Political discussions...

So on News at 10 last night the main story was about a far right group in the UK which had been infiltrated by an undercover reporter, this group appeared to not hit the threshold to be classed as a terrorist organisation. Over 20 minutes of the news programme was allocated to this story. Given the Islamic threat (high) as a against the far right threat (much lower) I wonder if the media will use such tactics of infiltration of Islamic individuals / groups who also have extreme views and seem to not meet the threshold for terrorism and broadcast pro rata coverage on the mainstream news.

What was this far right group. Was it a bunch of skin heads plotting to go out and stab people? Or was it the local wi branch meeting lamenting how it was in yesteryear

Who has “given” those threat levels?

MI5 give the current terrorist threat level as “substantial” and the last report I can find cites Islamic and far right threats, but does not give different risk levels for the two.

I was referring to the high (percentage) of investigations by the security services into Islamic threats as against the much lower (percentage) of investigations by the security services into far right threats…google it.

Bit of both, a lot of hot air.

Rachel from accounts on the fiddle.

Right on cue Franglais jumps in and feels the need to defend the official narrative… that radical Islamists aint the biggest threat…followed by some survey/link or another with stats.:roll_eyes:

Cant remember the last time I heard a so called ‘Far right’ terrorist attack on a concert hall full of teenage girls with the resulting mass murder, or the last ‘far right’ ram raid on a UK airport with cars filled with gas tanks and explosives, or any ‘far right’ attacks and even brutal murder, on the street of serving British servicemen, or ‘far right’ murder and mayhem on underground trains and buses in London, or ‘far right’ potential terrorists being prevented from the next atrocity after being covertly observed by British intelligence organisations…
Nope all Islamist absolute religious nut jobs.
But we aint supposed to think that are we in case we ‘‘offend’’ any demographic, so the authorities keep up with the narrative backed up by the useful idiots.

Dont know about you but if I am on a crowded city bus and a gang of very dodgy shifty looking arabic types young men (maybe fresh off a dinghy) jump on with rucksacks…call me paranoid but I am getting me and my family off, and I do not gaf who I potentially ‘offend’ them, or the ‘useful idiots’
If a group of gobby dodgy skinhead type knob heads jump on instead, I will be derply irritated having a zero tolerance to d/heads, but I would likely still stay on…with my Mrs giving me verbal gbh to keep my mouth shut.:grin:
Streetwise is the term I am looking for.
So to sum up shove yer lefty rhetoric and yer stats and surveys in a safe warm place.

The latest one, Germany this time…an ‘asylum seeker’ still there after an attempt to deport, into the bargain.

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We need a Trump type character to sort these ridiculous type 'kin morons.:roll_eyes:

The old bird running the ‘‘Workshop’’ reminds me of an Alexi Sayle quote, delivered in his direct almost beligerant style Scouse accent…:grin:
''Anybody who uses the term ‘workshop’, is in the context of anything other than engineering, is usually a complete 2HAT. :joy:

Where are the cretins waving the “asylum seekers welcome here” banners now? Hang on a minute, they’re here and defending the indefensible is where they are.

According to the world we are all looking at speaking Russian in the not to distant future
They are going to take it all and the sad thing is nobody seen it till it was too late, as will be said
But of course we all know that could never happen
Think again hilter just walked into these countries and they folded
And they would do it again and again, hopeless countries that don’t have a defence and half of them Russian descent

I fear those ‘cretins’ you mention, as well as the other ‘cretins’ who are taken in by the ‘refugee’ hoax are going to look even more stupid thsn normal anytime soon.
I aint saying all the dinghy dwellers are all criminal scum or all terrorists, but I personally fear another high profile attack coming anytime soon.

Not just my opinion either, I heard an ex Brit intelligence officer on a radio show, an expert on this stuff.
He fears ‘sleeper cells’ across the country languishing in their all inclusive hotels, all just waiting for the word for not just one attack but simultaneous ones in different parts of the country,…

Some of the scum who are amongst us now who are continuing to be welcomed in unchecked, are as he said it potentially part of a …'‘A Trojan Horse scenario’.
I hear they are about to let a vast amount of Palestinians in now from a terrorist country also.

It makes me sick to my stomach that our great country has been turned into a laughing stock, and still as you say ‘cretins’ and those annoying deluded ‘useful idiots’ go on to exacerbate it all.

Speaking of the useful idiots…
Btw… @Franglais…the ex military terrorist expert on the radio, never mentioned anything about ‘Far right’ terrorists, funnilly enough.
Must have been a biased unreliable and discredited radio station eh?

Seems reeves has been caught out again with her disastrous budget. What does she do…does she try and fix it. Does she try and front it out. Does she even just hold her hands up and appologise. Nope she launches an investigation in who made it public wasting more tax payers money

Excellent video from Moorhouse.
I don’t agree with all of his pieces, but this time the nail is hit firmly on the head.

He is talking about a piece by Macron in the FT. Here. Subscribe to read
But behind a paywall…
The essence is that Europe as a whole should pay a bit more in defence and not rely on the US. It has been a sensible attitude for a long time, but is being brought to a head by Trump, of course.

And a massive investment opportunity for monarchists, and art lovers.
You need to watch this news cast until the end to see it.

That be the same Rachel from accounts that has memory issues with dates and job description on her CV lol, that be the same Rachel from accounts that has broadcast verbally on numerous occasions that she worked “the best part of a decade” for the BOE when in reality it was only 5 and a half years, a year of which was studying lol and now this be Rachel from accounts embroiled in these new revelations regarding expenses. HTF can she still be in the job…bring on the “nothing has been proven” joker!

Questions raised over Rachel Reeves’s CV and expenses after BBC investigation - BBC News

Of course its trumps fault the have contributed the bare minimum for decades expecting us and America to foot the bill

Trump is the new Brexit with this lot…if anything goes wrong, blame Trump.:grin:

Don’t diss the Rache! I’ve obtained an exclusive scoop on her full CV.


Let’s have another dodgy meme to continue the debate shall we? :joy:


Yep and there’s more examples of thr govt pi55ing our money away on stupid bloody things ehile Starmer keeps on slavering about his ‘black hole’.:roll_eyes:

It’s effin obscene just how much monry is wasted, on this stuff, not to mention the huge amounts constantly spent maintaining the privileged life style of illegal immigrants who milk the system and who come over here just to do so.