Political discussions...

The Appeal Court is the correct route, not the HoC.

Yes but the subject has to be brought up in the House to discuss wether the law should be amended, changed or rewritten to provide further clarity for Judges to make their decision.

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OK my wording was bad, the Palestinian family or their solicitor took advantage of a loophole in the law that was devised for Ukrainian refugees, Badenoch was right to call it out and to his credit Starmer was right to agree with her.

Apart from cases where a court ruling sets a president in law judges cannot make laws only the government can do that, so it’s right a proper that when they get it wrong, as in this case, it’s called out and put right by the government.

To suggest that the opposition leader should not call out the government when a law is shown to be wrong or badly worded, as Chief Justice Dame Sue Carr seems to be saying, or to suggest that the prime minister should not be able to admit that there’s a loophole in a law is not inline with the way our democracy works.

The UK is ruled by a democratically elected government (said a little tongue in cheek :slight_smile: ) not the judiciary.

In which case criticise the law, not those applying it.

As above. The judges apply the law as written.
If they didn’t then go through the appeal procedure.

It is not for Judges to say “Ah, this is a loophole, so I will ignore it”.
That would involve them re-writing laws, which we might agree is wrong.

I think that Badenoch and Starmer criticised the Judge,
The law itself is being revised to account for the legally correct but unwanted ruling.

Agreed…In all details!

Of course they were every right thinking person can see that…and so does Franglais in reality.

Did you not spot his ambush, his trap?

That is the reason I did not bite and respond to it when I saw it.
He and the rest of those 'kers love all this type of sh, and love to spread their cancerous lefty propaganda.
They would let every Tom D1ck and Ahmed in that wanted to come in, under ANY dodge or legal loophole, whilst standing there with there ‘‘Immigrant Refugees Welcome’’ banners, (and shouting ‘Racist’ to anyone who disagrees.:roll_eyes: )
Welcome that is except for in their own houses and spare rooms when challenged, using every excuse under the sun for not emulating or being as genuine as the good people who have taken in (bonafide) refugee Ukranians into their homes.

People like Franglais are all wind and pi55 in comparison, but he will no doubt grasp the opportunity spending another 2 pages desperately trying to convince us we are wrong in this case, spreading the usual warped official narrative.

I’m keeping out of this one firmly sticking a CBA label on it.

Nah sod it…I cant not not post this little gem on the same subject…:joy:

Turns out this particular judge has strong left leanings and is prone to being over sympathetic to illegal immigrants allegedlly (quelle surprise eh :roll_eyes:)

Turns out that on almost the same day he let an Afghan ‘refugee’ stay in the country who was claiming to be a child, the Border authorities wanted to deport him for whatever reason, but the ‘judge’ decided he actually WAS a child, even though he clearly looked about 25 with forehead lines, strong stubble…abd a receding hairline.
He can not be named because …yep you guessed it…
He’s a child.:joy:

Another example of madness… maybe not the same judge,
An illegal is caught cruising in a car looking for vulnerable drunk girls…in court a judge says sending him to jail will contravene his human rights as he has been in jail in his own sh hole of a country and was tortured suffering from ptsd.
Never mind he’ll be eligible when he next r4pes or murders the next one eh?
This country is absolutrly f.k.d. beaause of these pathetic woke attitudes and actions by those in authority, and the useful idiots who go on to spread ‘the word’.

Yeah I know…I have mentioned it before.:roll_eyes:

Nigel Farage gives up control of Reform UK to make party more democratic | Reuters

thing is with all this sleaze in the labour party where are the sackings. Slightest dubious hint of a tory doing something wrong starmer and rayner would be screaming from the roof tops if they werent sacked immediately. Now its their own party rayner is quieter than a church mouse and starmer makes banal comments about it.

Good. A step in the right (*) direction for RefUK Ltd.

