Political discussions...

just do one

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To whom it may concern…:thinking:

Nothing about the issue at hand?
Nothing about whether or not the murderer was influenced by religion?
Nothing about whether he was influenced by politics?

Not even an argument about whether or not the legal definition of terrorism should be changed? That would be IMHO a useful discussion.

Just more from @robroy about image and how others perceive us. Obviously a topic very near his own heart.

Having failed at every attempt to show the murderer was even a Moslem, let alone a radical one, @robroy is now trying to point fingers at the character of those who have pointed out the error of his posts.

Stick to the topic at hand please.

Good ole footie move innit?
Can’t win the ball, go for the player.
Can’t win an argument, go for the poster.

Some might call that an ad hominem attack.
Some might call it name calling by a mardy wee kid.
Other options are available of course.

@franglais You’ve really shown yourself up as a grade A pr**k on this one.

You should be ashamed of the way you have done nothing but defend the fact that in your mind ( and because official figures told you so) that this was in no way a terrorist/religious based act, pretty much guaranteed to be Islamic, because let’s face it thats what Islsmic terrorists go round doing - butchering people with knives and in this case trying to behead one of those poor little girls. The manner of the crime and the victims was done for maximum effect. You damn well know it too, but in typical Franglais fashion you are just arguing for the sake of it because you can’t bear to be wrong. For once stop trying to politically point score and show some respect.

Those poor parent’s are going to have to live with the knowledge and thoughts of what that piece of s**t did to their little angels for the rest of their lives. Talk about harrowing, they won’t ever get over that. And in that regard I find it disgusting that those in power are trying to cover this up as something else and people like you defend them. Despicable! :rage:

Leave him alone mate…you are spoiling his celebration he thinks he has won another argument.:joy:
Your analysis of him and his character is glaringly accurate, best just to leave it at that.
You can never get a sensible debate or discussion with a conceited smart arse, and one who will argue black is white for the sake of it… I have tried and gave up.
As long as he thinks he is right, that is all that matters…to him.

As I have said before I wonder how astute he is at standing his ground,.and setting himself up at people in real life.
Draw yer own conclusions…I did a long time ago.:grin:
Nuff said.:smile:

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What is being covered up? If I am being lied to by the Gov I want to know about it.
What information do you have that is not being published? Can you share it with us please?
Tell us your source of this “covered up” information.

Water Pollution.

The latest? From The Guardian and also Phil Moorhouse.

Previously Liz Truss closed pollution monitoring stations in her short tenure at No 10.
But now it seems there has been another really clever idea going on.
Water tests have been carried out on themselves by the water companies…when there is no water…
Guess what? No pollution found! Brilliant result.
Humphrey Appleby would approve I’m sure.

Links for those who want some actual facts, and opinions from others.

Edit to add…
a nice comment re the water checks:
My car is due for MoT next week, but I’m worried about the emissions tests. Maybe I’ll ask them to do the test with the engine turned off.


So now we’ve covered Liz Truss, lets get back up to date.:roll_eyes:, there are plenty faults with this present govt.

Just view the pomposity and condescending attitude, the patronising ‘We know better than you’ and ‘We know stuff you dont’ attitude, the trademark stance of these utterly unpleasant individuals…no not Franglais this time :joy:…this time a Labour peer.

He illustrates all the above and just how out of touch these clowns are with both reality, and the views of the people.
If the country was rid of these characters it would be a much better place to live.

Oh Jeez…Another one.:flushed:
What is it with these morons denying and refuting everything that is blatantly true.

Love one of the comments…‘‘I hate it when people pretend to be clever, but are actually as dumb as hell’’
Hmm .:thinking:

for those that cant be bothered to wade through all the adverts for arturitis and so on basicly there is a reception center for the illegals that the home office has decided isnt fit for purpose so they are going to knock it down and rebuild something with its own waste treatment plant and everything. A spokes person says obviously as the government smashes the gangs there will be less and less use for it however we expect it to be completed in 2028

Wrong she did not close them she cut the funding which led to less chance of them being manned or womaned or what ever the gender is and yes still disgraceful but get it right.

