Political discussions...

A nice bit of clarity with no ambiguity. Oh, hang on….

40K views · 893 reactions | LABOUR RAISES COUNCIL TAX | Keir Starmer is raising your council tax, and he thought he could get away it. Luckily we kept the receipts. | By We are the 52% | Facebook?

Thank God we have our Rache to sort us out

‘‘Not as bad as the Tories though’’ :joy:

Just trying to think who kept telling us that pre.election.:thinking:

Ya know what mate? I treated those Tory clowns of Cameron, Johnson and Sunak with mild contempt (perhaps they deserved high contempt?) but I actually harbour a real and tangible hatred for Starmer.

No politician has ever garnered such a strong emotion from me.

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No comments of outrage from the usual suspects on the cancellation of local council elections?

Ahh NOT just me then.:thinking:
I would not trust the ■■■■ as far as I could spit.

Stuff like this does not usually bother me, but I’m at the stage now when I hear this ■■■■ using his favourite catch phrases…
‘Far right’, ‘black hole’, the last government’ and 'Smash the (‘kin) gangs’,…I actually want to hit him hard.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Wtf is he doing to the country that I love.:scream:

I think even they (he) have finally renagued,.and decided they (he) can not spin the unspinnable, or justify the unjustifiable.

Wtf am I talking about , remember who we are dealing with here :thinking: …All is well with Comical Ali.:joy:

Short clips, with no dates and no links to the originals, can be manipulated to say anything.
Here is the original from March 2023…possible freeze of council for a year…
I’ll repeat from March 2023.

YOU :flushed:…of all people finally admit to knowing that ?after all the official stats, links and general b/s that you post on here?

You need to dig out your own irony ometer you keep bringing up mate for that one

Some elections are being postponed.
This is not the first time it has happened, and won’t be the last.

Not a good situation, but neither is the alternative.

Because of re-organisation some elections if held now will need to redone in a few months, or more likely a year later.
Several councils went to the Gov to request a delay (not a cancellation) on elections to stop having too many of them, and some were allowed.

Should the elections be done twice? It might avoid accusations of partiality?
Would it make much difference to council make up?
It would definitely cost more money. Maybe Labour should have ordered all those elections to be held twice, so they get a good press?

You’ve got to admire a man so consumed that he will on every occasion attempt to defend the indefensible :joy:

Meanwhile here on earth we all know why they are being postponed/cancelled.

Well yes.
Because RefUK Ltd still have got few local supporters they will have another few months to get their act together. They will have a bit more time to vet te many locals councillors they may wish to have stand for councils and avoid the nutters that stood for them in the GE.
It will give Farage time to keep his word and sell his majority shares in the company.
Given a few more months for refUK Ltd to get going, given that there is no miracle financial wave of good-feeling towards Labour on it’s way soon, then an election in a year rather than tomorrow will definitely help to refUK the UK.

It is clearly designed to help Farage and Tice.

:wink: to the above…of course.

PS any comment fro @maoster about the origins of the karen-offa-facebook nonsense?

As opposed to your spoon fed married to complete acquiesce nonsense?

So we’ve had Franglais’ ‘useful idiot’ trademark obligatory …official version/unofficial apologist stance
Here’s a version from a (already discredited as unreliable) media source.

If you know you’re gonna lose…ban it.
Brilliant strategy though, I’ll give them that much credit.

@franglais Im on a tablet as my laptop is in the repair shop so appolagies if i read your post wrong but are you seriously trying to pretend starmer didnt say he wouldnt put coucil tax up???

Here is 1 from march 2023 Council tax would be frozen for a year, Labour propose as campaign launches - BBC News one i found afrwe 10 seconds on google

He said in March 2023 that if was then in power there would be no rises from then, for one year, because he would have used a windfall tax on energy companies.
The Tories, who were actually in power then chose not to levy such a tax.

Here is a quote from the link you just put up…the very same link that I put up…
" **Labour would freeze council tax this year if it was in government, **
In fact that was the very first line of the piece. The piece dated March 2023. Talking about March '23 to March '24…

I promised my Mum in 1963 that I would not tell my sister that Father Xmas was not real…Do you think I might be released from that promise now?

More embarrasment for this shower of sh.

‘‘He said he hoped a pensioner who did not support him would die before the next set of elections’’

I suppose that could be a safe bet if they have taken his winter heating allowance away.:smile:

You’re actually using that as an argument? lol lol lol. Talk about pathetic and scraping the barrel :joy::joy:

Never mind food and fuel shortage there is going to be a vasalene shortage the way things are going