Political discussions...

Comlpaints have been made to Police apparentlly about more innapropriate comments by other Labour MPs on this whats app group…

Oliver Ryan MP (nah me either) is now under investigation. …others to follow.
He says ‘He made comments that he would not make today that he regrets’.:joy:…aye of course ya do mate, you’ve been caught with your pants down with your ‘Right (dis) honourable’ mates.

Personally I think it’s a storm in a tea cup, and I usually would not give a rats ass, as I value free speech…but these shysters have clamped down on free speech…and the trademark hypocricy of the Labour Party once again rears it’s ugly head…
(Jeez my talents are wasted behind a wheel, I should have been a journo :joy:)

They also ran their whole campaign on the ticket of being the …‘Non sleaze transparent party’.

The ag they gave the Tories for similar things was off the scale, so in that alone, these participants in that group should be sacked.

As a collective (very poor) political party they have asked for it by their ‘holier than thou’ stance…

It all goes back to the same old thing…
‘All politicians and MPs are all the same’ , some are better or worse than others…and some occssionally get caught.

Incidentally compared with all the hullabaloo on this forum on thread in previous years by certain individuals, over ruling party sleaze, …that is ALSO the same old thing.
Just ignore the uncomfortable truth in direct contrast to filling the forum with daily reports as in the past.
So blatant so obvious.

So…in calling out what you consider hypocrisy… you think that Labour MPs should be held to higher standards than Tory etc MPs?
Ooo Kaaay…

Actually, I sort of agree. !

The previous recent Govs (not all Tory Govs) were too lax with their standards. They looked at possible wrong doing by their MPs, tried to ignore it or excuse it, etc too often.
Labour have seen what they consider wrong doing…although you might not think it is…and have sacked an MP from his Ministerial job, removed the whip, and suspended him from the party.

None of that condones any wrong doing, of course not, but does show a degree of seriousness.

Well, if some are better and some are worse…they are not all the same are they! :grinning:

Are all MPs saints? No.
Are the bad ones ignored, or excused, or promoted? Not by Labour.

Certainly not! Not once the spotlight is on them anyway. Do you believe for a second that this is the full extent of Labour MP wrongdoing, or maybe only what has come to light? Up to now of course

Is all wrongdoing known about?
Of course not.

Is the wrongdoing that is known about being dealt with? Yes, it looks like it is.
Are there any examples of known wrongdoing, not being dealt with?

Surely you are not saying that unknown cases should be dealt with…before…they are known about…?
Only an omniscient God would be capable of that. (Although Trump may claim he can do it)

You know precisely what I mean. For the avoidance of doubt I’m referring to the skeletons that are still in the closet but are common knowledge in the corridors of Whitehall but haven’t yet been brought to light.

Spare me the inevitable wishy washy response but do me the courtesy of answering a simple question please?

Why, if anyone but a left leaning politician had been guilty of almost anything would you have spewed forth a diatribe of bile and rhetoric, but whenever a Labour politician is caught with his/her pants down do you grudgingly acknowledge the wrongdoing, but seem (actually, not seem, but definitely do) hold back on the near hysteria?

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Cough starmer cough rayner cough reeves cough abbott not to mention all the ones that resigned even though starmer wouldnt do anything about it

No… I see the words you use, but I do not what more can be done other than examine and deal with what is known about.

Are there skeletons in closets? Quite possibly so.
How do you suggest they should be dealt with then? How should MPs and others be punished for unknown offences?

If things are indeed “common knowledge”, what are they?
Why are political opponents so frit about mentioning them?

Or are they hints and muck throwing, with no substance, that will not be spoken aloud for fear of being shown to be lies?

What is grudging about my saying that the MP in question is rightly being dealt with quickly. No prevarication whilst an inquiry is held etc, just outright sacked.

I recognise the names.
What are you saying about them? What are you alleging Starner did nothing about?

That’ll be a no then I guess

Yet AGAIN you knew exactly what I meant but as ever (and purely for effect :roll_eyes:) you choose to treat my posts with pseudo ambiguity.

So it’s pointless listing a breakdown precis in order to ‘explain’ because we BOTH know you actually understood exactly what I meant .

And of course they have purposely been seen to deal with the sleaze that has been thrust upon them by revelation…what else could they do to claw back any degree of credibility? …and epecially when (as I said) they ran their entire election campaign of making a comparison of themselves with the behaviour of the Tories, and running on the ticket of being sleaze free and totally transparent,… both claims have been disproved epically.:joy:

Your last statenent suggests Labour are a ‘cut above’, I would go as far as to say that YOU are the only one in the country that would actually say that.:joy:
Btw it certainly does not surprise me in the least from your famous Comical Ali pov.:joy:

According to (an unreliable source lol) that vile piece of cack booted out as a Liebour MP has been replaced by an MP who in previous claims said if people want to they can identify as llamas FFS.

Tbh as far as I care people can identify as a copper kettle if that’s what they wish. I respect their right, but that doesn’t mean that I have to make allowances for their mental illness though.

