Political discussions...

Correct, you do not have to do that.
But I for one will treat your posts as pure fantasy and based on nothing from a random lorry driver on the www, unless they are backed up with real world evidence of some sort.

Oh sweet Jeezus…he’s done another break down precis analysis of my post.:joy:

He really sees himself as some kind of wise TN King Solomonesque character pontificating and imparting wisdom to the ignorant masses and the great unwashed…and to make it worse does it in a most unnatractive condescending stylee…rein it in a bit mate, nobody on here takes you seriously, certainly not me.

@Franglais. You are excelling yourself here mate, come back down to earth you are actually believing your own self purveyed hype.
You know as much about all this stuff as the rest of us…nothing more, nothing less, and that is only what they choose to reveal to us and want us to know.

If you want to believe it all fill yer boots, but dont be coming here patronising and belittling the rest of us who choose to think for ourselves and try and catch out these ■■■■ s with the bull crap they feed us.

:joy: Oh no, how will I cope.

If nothing else it brightens up my day on a dreary work day. :joy:

Any more spin franglais regarding UK Muslim percentage of population around 6% yet UK Muslim percentage of prison population in 2024 around 18%. Do you still maintain these figures are “fair” and if so what do you mean by “fair”. Do you mean “fair” as in the figures seem accurate or do you mean “fair” as in it’s a reasonable representation of Muslim UK population / Muslim prisoner population. Either way feel free to explain why in the past when I made statements that there seems to be a link between race / religion and crime you jumped on it straight away with the race card? Explain…

because that is the lefty excuse that the police only target minorities and the courts give them harsher sentences they cant of course back this up

Seems pretty fair in Starmers Britain

Before the knicker wringers start, yes he pleaded guilty=to stirring up racial hatred (quite why he’d do that is a question for another day, I certainly wouldn’t have.

This is what he wrote. Justice served or a farce?

Alex Orndal prosecuting said South Wales Police began an investigation after two separate reports from members of the public about the contents of his Facebook page.

“These were open Facebook posts meaning any member of the public could view his comments.”

In one post Williams wrote, he is only racist "to those who suck the life out of our culture. As a culture we are too nice and soft.

“They want us to be Islamic, that’s why they are here.”

In another post he wrote, “Come on guys, it’s time to stand up. Everything our ancestors, our grandparents and parents fought for is gone, don’t be scared.”

Two days after the stabbings in Southport, Williams posted a series of AI images, one showed a child dressed as a medieval knight carrying sword next to lion. The caption with it read “Time to wake up the lion to save our children’s future”.

Another AI image depicted a man wearing what was described in court as “traditional Islamic clothing” with a large knife being held over his head.

A third image depicted a group of men in traditional Islamic dress chasing a crying child in a Union flag t-shirt in front of the Houses of Parliament.

Just dipped into a tv news item, a session in Parliament.
The shadow minister asked a govt minister along the lines of…(paraphrasing here btw.)

Do you accept the fact that over 90% of terrorism comes from Islamists.

Do you accept that the vast majority of r4pe gangs come from the Pakistani community.

Do you not agree that it is wrong to write people off as far right who refer to this or question actions of the Police

Answer…side swiped.

Speaking of political pygmies and Labour deadweight what is Diane Abbot up to nowadays? I suppose with our Rache and Lammy Sir Keir has enough on his plate juggling two loose cannnons without a third one in the mix?

Speaking of Lammy

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No neither would I.
Misguided into a plea bargaining deal I would say…being that I’m apparentlly a conspiracy theorist.:smile:

Thing is an ex soldier I would think would be well qualified to comment on this stuff, he will no doubt have had first hand experience.
Whether it could be construed as ‘Stirring up’ by giving those opinions,.we will never know, as he has fell into the trap of being made to stay silent.

Anyway rest assured our resident Political and legal expert will be along soon to give a full explanation as to the ins and outs of legal definitions.:joy:

some immigration data for 2024.

the lefties like to tell us that we dont have it as bad as europe with all these illegals. As is always the case with their propaganda 2 seconds on google and it can be blown out the water.

population 66,548,530
no of people per square km 122
net migration 90,527
ratio of population to migrants 735:1

population 84,552,242
no of people per square km 243
net migration 36,954
ratio of population to migrants 2288:1

population 59,342,867
no of people per square km 202
net migration 95,246
ratio of population to migrants 623:1

population 47,910,526
no of people per square km 96
net migration 111,674
ratio of population to migrants 429:1

united kingdom :
population 69,138,192
no of people per square km 286
net migration 417,114
ratio of population to migrants 165:1

we have the 4th highest net migration in the world (first 3 are usa, ukraine and syria)

I can kinda understand wanting to go to America (I blame Hollywood for that) but why TF would you deliberately migrate to warzones such as Ukraine or bloody Syria?

I’d rather relocate to a rabbit hutch just outside Skegness and thats saying something.

So more are flocking to Ukraine than are coming here?
Of course! They must be going for the opportunity to bring their kids up in a friendly, peaceful, country with it’s stable future.

I don’t knowhow accurate the figures are, but clearly they do not tell a clear story about anything.

Whaaaaat? Official stats you aren’t embracing? Who’d have thunked it? Perhaps they don’t fit the narrative otherwise you’d have been all over it like a tramp on a dropped Greggs pasty!

So what do the figures actually mean? In your view.

Bit of a Meatloaf moment there…
‘‘You took the words right outa my mouth’’.

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Obviously the Russians are crossing into Ukraine thinking Ukraine will be part of eu pretty soon with trump in charge

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lets think for half a second ukraine is a big country the fighting is in the southeast the northern border is over 1000 kms away. during ww2 people were evacuated less than half that distance and considered safe. Could it possibly also be that they are entering from russia and leaving from the ukraine to other parts of europe or even god forbid getting false papers.

syria either for the reasons i stated for ukraine or because your muslim

In which case they are not migrants into Ukraine are they?

So what do you imagine is happening? Apart from Russians deciding that it is a good idea to flee Russia by going through a country they are at war with?