Political discussions...

Depends if you promised 6 months ago that you wouldnt ever tell her

Bugger wrong person it was meant for franglais sorry

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No, by all means feel free to bugger Franglais.

After all a whole leftie and woke agenda has been dry shafting him for years, so why change that? :joy::joy:


1963 was not 6 months ago

Have you been taking logic lessons from CF?
How can Starmer in 2025 use tax income, that was not collected by Sunak in 2023?

Best get yer irony ometer out of the drawer AGAIN mate. :joy:

This type of pot/kettle type crap again from the man who will hang on to a pointless argument like a terrier on steroids.
At a time when everybody else knows he is plain wrong, due to the evdence all around to the contrary of his opinion.
Then when he realises himself he is plain wrong, he will carry on with that argument reather than admit it.

Not only that but actively voice an opposite pov to the blatant evidence when his Comical Ali persona comes out of the same drawer as his ‘irony ometer’.:joy:.
Franglais…The world’s worst spin doctor.:joy:

At least when CF sticks to an opinion that may be a bit daft or wrong, he does not use pomposity and patronisation as a tactic to express it, neither is he condescending in the least.
In fact Carryfast is quite likable.

He writes Starmer a letter expressing disaprovrment on the council tax after his promises no less.
Expelled from the Party for …
Accusing Starmer of…
Lying to the British people.


Abandoning the working Class.

Eh?..I would call that expressing a couple of home truths.

Love the Labour apologist btw…a bit of TN deja vu going on thete.:joy:
Still only 6 months in power.

As Eric Morecambe used to say…
‘What do ya think of it so far’

It’s actually just dawned on me that when Labour stated that they’d look after working people they didn’t actually specify which country they’d be workers in!

Minister says Labour MPs and other members of WhatsApp group could be suspended after Andrew Gwynne scandal | Politics News | Sky News

“And there’s more” Liebour members and another Liebour MP involved. This could get very interesting indeed!

…or workers from!

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I know this type of stuff on knocking policies on illegal immigration is getting boring and old hat, but you really need to see this.

Some of this stuff in this clip could be funny if it was not so tragic and embarrasing for our country.
More money is being wasted on illegal immigrants tjan we actually already know about, and on mad assed lefty type schemes.

Example are now spending a £mill + on training illegal…(whoops I mean irregular,) migrants to be club DJs…I kid you not.:joy:

Driving lessons, effin yoga classes :flushed:, taking them to football matches (wish I as a working man could afford a season ticket btw) , play stations mobile phones, designer clothes, bikes.

It gets worse…even circus skills :joy:

But here comes the piece de resistance, the creme de la menthe Rodders, of Lefty lunacy…
If you or me dare to have a go or criticise, the Labour councils are actively and purposely instructing these young men how to take legal action, by accusing you of ‘racial hate’ crime…(c’mon you know the drill by now, if you complain about the preferential treatment and injustice you are a far right racist.)

All this woke based type crap is on top of the obligatory free education, housing, food, health and dental care and everything else we DO know about.

So a question to the supporters and apologists…

Why are people being actively and actually REWARDED for an illegal act?
Why are they treated preferably in contrast to our own indigenous population and legitimate working legal migrants who have fully integrated into our society and contribute like we do.
Is this basically fair when we have homeless military vets with ptsd on the streets, and pensioners who are not keeping warm in winter…who we ‘‘can not afford’’ to help?

Wtf is going on here exactly, when you can see exactly why these young fit fighting age men are refusing to stop in France.

Well yeah, more heads maybe should roll.

I watched this interview on Sky, as the guy says, nobody in the Whats app group of MPs said ‘C’mon mate what are you saying here, it aint right, you should not be saying stuff like this’…suggesting that even if they did not agree with the content, they apparentlly condoned it as normal.

Oooh the sleaze, the embarrasment, the ‘outing’. :joy:

Who would have thought it eh?..
Politicians and MPs actually not being anything like in reality, as they try and appear to be for the benefit of their potential voters.
Some may say they are ALL the same.
Some may EVEN say… they are as ‘bad as the Tories’.:scream:

Its all being set up for outing starmer so they can get corbin in

Nah even they are not out of touch enough to put a new leader in that has already lost an election.:grin:
Thing is when Starmer does get ousted as leader, which one of those muppets in the cabinet is fit to be PM. :scream:

So let’s see what else happens after these antisemitic, racist, sexist and other deplorable comments about wishing people dead including wanting a cyclist to be run over. Maybe quoted inappropriately but let’s remember people recently have been jailed for quoting inappropriate comments online.

Yeah but do keep up…
The Labour Party are exempt in their own 2 tier set up, they dont go fast track to jail for ‘hurty words on social media’ , thats only for the…‘Far right’,( or ‘Working Class’ as we were once known.:joy:)

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I’m pretty sure I heard that this WhatsApp group full of Liebour 5h1te has been in existence for 2 years. I’m of no doubt that it will be trickle trickle with more scandal to come…hope so!

Going off course a little and not sure if Rachel from accounts has a hand in this at her budget or it was the previous administration but my car tax renewal has just appeared, £250 last year £590 for the coming year :grimacing: :grimacing:

I think the same one got into a bit of bother about 2018 with some anti semitic comments on social media

You should get an old man’s Mondeo eco like me mate 35 quid a year.
It doesn’t fit my image, but wtf I’m greedy.:joy:

Ironically the obviously panic response, to the fear of the radical Islamic runaway train hitting the buffers, like the experimental remedy to the bio release event that took place a while ago, and those fighting for Maggie on the Orgreave picket line, probably has more to do with the military than coppers.
Although Labour governments and the law can also be a dangerous combination.Just ask the Guildford 4.
Be careful what you wish for.