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@maoster Well? Care to share this “common knowledge” so that I can give a straight answer on it?

I fully confess I do not wander the corridors of Whitehall. How can I give a straight answer to hints and suggestions of wrong doing, if it is all cloaked in some mystery that you are privy to , but mere mortals such as myself know nothing of?

Different from, and better than, the Johnson gov then.

Did they claim to be sleaze free? If so that was clearly wrong, and a hostage to fortune.
They did claim to be transparent. What is being hidden?
Are they attempting to cover anything up?

No…It sems that you cannot explain in clear language what you are trying to say.
Why is that? You are not illiterate nor inarticulate.

I do not know what is going on inside your head.

What I read from your posts is contradictory and confused.
It is full of emotion that something needs to be done and things could and should be better.
Great ! Agreed !

Now, what is do be done?
How can MPs be reprimanded for things we do not know about?

Just read back your posts mate…
You really are a conceited patronising prig.
Is that language clear enough for you to understand?
Let me know.
Jeez h.:roll_eyes::joy:

Don’t be so obtuse . You’re as transparent as a Bankok hookers underwear.

Aye only in a way that Sheena Easton once sang…
In ‘‘Your eyes only’’ :joy:
To everyone else…No.
All different but various displays of ineptitude and incompetence in both parties…and awash with embarrasment.
So basically all the same …(despite your constant bizzare, pathetic and desperate attempts to deny that fact.)

Some examples.:joy:

If we are playing lefty (I refuse to use a capital L) and woke bingo then this surely is a full house that ticks every box?

Excellent :grin:…(although stand by for a spot of discreditation and bellittlement of the presenter from the usual source.:roll_eyes:)

So lets make a list of the groups this shower of sh govt have alienated…so far !

The Working Class…
(Of whom they are supposed to represent no less, their raison d’etre originally into the bargain .)

A vast amount of people that voted for them in the first place…
Who consider themselves totally betrayed (including members of my own family in fact)

Pensioners …(as above also applies)

Farmers…They did get quite a few rural votes, although on the whole Farmers tend to be Tory voters, so this lot do not care anyway.

Their new core of voters.
Ex Tory voters who voted for them as either a protest, or purely out of disillusionment with their own party…although why traditional Conservatives would vote for a bunch of raving woke socialists like this crowd will never cease to amaze me.:roll_eyes:

The USA…
Through Starmer and that terminal lunatic Lammy bad mouthing Trump prior to him coming to power.:joy:…comedy gold.

Facebook users who no longer have the right to excercise free speech.

The list goes on, …and ‘‘achieved’’ in only 6 months…so plenty more to inevitably come.

I think the only group who are loyal to them now are the illegal scroungers they almost welcome in willy nilly, and the Moslem community who are usually benificiary to the famous (and absolutely genuine) 2 tier legal system.

But hey !.
We can all rest assured, sleep at night safe in our beds, safe in the knowledge that our own resident authority on politics, (the fountain of knowledge who is Franglais) assures us that…
yep you’ve guessed it…

‘‘They aint as bad as The Tories’’ :joy:
Aye right.

How is Badenoch doing after 100 days (or about a week, really) as leader?
YouGov have published some figures.

RefUK have recently done well in earlier polls against the Tories, 'tis true.

Now in power, any (unrealistic) dreams or hopes of a quick fix by Labour have fallen away, and Starmer is less popular, all true.

YouGov have a new poll comparing how different party leaders compare one against another.

Farage ties with Badenoch in suitability as the next PM.
But both are beaten by Ed Davey.

Article here Brits reckon Ed Davey would be better PM than Farage and Badenoch, according to poll

Oh, and look at who beats Ed Davey…

aim to counter the spread of far-right rhetoric
no bias then?

:scream: Oh sweet Jesus The Lib Dems in charge of us running the country :roll_eyes:…and we think Starmer and Labour are a bunch of inept left wing woke morons.

The Liberal Democrats…aka ‘The Nonentity Party’ a collective bunch of political mercenaries who are only ever needed when called upon in a coalition to make the numbers up.
A party who will run with the hares or hunt with the hounds…under ANY political flag.
And of course not to forget the favoured party of our very own Franglais who has waited until now with baited bteath to find and report something about them as what he sees is positive. :joy:

Let me consider that concept for a microsecond of letting that bunch loose in charge of the UK. :thinking:
Errrr no thanks.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Btw…you say ‘‘Brits reckon’’ this…
Ok…you and which other one exactly?? :joy:

And spinning Starmer as being only ‘‘less popular’’ is the understatement of the year so far :joy:…the guy is despised ! …but please no more stats to deny that.

And then more official figures, more official stats, more official polls, (whilst the rest of us just watch and observe instead.)
Yeah maybe we will read these ‘OPINION Polls’ from time to time, but at same time actually prefer to make our OWN minds up based on what our OWN eyes, ears…(and brain) , tell us, instead of forming our opinions based on them with official narrative virtually running our lives.

(Have I ‘explained myself in clear language’ enough for you this time in my reply btw?
Do let me know.