@Franglais you really are a pathetic little individual aren’t you?
You take great pains to point out your usual official line b’/s,.stats and narrative, whist simultaneously side swiping and deflecting the current specific issue in hand.
Currently nobody at the moment ,except maybe you and your apologist left wing rabble, is concentrating on the local n0nce 2 streets down, known to most families in the area, who is partial to a bit of kiddy fiddling on his day off,…that is another aspect of all this stuff for another day.
The CURRENT and SPECIFIC outrage is an almost epidemic problem that has so far proven to have gone on for 20 yrs or more in most of the UK’s cities, and is still going on today.
It is predominately Pakistani men of all ages actually organising gang r4pes of young white British girls like a social leisure activity if you will, even travelling town to town on mini buses reportedy in some cases ffs, like some sort of ‘jolly boy’s outing’…
Which part of all that do you fail to understand?, and why do you continue to attempt to reduce the enormity of it by pointing out other aspects of abuse and paedophilia to deflect the focus from the current situation ?
Not only is the outrageous concept totally and morraly wrong, but it goes to another level when you are told it is a wholly cultural and religious thing…because that medieval style culture and religion deems it acceptable, it allows these animals unlimited carte blanche to carry out these perversions without a hint of regret or conscience.
I have read many books on Nazi concentration camps and their guards…, their similar type doctrination gave them licence to carry out all sorts of atrocities on women including similar to what this situation pertains to, because they had no human empathy to who they saw as being beneath them…as now.
Do you refuse to face up to it because it also involves people like you in denial in official and public jobs who have taken great pains to cover it up at the expense of these young girls to save both what they see as delicate situations…and their carreers?
These people should be punished by the legal system after further investigations.
Thus proving it is down to people like you who are the main reason justice is not being done.
You personally by your antics on this forum represent everything that is wrong with this woke pc society.
As I said to you about 3 pages back…‘Shame on you’'…and your pathetic like minded ilk.