Political discussions...

ill just leave this here… see what the lefties make of it.UK should learn from Donald Trump’s ‘boosterism’, Rachel Reeves says | Labour | The Guardian

We have 4 of the best universities in the world and all full of foreigners

Our universities are mostly funded by fees.
In 2010 they were mostly funded by the UK Gov. Now they are mostly funded by fee paying students.
If they had no foreign students they would shut down.

Yet another example of govs that know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Oh forgot a link!

Deffo a conflict of interest there with the Lefty clowns…Have ya seen the trump thread? :joy:
More bile on there than in an elephants gall bladder.:joy:
I aint a fan of ‘Rachel from accounts’ by any means, but this and …did I read somewhere she was opposed to that moron Milliband and his suicidal net zero dog sh ? so I could maybe warm to her.:grin:

Look I know I come across as anti Labour, but my family were all Labour (at the time they were all for working class people) but they lost their way.
I would love it if they made a success of the country, but no chance with the mad assed liberal and woke policies they have at the moment.

This vile piece of scum committed the horrific acts in the manner he did for maximim effect, combine that with what was found in his bedroom and you can stick your official definition of terrorism where the sun don’t shine.

No idea why you and all the other wet lefty bedwetters are so intent to paint this as anything else. The barbaric way these poor little girls were killed was done with religious idelogy at the forefront. Go read the report of what happened to them if you can stomach it. I read what I could but it hits too close to home for me with my son and daughter being 4 and 7.

Because this is what they do, these ‘useful idiots’ as Maoster calls them.
They can not make their own interpretations of things that stare them and everyone else in the face and express thrm, instead they listen to the lines of their ‘political masters’ and regutgitate it all, no matter how much the contrary stares them in the face.

Now I am no doubt about to be accused of the same pi55 poor act that Franglais carried out, scoring political points over this…but I am not.
I am pointing out (obvious to most people) fact rather than theory, not a different take on a situation, nor putting a opposite pov out there to create a positive spin…(if anything ‘positive’ could apply to this outrage.)

So his ‘masters’ are being very cagey on this…not so much cagey on anything they perceive as ‘Far Right’ btw.:roll_eyes:

That piece of sh had read up an Al Qaieda training manual, on best way to use a knife…face and head apprentlly, and abbohrentlly used that technique on innocent little kids.

Ricin a deadly poison favoured by terrorists was found in his room.

He went on rampage indiscriminately with a knife.

He attempted a vile beheading on a young defenceless child.

He showed zero remorse, on the contrary in fact, he boasted.

All techniques and actions used by Islamic Terrorists.

As the saying goes…‘If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…it’s a duck’.
It has ‘Terrorism’ and ‘Terrorist’ written all over it to anyone with 2 eyes and half a brain…not to the Left though apparentlly.:roll_eyes:

the guy was sentanced under the terrorism act ffs how can it not be an act of terror

yes i also saw the hypocrisy of someone saying that trump was a liar because he hadnt done one thing he said he was going to do on day one. of course when i said the same about starmer doing none of the things he said everyone leapt on me and tried to claim i was stupid as i didnt under stand the words day 1.

to me at least you come across as someone that dislikes this government for various reasons that arent self serving. The reason most people disliked boris because he stoped them doing things… all self entitlement i have no time for that. I maybe havent explained the difference very well but there is a difference.

He committed more than one offence. He was sentenced for Murder and Attempted Murder under those laws, and for possession of an al’qaeda manual under Terrorism laws.

How many times does this have to be repeated to you?
Starmer said he “would work from day one” on some things. He did not say he would solve those problems on day one.

Trump said he would “stop the Ukraine war in 24hrs”.

Where is the religious ideology?

The murderer was raised in a Christian household, but he wasn’t a regular churchgoer.
He was not a member of any mosque and there is no record of him having a copy of the Quran.

He had a copy of the al-qeada handbook on his computer, but also had stuff from Sudan, Ukraine, Korea.

Al-qaeda are a violent political/religious group. Members of al-qaeda are likely violent political/religious people.

But not all violent people are religious nor political.

Some nasty cruel and violent people have no religious nor political interest at all.
Some “nutters” do truly awful things for no apparent reason at all.
(“Nutters” in that they are nutters, not they are insane and are free from being called criminals)

he said he was in talks already so he could sort it from day 1. not start whittering about it 3 months later. he even agrees with me because his excuse for not doing it was the 20 billion black hole. the only financial black hole was in his plans as everyone said at the time.

and your next obvious statement is?

if i steal something from a shop i will be sentenced under which ever laws cover theft. Guess why… because i bloody stole something and that is classed as theft. If i do something and get sentenced under the terrorism act its because i did something that was considered terrorism.

Starmer blaming amazon for selling him a knife and putting his parents in hiding is even more evidence of his two faced approach to this.

Btw of this topic slightly did you know that when he went and laid flowers at the site in southport he ignored all the people there then got back in his car and went to a knees up for funding

My view on this is for what it’s worth…

The man is a ■■■■ end of.

He’s also a terrorist ■■■■, …(although this govt is doing it’s best for whatever reason that is, to steer us away from that opinion by using a tenuous technicality on the literal definition thereof.)

Now whether he is also an Islamist ■■■■, remains to be proven.
To most of us (after using past examples as a criteria) it appears highly likely.

Still not proven and unlikely to be as this appalling govt is prone to selective cover ups on what they see as ‘‘sensitive issues’’ pertaining to certain demographics and religions of which they risk losing votes…or offending.:roll_eyes:

I also notice that Franglais stops short of ‘sticking up’ for this piece of sh in question, and suspends his usual ‘apologist stance’ on this occasion, …and rightly so.