However it is still going to be less than truly democratic.
"Asked why the board was not made up solely of elected members, Farage told GB News that the party he previously led, UKIP, had a fully elected National Executive Commission and it “became completely and utterly and totally ungovernable”."Nigel Farage gives up ownership of Reform UK
Or in translation
“If it had an elected board and was democratic I couldn’t govern it” said St Nigel of Everywhere-Except-Clacton.

  • make your own puns!

It seems we will be getting more Doctors,.scientists and solicitors (and not criminals…, and definitely not terrorists ) here anytime soon if the Lefties have their way, …whilst standing with their ‘Welcome’ placards.
More diversity enrichment.

Shock horror, an MP who spends little time in their constituency. Nowt like twisting a positive story into a negative one.

Doing, at long last, summat approaching the minimums for all other parties, does not cancel out doing nowt for Clacton.

Oh dear, Rach from accounts black hole could be getting a tad bigger.


Thought the pic of Rach in the article was the kid catcher out of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

Firstly I do find the handover of the bodies as a public spectacle very distasteful.

Interesting bit of editing of videos there.
When the coffins are on camera the crowd is subdued, but loud music is playing.
When the crowd is cheering the picture is of a 4x4 full of fighters driving along, no coffins. .
Quote from MSN
" Video on Instagram from a self-described Gazan journalist shows four masked militants loading a casket into a Red Cross aid truck while another figure wearing symbols of Palestinian Islamic Jihad follows them with a camera. Another video the creator posted had crowds of adults and children waving and cheering for Hamas fighters as they rode by in trucks with weapons raised."

I fully accept that some Palestinians are violent and nasty people who we do want here as refugees. Hamas are beyond awful.
That does not mean that all Palestinians are violent and undeserving of refuge.

What next? Some Ukrainians are murderers so none deserve refuge?

Did the owners of these clothes deserve no safe place?https://youtu.be/5IvdffjL5h0?si=6m57dxWs4_xH9FJm

When that Led By Donkeys video was made last year, about 11,500 children had been killed in Gaza.

The UN says as io January this year,
…13,000 children dead…
an estimated 25,000 injured, and at least 25,000 hospitalized for malnutrition, according to U.N. agencies.

As Britain’s deputy U.N. ambassador, James Kariuki, recently told the Security Council, “Gaza has become the deadliest place in the world to be a child.”

“The children of Gaza did not choose this war,” he said, “yet they have paid the ultimate price.”

I would expect nothing less than you jumping to defence on this…best get yer front room cleared for some bunks then you can call yer house a ‘hostel’. :joy:

Put it this way mate if there was a large influx of Ukranians arrived in my city, I would not be in the least bit fussed about my kids maybe getting their limbs blown off or worse in some kind of potential terrorist atrocity.
Maybe not as confident if they were Palestinians from a terrorist state…nuff said.

But best get your refugees welcome placards drawn up pdq to stand there with the other deluded idiots.

Speaking of Gaza, Hamas, terrorists et all

Hardly surprising the BBC sympathy.
They refuse to refer to Hamas as ‘Terrorists’ although they walk and quack like a duck

Meanwhile in other news it appears that Starmer is desperate for his “Blair moment” by committing British troops into a theatre of war thus cementing his place in the annals of history.

I frequent a lot of current and ex military sites and the rumblings are disturbing to be quite honest. There seems to be some kind of momentum gathering pace. It starts with memes such as this, where does it end?

(As an aside, my hatred for Starmer and his ilk knows no bounds so I admit that my view is possibly skewed)

Who has called anyone racist for flying the Union flag?
Has any UK politician or leader done that? Who?

Who has been fined for flying the Union flag? Where is the law that gives that fine?

And to cap it all:
“Our troops will not die for Labour.”

The last I heard the UK Armed Forces were sworn to King and Country not just one political party.

If anyone wants to choose to do the bidding of just one party they deserve no place in the Country’s Armed Forces.

Wind yer neck in surrender monkey.