Anyone linked to AQ I would happily treat as an international terrorist
IRA had international aims (already described) hence it is not truly “domestic terrorism”
But probably most significantly, I am in complete agreement with Maoster’s comment: "I don’t think that any IRA bomber would class themselves as British [ ] despite being born north of the border"
Domestic Terrorism to me would be what Ted Kaczynski did (see 1), or what National Action wanted to do (see 2), or what Thomas Alexander Mair actually did do (see 3).
I’m open to debate about whether Ali Harbi Ali was, or was not, a “domestic terrorist” (see 4)
Personally I think someone like him was probably going to be dangerous to someone at some point in his life, irrespective of whatever “motive” drove him at the time.
I can see it now, “Welcome to the stage, The UK Quantum Politics Party. Our manifesto is to seek election whilst simultaneously doing everything to avoid this becoming a reality. Therefore every constituency defeat is also actually a victory, everything you thought was bad is simultaneously good, and vice versa. Our policy is not to have policies, we will work hard at not working and promise to achieve our goal of not achieving anything remotely measurable”.
Eventually everyone will be unified in condemnation of the party, thereby creating consensus from chaos; thoroughly confused at this point the electorate will realise this is the only thing that makes sense.
the jo cox and david amess murders were discussed in depth on the subject of mp security as they were the cornerstone the bill was built on. However both of them were attacked by nutters for their political stand point. its akin to you and i haveing a falling out and you punching me on the nose its not really terrorism
i would agree kaczynski was a us domestic terrorist.
national action didnt really make it down here we had more of edl (english defense league) but from a skim through your link the sound similar. However i would argue that they weren’t terrorists in the sense of the ira or aq etc both of whom aimed to kill indiscriminately. Although admittedly most of the ira targets were military biased in the begining
Any way you slice it northern ireland was part of great britain and was under the rule of the British monarchy and government. and for a large part of my life southern ireland was an open border due to both of us being members of the eu and we didn’t need a passport as we would of done for france at the time.
you mean like abbot who cant get simple numbers right and would confuse her own party leaders and rayner who answers every single question with im a single mother.
as far as i can find the ira didn’t use suicide bombers these tactics are reserved for the middle east at least since the 80’s and before that the only suicide bombers were Ignaty Grinevitsky and the nutty Japanese we all know how they carry on.
Labelling the perpetrator as a “Nutter” versus as a “Terrorist” is not the issue, “Terrorism” is the action perpetrated, anyone perpetrating a “terrorist act” is by definition, “a terrorist”, their state of mental health (or lack of) is not a consideration
National Action went from inception to “Proscribed Organization” - which is surely the very definition of “Terrorists” - in just three years. That’s pretty “good going” if they were not actually Terrorists, which label I’m happy to agree with, if for no other reason than they ran their own “combat training” club in preparation for the “race war” they believed was imminent.
Generally we refer to this kind of behaviour as “paramilitary”, which is a concern for any right thinking individual.
Not was, Northern Ireland is part of the UK. It is not, and has never been (in this geological time period) Great Britain. GB is a term refers to the largest island of the British Isles, ie England, Wales and Scotland.
And B’jay-sus… Sure now there’s no such thing as Southern Ireland, there is Northern Ireland, and there is The Republic, (or Eire if you prefer). The Open Border you refer to is an agreement I mentioned earlier today, the Common Travel Area, an agreement which pre-dates both British and Irish membership of the EU by many decades (since 1923) and it is entirely independent of any other abbreviations, be it: EU, EEC, EEA, EFTA, or Uncle Tom Cobley and all
I dispute none of the above, but would further point out to @cooper1203 that many places were at one time or another part of the British Empire.
Pre WW1 the whole of Ireland was British, but previously was Gaelic or Norman/French.
Many Scots settled there/colonised it…
The language used to describe events is highly charged.
Did Europeans settle in North America? Colonise it? Invade it? Steal it from the First Nations Tribes?
Politicians and Nationalists often choose dates to bolster claims to sovereignty to land etc. But the dates chosen are to suit their own ends. There is no absolute start point.
That is happening in Russia and Ukraine now. It happened in Europe in 2 world wars, and is still happening in Gibraltar. “The Rock” isn’t British because of an act of god or divine right.
Who mentioned suicide bombers? It’s not necessary to be a suicide bomber to be a terrorist.
And the Japanese had, or have, a different cultural approach towards life and death, just because some of their beliefs are radical by our standards does not make them “nutty”, and, they were doing this in a military situation, they weren’t getting on board a London bus with civilian non-combatants in a country they hadn’t openly declared war on
I was thinking along the lines of the atrocities committed in Kanchanaburi Province which is a darn sight worse than the film promotes and even now i get choked up about it. or the death marches.
I was only referring to their attitude to suicide, which does not seem to have the same status as it does in the West: No rational person would deny that the Japanese military in WWII behaved in ways that almost defy belief for their level of cruelty, even in comparison to the ■■■■ atrocities
Having recently re-watched The Killing Fields (1984), and currently re-watching for the umpteenth time, World at War, I’m reminded how much the peaceniks live in some kind of dreamworld
I’ve long been a fan of Eddie Izzard’s sketch as to why having an effective military is so important, it’s because of all the “organized [zb] heads”
i haven’t seen the film but visited s21 etc when i was in cambodia last year. does the film explain the killing tree and how they used it? As selfish as it sounds having visited various different sites linked to the Vietnam war i was shocked at the complete utter waste of human life and how it could of happened with in my life time it is something that i will never forget
And in order to win more votes we now have Minister Laura Farris saying that there will be new laws against shoplifting and violence.
I am not in favour of shoplifting nor violent crime, but don’t we already have laws?