Political discussions...

the french wont stop it no matter what deal you do with them. That is starmers plan he has given them more money than was given to rwanda but numbers have gone up.

i agree with your video from earlier. if they insist on coming round them up detain them and deport back to their own country. if they have thrown away their papers dont pick them up. If they know they arent going to live in the land of milk and honey they wont come.

Like before cash, fish, oil and gas for the privilege of importing stuff we could make for ourselves.So the dole for our own workers to provide more jobs for theirs.A good win win deal …for them.

everyone remembers the frame up of party gate but who remembers beer gate and the promise of starmer that if he had broken any covid lockdown rules he would resign.

well the chickens have come home to roost

of course is this a ploy to get him out so rayner or milliband can take over with out looking like they disagree with his actions?

I personally could not give a rat’s ass if he broke Covid rules…I broke em myself ffs.
What gets me is (if it is true) the usual lies and hypocrisy we have got used to with him/them.

It was the absolute crime of the century Boris and his after work vol au vents, he was called by Starmer to resign.

So what happens now if proven…has Starmer got the integrity to practice what he preached?
And even if he does which absolute muppet in their cabinet is going to replace him.:scream:

Speaking of ‘the crime of the century’,.and if this is proven,…
On TN level,…Are we going to be inundated with updates and pearl clutching outrage over Starmer breaking covid lockdown rules,.as we were with Boris breaking the same rules at the time, by our (ex) resident political expert/critique?

Errrr maybe not eh? :roll_eyes::joy:

No chance, he’s currently too busy posing as his trucknet alter ego Iancpudn over on the Trump thread. :laughing:

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Moving slightly away from our distinctly lacklustre political leaders shall we look at more box ticking and public money peed up the wall. I was going to say that if I was a council tax payer in Yorkshire I’d not be happy, but the truth is that this sort of cr ap is most likely endemic in all regional forces. I want coppers to be thief takers, not bloody umpires! :rage:

'Kin shocking innit. :roll_eyes:
Wonder what Jack Regan would make of it.?:joy:

Seriously though they have just lost their bloody way and their reason for being.:roll_eyes:
But hey…as long as the Leftys are happy, (or appeased) that’s all that matters.

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these non jobs rush round in a circle joined at the waist one in front of the other creating jobs for each other all to keep their existance. Sack em all and give the money to the real police.

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I have nothing but respect for the rank and file coppers who genuinely are striving to make a positive difference. My ire and contempt is reserved for the fast track, pointy headed ex university graduates who have one eye on a future political career. They’ve been indoctrinated by wet lettuce liberal tutors in universities and move on to bending the whole police force to their vision of “tolerance and inclusivity” .

Sod that, just knick criminals you berks.

To be perfectly honest when I saw that I thought it can’t possibly be correct, so I checked and here it is straight from the horses mouth so to speak.

Absolutely discussing waste of taxpayers money, it’s no wonder they can’t catch criminals they’re too busy sucking up to minority groups :rage:


I’ve always been a glass half full, and a try and see a positive in a negative type of guy.

All I can come up with on this one is, amongst the vast number of pathetic woke liberal bed wetters, who can see nothing wrong with this type of crap,.at least there are 3 of us that can see it is just wrong on so many levels.

So ALL is not lost.
There ya gan…the eternal optimist.:joy:

dear dear more sleeze and scandal.

labour refuses to comment on starmer breaking the rules although they admit the voice coach wasnt a key worker.

labour cancels local elections where reform will get in.

Starmer sounds a bit like Franglais in that clip.:joy:
‘Parties this parties that’…(Party here party there, this is your night baby you got to be there.:joy:)

Seriously though how can anybody describe a voice coach as a key worker and still keep a straight face.:joy:

Aye, my Father died in hospital in lockdown with myself and the rest of our family unable to see him due to restrictions, yet parties and now this revelation comes out… rotten to the core.

That is pretty bad mate not being able to see your Dad.
I can see why visiting was banned, to cut off a source of infection, the hospitals were rife, my mates wife was in a cancer ward, and she caught covid, her body was too weak to cope with both and she died.

As for the parties and social restrictions,.and total shut down of the whole country …with the dire economic results, we could argue all day and still not agree, but many people (including myself) are/were of the notion it was ott and a step too far.

Sorry about your Dad.

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Cheers robroy.

Like you I think covid was completely ott but rules were made and us mere mortals had to abide by them, ie the law, yet as we know parties, long distance travel, get togethers and now this essential worker speech coach cack with non stick Starmer just shows the contempt those vermin have for the law and the general public.


:flushed: Ooh no he’s mentioned E.Powell.:scream:
Obviously a far right racist.
Never mind the facts, too true to bear.:grin:

Hey be careful posting these meme’s, certain posters on here don’t like it. :rofl:

How to milk the system…this time to the tune of a life changing 100k.
Good old UK.
Don’t suppose this would happen in the US at this present time, but we aint supposed to think like that are we? :roll_eyes: