have informed her since no charges were likely?
Maybe not. Maybe it is a waste of time.
Reporting it as being Thought Police in action etc though is still misleading.
The rozzers were not there because she made a nasty post.
They were there because a complaint had been made against her, and they saw the complain as needing no action against her.
Yep absolutely agree.
Franglais lives in his own Nirvanic world where his view of the Police is that they are still like ‘Dixon of Dock Green’.
He also has to kow tow to the narrative and the official explanation…it’s what he does.
So the conversation could have gone along these lines said just like Rigsby would say it.
Police…“Good afternoon Ms Jones we are officers from Greater Manchester
Police, we’d like to speak with you about a complaint of harassment made by a moron regarding your posts on facebook”
Ms Jones…“My facebook posts? What are you talking about iv’e posted thousands of comments on facebook and other social media sites”
Police…“Oh don’t worry Ms Jones you haven’t committed an offence and quite honestly we have some very big fish to fry but this is just a shot across the bows for your future posts”
Ms Jones…“But what have I said that has raised this visit who has made a complaint”?
Police…“I’m so sorry Ms Jones we cannot tell you that. Goodbye Ms Jones”.