What I do find hard to bear is that he almost, but stops short of ‘speaking up’ for this terrorist murderer, by pointing out, (or attempting to) that he is not and can not be a terrorist (the usual pertaining to the official line of course :roll_eyes: ) nor that has he any (proven) links to radical Islam…Seriously why tf would anybody who is not officially involved in maintaining a political party image or agenda even do that? :roll_eyes:

Oh yeah he pledged and repeated again (and again, and again…and again) that he was going to…yep
‘Smash The Gangs’.:joy:

How’s that one going btw?..Any gangs actually ‘smashed’ yet after 6 whole months?

Just remind me how many of your ‘irregular’ freeloaders, criminals, potential terrorists, and underage girl seekers have landed (and are still landing) from ‘War Torn’ …France.
Aye ‘‘Day 1’’.

Yes agreed… END OF
If only that were true…
Why are trying so hard to politicise this tragedy?

Why keep bringing up Islam when the murderer was not a member of a mosque and didn’t have a Quran?
Yes, he had copy of al-qeada handbook, but he also had literature about other violent extremists. He also had stuff about Nazi Germany, and slavery. At school he was interested in Genghis Khan and Adolf Hitler.

Why are looking at only one thing about him?
Why ignore all the other stuff that shows him as nasty nutter, with interests in all sorts of violence, and concentrate on his alleged Islamic extremism…when there is no evidence that he ever went inside a Mosque?

It also remains to be proven whether you are a visitor from the planet Zogg.

You really are a weapons grade plonker arent you.:joy:

I aint politicising anything, you choose to interpret it that way as I said you would, …damage limitation to save face after being shown up as a crass and tactless apologist prat, after using an aspect of this tragedy only to disprove a political view and maintain another one pertaining to your pathetic woke lefty views…as I said, you are totally transparent.

Do you have to be a member of a mosque? :thinking:
Is this dodgy govt not capable of covering up that he may have possesed a Quran?..oh no you would never think that would you, with your blind misguided loyalty and naivity.

It fits the remit, he adapted the methods of past Islamic atocities…my mention of the proverbial duck is appropriate if you like.

You mention Nazi Germany, …
Ok, If he had carried out his atrocity wearing a full Waffen SS Deaths head division uniform shouting ‘Sieg Heil’, he would have been acting in the mame of Nazism …
(Still… if he had, at least Starmer could have used his famous ‘Far Right’ chestnut eh? )

Nazi terrorism is not current, Khanist Mongolian suprenacy certainly isnt…unfortunately Radical Islamist terrorism IS…very much so.
So which ideology off the top of your head do you reckon he favoured? …especially after the trademark type methods used.

THAT is why I single Islam out, so save your lefty go to default accusations this time…but you already knew that and I could have saved 10 mins indulging your irritating eristic manner.
Love the way YOU of all people accuse someone of being of opinions off another planet btw😂

You should surgically remove (from where I told you to stick it), …your irony ometer and set it off again for that one.:joy:

Getting a taxi?
Using a knife?

Have other individuals or groups used such “methods”? I suspect that use of taxis and knives is not the exclusive modus operandi of terrorists.

Of course. Classic conspiracy theory.
If he was a Moslem and the Gov said he was you would believe them.
If he is not said to be a Moslem it is because the Gov are hiding it.

I suspect that most Islamic terrorists have been inside a Mosque. Maybe they haven’t? Maybe bears do not in fact ■■■■ in the woods but use portaloos that are well camouflaged and are out of sight of naturalist photographers? Seems equally likely to me.

Yes. reasonable.
But he was not wearing or carrying anything to do with Islam. He has made no religious nor political statement at all. None. Zilch. Nada.

I did not say that he was an actual nazi. I said that he was interested in many different things all violent and some with differing political or religious links.

What a stupid question. Maybe we should ask whether he supported Man U or Liverpool FC?
Who says he supported or leaned towards any religious or political angle. Only those who are trying to use this awful crime to further their own ends. Once again you are are shoe-horning in religion/politics into what looks like a very sick lone individual doing a terrible crime.

What ones again? Taxi and knife?

The Terrorism Act 2000 defines terrorism, both in and outside of the UK, as the use or threat of one or more of the actions listed below, and where they are designed to influence the government, or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public.

The specific actions included are:

serious violence against a person;
serious damage to property;
endangering a person's life (other than that of the person committing the action);
creating a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public; and
action designed to seriously interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.

read and digest
read abd digest again
and once more for luck read and digest
then come back and tell us how he didnt terrigy those poor children, didnt use serious violance against a person or didnt endanger anyones life.

i bloody dare you

@Franglais…Tell ya what mateafter reading that reply from you, I’m done with arguing with you on this,.you have succeeded in wearing me down…

But done, safe in the knowledge that you have just come across to everybody on here as the deliberate (for effect) obtuse 2hat that you actually are.
And also safe in the knowledge that everybody else understands my point on this.

Tell ya what mark it down in your record of ‘Franglais Perceived little victories on Trucknet’, we all know how important they are in your sad little life.

I’m done on this particular discussion, unless someone who can maintain a logical adult discussion on my level wants to take it further with me.

Oh he will, he has no qualms about being disrespectful to murdered children and their parents,.as he has already proven beyond doubt.
Got to be ‘right’/Got to win…even on that subject matter.

But you missed this bit out:
(b) the use or threat is designed to influence the government [or an international governmental organisation][3] or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and
(c) the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious[, racial][4] or ideological cause.

If it was ONLY the little bit you selectively quoted then all acts of violence would be terrorism, and the term would have no meaning.

I suggest that you try reading all of a document, not just the little bits that suit your own argument and ignoring the rest.