Political discussions...

There we have…what?
A self contradictory, opinion piece, in a centre right, media outlet. Written by Charlie Peters, a reporter for GBN, which is certainly biased to the right.

So “there we have it” indeed, a right wing reporter, gives an opinion, in a right wing outlet, that a left wing gov is doing summat wrong.

And there we have it, the usual franglais default setting that anything that has any connection to anything other than his perceived official narrative is bull5hit.
Astounding, just keep taking your medication.

Just for your information, I am absolutely horrified as to why a national investigation of Asian grooming gangs has NEVER taken place be it by the last government or the present one.

No. Not everything said by right wingers and prejudiced journalists is wrong. But for someone to crow “there it is” as if they have discovered an irrefutable truth from an impeccable source is very silly.
To set up a straw man argument about my stance on no-official sources is also silly.

takes the biscuit. Well played, sir!

so your happy with the current system then. if i earn 20k i will pay approx 1486. if i earn 40k i will pay approx 5486 double the wage but approx 3.7 times the tax

no we dont. we need better use of the money rather than wasting it on pointless schemes and stupidity.

as for the nhs it has too much money. it is the population that is the issue (aside from the waste and stupidity). the majority of those with more children than they can afford is on the poorer end of the scale. However of course there is an elephant in the room with that one. Average family size has been decreasing over the last decade or so. Therefore the issue must be a different group that is causing a drain on resources i wonder what that could be

So put your money where your mouth is and tell us all what this right leaning news outlet and a right leaning journalist have put in the public domain in the article I posted that is not the truth? c’mon, I am waiting.

Thank you, just goes to show that my morals over ride my faith in politics, all politics.

threasa may tried to do one. labour and others kept blocking her raising pointless objections because they knew they were going to be caught with their trousers down.

It is an opinion piece.
The facts quoted may well be true. Any conclusions drawn are those of the author.
It is not a factual analysis of the situation made by an independent person.

I rather thought that you were displaying your ignorance of the facts by apparently not knowing of the Jay Inquiry, aka Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
But never mind, it now gives you an opportunity to tell us what a high moral person you are. In your own opinion of yourself, of course. .

i dont see how that big eared twit in buck house can take this shower seriously and not kick em out

So I ask again, what is not true about the piece I posted?

The Jay inquiry covered child sexual abuse as a whole not specifically Asian grooming gangs. When it comes to ignorance, have a look in the mirror, had you read the link I posted properly you may have seen that.
When it comes to morals then children getting raped and abused is high on my moral compass, some appear to have no morals…

Typical Franglais.
Focus on the news source and stop short of even tenuously condemning the actual subject.
Instead blag it out, and face it out with a load of characteristic ‘I know better than all of you’’ word soup, rhetoric, and general lefty b/s…without saying anything of actual relavance to the subject.
Sooooo predictable.:roll_eyes:

Is franglais a clown or a tool?

He’s clearly a Socialist/Communist nothing more nothing less.

Are you bothering to read what I write?
I have not said the piece is factually incorrect, so why are you asking me to justify what i have not said?

Yes it did, including Asian grooming gangs.

So, why would you want an inquiry that is specifically for Asians?
Why specifically single out one race?

So I will ask you again, what is not true about the link I posted?

Do you not understand?

Read the original link I posted.

I give in. What is not true about the link you posted?

No. I do not understand why you want an Inquiry on one aspect of sex crimes against children that targets one racial group.
Most sex crimes are committed by those in the victim’s family circle, and most are committed by ethnically white people.
Clearly those outside of the typical offender profile should also be looked at too, but not at the exclusion of majority offenders.

So once again

So I will ask you again, what is not true? It seems in your mind it’s not what was quoted in the link I posted but who quoted it that you have a problem with. The very fact that it is the truth seems to make no difference to you.

Well shock horror there, who would have thought that given white people make up the vast majority of the UK’s population.

I suggest you read the link I posted again.

Facts are truth. Opinion is not.
An opinion piece by a biased writer is hardly “fact”. It might well have facts contained within it, but conclusions, possibly drawn by faulty logic and prejudice, and opinions are not facts.

Opinion pieces IMHO do not warrant fanfares like “there we have it” as if facts were being revealed.

Yes quite correct.
So I will ask you again, why do you want an Inquiry that does look at the majority of the population?

And I have read the link several times now. If I am missing summat, maybe you could point out what is so important to you, please.

The link is full of facts…the truth


What are you talking about?

Obviously reading isn’t a strong point of yours…but read it again.

@Franglais you really are a pathetic little individual aren’t you? :roll_eyes:

You take great pains to point out your usual official line b’/s,.stats and narrative, whist simultaneously side swiping and deflecting the current specific issue in hand.

Currently nobody at the moment ,except maybe you and your apologist left wing rabble, is concentrating on the local n0nce 2 streets down, known to most families in the area, who is partial to a bit of kiddy fiddling on his day off,…that is another aspect of all this stuff for another day.

The CURRENT and SPECIFIC outrage is an almost epidemic problem that has so far proven to have gone on for 20 yrs or more in most of the UK’s cities, and is still going on today.
It is predominately Pakistani men of all ages actually organising gang r4pes of young white British girls like a social leisure activity if you will, even travelling town to town on mini buses reportedy in some cases ffs, like some sort of ‘jolly boy’s outing’…

Which part of all that do you fail to understand?, and why do you continue to attempt to reduce the enormity of it by pointing out other aspects of abuse and paedophilia to deflect the focus from the current situation ?

Not only is the outrageous concept totally and morraly wrong, but it goes to another level when you are told it is a wholly cultural and religious thing…because that medieval style culture and religion deems it acceptable, it allows these animals unlimited carte blanche to carry out these perversions without a hint of regret or conscience.

I have read many books on Nazi concentration camps and their guards…, their similar type doctrination gave them licence to carry out all sorts of atrocities on women including similar to what this situation pertains to, because they had no human empathy to who they saw as being beneath them…as now.

Do you refuse to face up to it because it also involves people like you in denial in official and public jobs who have taken great pains to cover it up at the expense of these young girls to save both what they see as delicate situations…and their carreers?
These people should be punished by the legal system after further investigations.

Thus proving it is down to people like you who are the main reason justice is not being done.

You personally by your antics on this forum represent everything that is wrong with this woke pc society.

As I said to you about 3 pages back…‘Shame on you’'…and your pathetic like minded ilk.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

More material for Franglais to indulge his hatred of Farage.
For him to rubbish the source of information.
To casually write off as far right shenanigans and racism.
To refute the points made, in favour of pointing out to us that most abuse is done by strange Uncle Ernie who lives on his own,.and all the other white indigenous n0nces in the majoritu apparentlly, to deflect the enormity of this situation.

So here ya gan Franglais fill yer lefty boots in your usual inimitable condescending and patronising stylee,.whilst keeping your end up in terns of regurgitating the official narrative as an alternative to the actual truth.

Btw the relavant piece to the thread is the first half, the second is a bit ‘party political’, but worth listening to if you think Reform may be a good alternative to tge other 2 circus main parties.