Political discussions...

But it aint…it is just how you choose to interpret it to fit your agenda…as per norm.

How come the tiresome crap you post is always from some left wing source that is ‘accurate’ according to you.
Anything anybody else posts is either ‘nonsence’ or ‘bollox’ and the source is automatically written off with some discreditation or another.

Open your effin mind and preferably at the same time shut your gob…you are tiresome.

Q. Did the Police go to house to tell her off for her post?
A. No. To tell her a complaint had been made, but the Police though the complaint was not worthy.

Almost the opposite of the way the Fail spins the story.

Just watched some footage taken of a pro Lebanon rally, nothing unusual there in many major British cities. The police stood in a line watching impassively, again nothing unusual there in many major British cities. A group of protesters then tore apart the Union Flag in front of the aforementioned impassive police, once again nothing unusual in many major British cities.

What did strike me as unusual however was that this is the same major British city where only a few weeks earlier a man was swiftly arrested with the full force of the law for burning a copy of the Quran.

Strange old world innit?

That is all entire ‘nonsence’ and ‘bollox’ mate.
You interpreted all of that wrongly.

They were folding that flag not tearing it.

Pro Palestinian demos are peaceful,.and Palestine is NOT ran by a terrorist organisation.

The Police were ready to arrest but nothing offensive was done…so no need

The man who burned the Qouran deserved it, he was a far right racist.

And what is your source of news?
Something with zero credibility I would guess.

Take no notice of me mate, I just thought I’d save Franglais a job.:joy:
Call me the new Comical Ali.:joy:

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“What would you do, Ajahn Brahm, if someone took a Buddhist holy book and flushed it down your toilet?” Without hesitation I answered, “Sir, if someone took a Buddhist holy book and flushed it down my toilet, the first thing I would do is call a plumber!”

True story, I heard him say it guv.
For those who don’t know who Ajahn Brahm is, he’s a very very high up Buddhist in Australia, but born in London.

Personally I question any religion and it’s followers if it’s so flaky and fragile that burning a book could cause it to cease. But then, once upon a time Christian marauders marauded across most of the world torturing and killing non believers because their religion was so just, compassionate, wise and true. (nowt to do with the money they ransacked along the way mind you…)

Tim minchen does a whole sketch about that

From what has been learnt from this visit by the Police to Ms Jones regarding her posts on Facebook, I smell a rat.

So I would have thought the Police would have initially received a complaint of harassment by the complainant, the Police then obviously investigated this claim and saw exactly what was posted, they made a decision that no offence had been committed and imo should have told the complainant to do one or else be charged with wasting Police time, but no…nothing like that.

How do you know what the Police said to the complainant?

Same here mate I have no time for ANY relgion.
It has a hell of a lot to answer for presently and throughout history.
The world would be a far better (and safer) place without any of it.

How come you appear to be Mr Sceptical when you are trying to make some point or another, and believe nothing that anybody tells you, by wanting to know the far end of a fart about it…
Where as on the other hand you roll over like a desperate for attention pup when anything is fed to you in the form of official ‘propaganda’, swallow it without question to go on and preach it.
One of life’s little mysteries.

IMO means?

“Nothing like that” means NONE of this whole episode turned out like that.

That in your opinion summat should have happened.
You also wrote, and in full context

but no…nothing like that.
So, how do you know nothing like that happened?

“Nothing like that” refers to the whole episode. I wrote it, I should know. The clue is it’s all in the same paragraph.

You clearly said that in your opinion the complainant should have been told off, and in the same sentence you say “nothing like that” happened.
Very clear to me.

If the “warning off” is not the subject of you saying “nothing like that happened”, then what are you talking about?
What else never happened?

Oh ffs enough, move on… tell him he is right just so he’ll shut the ■■■■ up and be happy with his latest ‘little victory’ :roll_eyes:

Meanwhile it seems Starmer seems a bit rattled by the threat of Reform, it’s only a few months ago he was writing them off as an irrelavant party…akin to the Lib Dems.:grin:

Love his ‘Dangers from a right wing party’ sound bite, I think we should be concentrating on the ‘Dangers of this Left Wing party’ firstly.

Btw that voice coach he was sha… sorry ‘consulting’ at Christmas, she aint very good, his speech delivery sounds more like a dalek every day.:roll_eyes:

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So Petrocelli, it’s very clear to me that you are going to think what you want to think irrespective of what I, the writer of the words meant.

Lets just cast our minds back to the story. A grandmother gets a knock at the door from 2 rozzers, then a phone call, scares the living daylights out of her, for what exactly? Now lets look at what I later wrote “but no… nothing like that”. That referred to how the whole situation was handled, ie knocks at the door by the rozzers, imo meant telling the complainant to do one, this may/may not have happened.


“May or may not” is fair comment, “nothing like that” isn’t.

So once again just for your benefit, “nothing like that” referred to how the whole situation was handled. Apology accepted.

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Ok if we are continuing with this, here it is from a different angle.

for those trying to say it didnt happen there is ring door bell evidence. Before anyone says how do i know it was a ring door bell i freely admit that it could of been a different brand.

2 cid officers turned up to speak to her. after 20 cars had been stolen from the area last year with no police involvement.

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