Comlpaints have been made to Police apparentlly about more innapropriate comments by other Labour MPs on this whats app group…
Oliver Ryan MP (nah me either) is now under investigation. …others to follow.
He says ‘He made comments that he would not make today that he regrets’.…aye of course ya do mate, you’ve been caught with your pants down with your ‘Right (dis) honourable’ mates.
Personally I think it’s a storm in a tea cup, and I usually would not give a rats ass, as I value free speech…but these shysters have clamped down on free speech…and the trademark hypocricy of the Labour Party once again rears it’s ugly head…
(Jeez my talents are wasted behind a wheel, I should have been a journo )
They also ran their whole campaign on the ticket of being the …‘Non sleaze transparent party’.
The ag they gave the Tories for similar things was off the scale, so in that alone, these participants in that group should be sacked.
As a collective (very poor) political party they have asked for it by their ‘holier than thou’ stance…
It all goes back to the same old thing…
‘All politicians and MPs are all the same’ , some are better or worse than others…and some occssionally get caught.
Incidentally compared with all the hullabaloo on this forum on thread in previous years by certain individuals, over ruling party sleaze, …that is ALSO the same old thing.
Just ignore the uncomfortable truth in direct contrast to filling the forum with daily reports as in the past.
So blatant so obvious.