I have tried to find out if any of that was based in any sort of fact.
Some of it seems to be.
The £12.8 billion for Ukraine for instance. That appears to be what Sunak pledged in 2022, and ends in February 2025…now.
So if that is part of a black hole, it was dug by the Tories, but I guess that is not the message you want to send?
Sending £18b to Mauritius? Bollox.
Even PRAVDA suggests about £10b over 99 years!
That is less than the mortgage on a 3 bed semi under Liz Truss.
And yet another one, Austria this time…
A Syrian no less…, kills a 14 yr old,.and injures 4 men.
Five stabbed at random after knifeman launched attack in Villach, Austria
Maybe a Syrian ‘Buddhist fundamentalist’ this time eh?
A safe bet he aint one of those ‘Far right terrorists’ the ones …‘‘with similar threat levels as Islamists’’ mentioned previously though I would think.
Draw your own conclusions.
Edit;…Yep, on Sky News this morning quote’
…''Austrian authorities say the suspect who murdered the 14 year yr old boy had …quote ‘‘Had an Islamic terror motive’’
Quelle Surprise eh?
Good job for us he decided to settle in Austria and not here.
Never mind another 240 potential terrorists and criminals, posing as refugees, and predominantly young men arrived only yesterday to keep the numbers up.
They will be booking in at the Dover Great Western as we speak. fully fed,.refreshed and suited and booted.
Under the plans, fees would increase by at least 10 per cent, with officials saying the move will help clear the 100,000-strong backlog of asylum cases.
so if as the article claims its to help the asylum seekers fight their case how will that help clear the backlog if they can argue and appeal for longer. These “officials” want their heads testing
It aint unbe####lievable though that even you can not find something at least a LITTLE positve in actual talking peace, instead of prolonged murderous war…purely because Trump is the instigator.
It has been proven on here time and time again that once you get your metaphorical knife in someones back…Johnson Farage et all, your bizzare hatred supercedes everything else.
A bit pathetic tbh.
Credit where credit’s due; it’s been reported today that since Labour took over there’s been an extra two million medical appointments carried out. That is a figure that they can be rightly proud of.
I’ll resist the dig that perhaps it’s 2 million pensioners suffering from hypothermia! Doh! Just did it.
Oh so you are getting impartial now in your news seeking eh?
Kicked the lefty BBC into touch now, after realising their agenda…there is hope for you yet.
But not gone completely cold turkey eh,.weaning yourself off the heroin of political opinion…aka the far left angle.
I have told you before I listen to all sides of the news, including BBC, in fact I quite like Nicky Campbell on 5 live, he comes across as being relatively impartial, but now and again forgets himself and tries to cover his tracks I have noticed.
So what exactly is your point here?
Are you actually sticking up for GBN (wow surely not ) or is it another of your usual desperate attempts to try and convince us (and yourself of course ) that ‘‘you are right’’ again?
I actually heard that interview with Tyce myself on the day, …ok so she dos not agree with everything Reform says, but nor does she have to…neither do I in fact.
Yep well done…
It aint hard to give credit when credit is due, rather than just toe the line with costant criticism and ridicule for the sake of it, thus making yourself look a bit shallow…and purely because you don’t like nor agree with someone.
if that is genuine as you say its a good thing. however where did the extra appointments come from. is that 2 million more than the previous 7 months, or as the labour party would have us belive that the doctors did more overtime (spent less time on the golf course)?
Ok Labour have done some good…for ONCE., we get it.
Congratulations in you finding something positive at last.
I and other critics of said shower of sh have already acknowledged credit, and rightly so, …cos mainly we aint blindly committed and servile to one type of party…
So no need to milk it.
Speaking of millking it.
These 2 infamous Manchester Airport violent thugs…(as proven by stark video evidence)
are certainly doing so.
Pleading not guilty……Working on ‘getting off’ by hiring some deluded and expensive lefty lawyer who will undoubtedly go for the obligatory race card with a lot of appeasenent thrown in the mix.
And all relying on the 2 tier justice system that seems to prevail these days.
If they do get off after what we have witnessed in the vids (the second of which they did not want us to see…I cant for the life of me think why…Or rather I can.) it will make a mockery of the whole British justice system…they HAVE to go down for this.
Here’s ‘Herbert off you tube’ with his take on it.
*Warning to anyone of a dellicate lefty disposition…
This contains straight talking which you may find offensive, along with a lot of home truths, so best not to upset your delicate demeanour which may bring on the urge to shout ‘Racist’ at the screen. *
Stay on here all day with as many posts as you like mate…why would I even care.?
As for me hushing up after I make a point…better than constantly repeating the same old crap for years to the point of making a campaign out of it… like you do…Johnson, covid Brexit Tories to name a few past obsessions