Political discussions...

Strange because you seem very much in favour of bloody stupid rules and post laughing emojis about people falling afoul of them usually

But musicians or Gibraltarians don’t count as real people to you do they

i thought it was the other way round that you had to opt out of them going to labour. Im not sure though as the only union i joined for a few months was for warehouse people and they would never give me an answer

I don’t know about other cases mate, but I once pulled my shop steward about it and he guaranteed me that my dues didn’t go to the Labour Party.

Mind you this is the same man who always assures me that he got the last round so it’s now my turn (a bit like Robroy!) so it may be incorrect info.

Musicians and Gibraltarians?
Is that some kind of musical?
Nah not a scooby…but Aye if ya like mate. :roll_eyes:

Look mate if I say it’s your round…it’s your round.
I actually keep a written record, times, dates, location the full monty.
I aint no fool.

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some uncomfortable facts for the lefties.
rwanda was given 220 million eu so far has been given 238.75 million so 18.75 million more than the rwanda plan.

many will shout that illegal immigration has gone down. nope its up july 23-jan 24 19,339 illegals arrived. july 24-jan 25 24,643 arrived an increase of 5,303 thats a 27.4% increase, Just to put it in perspective that is enough people to change the clasification from a village to a town

dont the moths eat the paper?

Laminated mate…laminated. :sunglasses:
I take this stuff seriously, and Maoster will ‘tell yer owt’ when it comes to him buying beer.

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Really? Whatever it’s make up, It is still a political party registered with the Electoral Commission and complies with obligations under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.

dear dear another day another scandal Labour could face probe over EU funding | The Independent

wonder which excuse starmer will use this time. how it wasnt his responsibility or that it didnt pass his desk.

quote;…‘‘The government has promised the UK will not re-join the EU’s single market or customs union, or sign up to freedom of movement.
But ministers do want what they see as a better relationship on defence and security, crime and trade.’’

Ok nothing wrong with that so far, tightening up on security and crime, and a bit of trade.
If you take it at face value that is…but is there anyone left in the UK that still actually trusts this lot?

Meanwhile a warning…
Anybody of a Lefty disposition be warned this excerpt contains home truths, common sense,.and a lot of what a vast amount in our country are saying and thinking.
Also be warned it blows wide open the official and false narrative.:flushed:…oh yeah, and it actually compliments Trump. :scream: without a hint of a jump on the bandwagon of crticism and contempt.

So have yer pearls on hand to clutch, and if you do dare to listen to it in full,…seek counselling asap…
It may be just TOO much for your delicate and terminally woke demeanour.
You have been warned !

:joy:Seriously though have a listen, it’s like a breath of fresh air in yer beak, after the stench of pure b/s spouted by the weak Labour govt that we are used to.

Love the way he ‘‘admits’’ to being a ‘‘racist’’ and a ‘‘bigot’’ …
BUT only on the terms and criteria that these misguided deluded lefty clowns accuse him (and everyone else :roll_eyes:) on of being thus.

If only that pathetic individual who is in charge of our country was capable of making a speech like this, meaning it,.and followed by some actual action.:roll_eyes:


Times are a changing and the woke brigade can’t / won’t accept it.

I like Rupert Lowe he speaks well and comes across as genuine and sincere in his beliefs.

Frankly, I think he’d probably make a better Reform-UK leader than Farage who’s sincerity is questionable in my opinion.

Going back with his tail between his legs begging to get back into the club
It was always going to happen,

only by the traitors to the british public

thing is eu have said they will only discuss a deal if we allow those things and give up our fishing rights.

We do not need a deal with them for anything. Its as simple as that

Got to agree on that.
I quite ‘like’ Farage (only from a political perspective( but as I have always said I would never trust any MP or politician, and a couple of times I have felt he has jumped on the populist band wagon for effect…but I suppose they ALL do that anyway.
Yeah I think that guy would nake a good party leader and an excellent PM…but what do I know.:smile:

no words needed

The only deal we should do with them is get them to stop all the illegal freeloaders leaving their safe shores…and stop them if they try.

If they don’t agree, stop them from fishing in our waters.