I accept that correction.

In other news:
If you don’t pay the wages of a worker…they won’t do any work!

Keep burying that head in the sand.

Thank you for the extensive, well documented, and cross referenced response, with all the evidence and proofs that you have,

And: Thank you, for your consideration for the planet.
It is indeed heartening that absolutely zero trees were felled to provide the paper needed to print it all on.

It was all that needed to be said. Your naivety and delusion knows no bounds, particularly when it comes to this shower of a Labour government. Although I suspect you aren’t as naïve as your appear and are in fact as I’ve pointed out many times just arguing for the sake of it because of your constant need for winning arguments.

Some sort of evidence or proof is needed to back up your previous statements.

And again a deflection onto a posters motives etc and away from the issues of politics.

My head is not buried in the sand I am trying to see what you see, but when repeatedly asked you point to nothing.

Come on! Tell us what is being covered up and give us some evidence.

Can somebody please explain to this irritating individual the concept of a cover up to stop him from looking more stupid than he already does…

We do not actually KNOW the soecific details of a potential but likely cover up…its a ‘cover up’…it’s being errr ‘covered up’ !

So by it’s very nature and state of play we do not actually know the full details, we can only guess and speculate…In other words we can all hear ‘that duck’ quacking but we don’t know where he is hiding.

If one wants to consult …was it Herbert? ,off you tube, there are all sorts of ‘theories’ on there…but that is what they just are …‘theories’ some more credible and incredible than others.
Basically nobody trusts this lot except their own kind…as illustrated on here.

This govt are experts at spin, ambiguity, smoke and mirrors, and dishonesty…but the astute and the realists amongst us just know there is something going on that they do not want us to know.
They just can not be trusted.

The gullible and the ‘‘useful idiots’’ believe what they are told, needless to say, and as per norm go on to further and exacerbate their masters stance by rhetoric, then by default write everyone else off as conspiracy theorists, (makes a pleasant change from racists and far rights though I suppose :smile:)

So to whom it may concern …ie ‘useful idiots’…
As soon as Starmer trips up, or is outed and betrayed,.and the floodgates open on this, all will be revealed to shut ‘useful idiot’ up.

I suppose on this particular case, because of the guilty plea, and maybe some trade off involved, my guess a later plead of mental health, what may have come out in a trial will now be buried,…as per plan. maybe we will never know.

However plenty more to come in other cases in future to trip up over, within 4 and half years, that will lead to a downfall.

Quacking is evidence that a duck is there.
Saying a duck is there, because you believe a duck is there, is belief without evidence… It is religion.

Yes, shed loads of Herberts on YT who also believe in things that do not exist. So what? There are loads of real perpetual motion machines, proof the Earth is flat etc.
Many millions believe in interventionist Gods. That is not proof and not evidence of anything.

So it is now a whole skein of ducks!

I cannot prove there is no cover up.
(I do not have any proof of the absence of a negative. I’d be after recognition as philosopher if I found one! )
You @Newlion etc say there is a cover up on the basis of what?

I will say that Govs are so leaky, and so full of people of differing views. all their own agendas, that any cover up would probably only last 5 minutes. For that reason I seriously doubt there is one.

Classic conspiracy theory “logic”.
The absence of evidence, is proof that the evidence is being hidden! A totally circular argument based on nothing.

I don’t have to prove or justify anything to some random know it all lorry driver on an internet forum for what I said to be correct.

I know your head gets scrambled if you have to veer from the official narrative and what you are told to believe, but time for you to open your eye’s to what’s going on here and get in the real world.

:joy::joy: Brilliant. No comment on the current catroshphe of a government and their lurching from one disaster to the next, no instead let’s just go back to Tory bashing and Liz Truss, thats so 2022. :roll_eyes: