Political discussions...

Speaking of indigenous white male paedophiles that Franglais likes to tell us are the main focus, (and not Pakistani r4pe gangs…)

And also speaking of Labour MPs not wanting to upset the apple cart by having an investigation.

Here’s a double whammy…a connection no less.

I wonder what this particular Labour MP, (or even ex MP ) favoured in terms of investigation or sweep under the carpet.:thinking:
Seems he was very vocal on the subject a couple of days earlier

…before being busted himself as an alleged paedo phile.:flushed:

No I aint saying all Labour MPs are like him either,.what I am saying is they are not all ‘Right Honourable Gentlemen’ …Who’d have thought that eh? (me btw)

Oh and btw…speaking of Franglais and his official narratives…:thinking:

The pie chart shows that Asian are a high proportion of offenders. It says it is using data from 5 named investigations. Not all investigations.

The available data is not good, but is reported by the ONS and shown in this SKY article

Using data from only chosen (cherry picked) investigations, is plain wrong.

The ONS data is from incomplete sources, but they include all that is available… The pie chart has chosen data and delberately ignored other data.

I don’t for a second doubt the veracity of that claim. I also don’t doubt for a second that those responsible were investigated and if the evidence was there were swiftly charged and convicted.

The issue as we all know is the apparent reluctance to investigate and charge the Asian aspect of this. If they are not being investigated and charged whereas the “white” pervs are then of course the official stats are going to be skewed aren’t they?

That undoubtedly was an issue in the past. Is it still an issue now?

I would say definitely it’s still an issue. If it wasn’t then the sound of handcuffs locking would be deafening.

My personal POV is that we as a nation need to stop pussyfooting around and treat all criminals regardless of religion or skin colour equally and not shy away from offending people. Even casual observers can see that is not happening, this breeds unnecessary resentment understandably

Hence the need for a national inquiry into Asian grooming gangs, to not only route out perpetrators who have / are getting away with it but to also look into the cover up / reluctance to investigate by various authorities including the Police.

This all day long.

Despite accusations and slanderous slurs regularly aimed at me by this clown on here, my main concerns on all this, are not racially motivated, but purely come from the fact that I am a parent …
(@maoster …Our private discussion on certain circumstances the other night will surely verify that fact, of which I have no need nor desire to discuss on here nor to justify myself. .)

First and foremost these absolute unspeakable low lives, also the MPs and councillors (of whatever pol parties) who do their best to come across as being 'whiter than white, (yep unfortunate turn of phrase) who continuously for years swept it under the carpet at the expense of more young girls being abused, and the incompetent individual police officers involved who aided and abetted them, should ALL have the full force of the law brought upon them.

I sincerely do not give a god dam rat’s arse what colour their skin is…, but what is staring us (or most of us) in the face here is that the cards we are dealt with in THESE specific cases, point the finger at Pakistani men, but more relavant to the circumstances of the case, MOSLEMS,.
So it goes to both another issue and level over ‘common or garden’ type abuse by other family members, and abuse by native perverts in general, which were predominately discussed in the Jay report, …where as the Rochdale case was briefly mentioned once as far as I can gather.

This current issue points out reasons of culture as the prominent point ovet reasons of sexual deviancy .
Ie A big problem that needs immeadiately stopped when you consider the vast number who subscribe and live by that foreign culture in our country.
(Obbvously the vast majority of those people are normal clean living people…before you run to the keyboard clutching your chest Franglais…and pearls :roll_eyes:

My other main concern is on the other side of the coin, these lefty liberal types doing their best to cover it up for them BECAUSE of their ethnicity.
Being virtual apologists for them,.and deliberately take steps to cloud the issue with smoke and mirrors (and stats) to deflect the severity of it, …
THAT is what is holding up any further legal action because the powers that be are of the same ilk, or they give these clowns far too much creedence…or both.
I find myself hating those types nearly as much as the abusers .:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

what makes me laugh is the lefties want it both ways. I remember not so long ago that people of colour were more likely to have a criminal record than a white person. All the lefties shouted racism and blamed the police for targeting people of colour. Setting the path for what we have now. now they are using the same stats saying no no its the white population

I totally agree.
Obviously it is wrong to treat any group differently because of their race or religion.

So therefore it would be wrong to single out a racial or religious group for special investigation, wouldn’t it?

Why investigate Asian grooming gangs, but not white or black gangs?

Er hello franglais, wake up and smell the roses.

Again I totally agree. By the same token would you not agree that it was wrong to avoid investigation of a certain group because of their race/religion?

That’s the crux of the matter here, a real or perceived perception of different policing.

Yes, we have seen that some Police have “leant over backwards to be fair”, and hence treated victims very badly.
In the past it was that some Police etc did treat Asians etc too leniently because they did not want to treat them badly. All too true, sadly.

Does that still happen? Dunno.
Hopefully not, but with humans involved there will always be those who, even with good motives, get things wrong, one way or another.

Yes, again. There is definitely that perception, and with so much going on it will always be possible to find examples of bad practise and incompetence, but is that the same as a deliberate policy? Or of routine bad practice? I doubt it.

Call for more investigation of all grooming gangs? Fine.
Call for investigation of just one group of grooming gangs? Why?

I’ve never called for an investigation of one particular group of grooming gangs. My personal opinion is that they should all be exterminated with extreme prejudice, However as a realist I’d settle for prosecuted with equal prejudice

Ffs eh?:roll_eyes:
Franglais being deliberately obtuse, contrary, sticking to the official line…, or just totally brainwashed ? .
You decide.
I know I have.:grin:

You just can’t/won’t get it do you?

If for the last 20 years in the unlikely event that thete had been an absolute predominate epidemic spate of Eskimo ■■■■ gangs in the UK, I and the rest of the country would be calling for an investigation specfic to Eskimos specific to that state of affairs due to it’s seriousness and relavance.
It has abdolutely nothing to do with keeping a racial balance
That does not mean we have anything against Eskimos in general…it just means we want it specifically investigated to put an end to it.

So now true to form you and your loony mates would be no doubt sticking up for ‘The Eskimo Community’ , because that is what you do and have to be seen to do.

Did I really have to resort to such ridiculous terms in order to penetrate through those barriers in your head to make you see what the rest of the population can automatically see.
Unreal :roll_eyes:

think of it this way…

you have three production lines going 1 makes 1/4" bolts one makes 3/8" bolts and one makes 1/2" bolts. Quality control comes back and says the 3/8" bolts are not upto spec do you go and investigate the line making the 3/8" bolts or go and check all three when the other two have no reported issues

Yep why can he not see that? :roll_eyes:

It aint complicated, it’s all about bolt production and Eskimos.:joy:

there are people in the car club i belong to…(i have pretty much given up asking questions) you ask them my carbs are overflowing i have done x y and z can anyone think of something else… you can bet ya bottom dollar someone will come back with have you checked the pressure on the rear offside tire. I dont get why people cant focus in on the crux of the matter and deal with that

So, if that were the case, then of course investigate Eskimos, or @cooper1203 3/8" bolts.

Is it the case that Asians or Moslems are over represented in grooming gang cases? Is that why you want them investigated as a special group?

I have not seen any evidence of that. Have you?

read the headlines recently over 50 towns/cities have been found to have gangs. not heard of any recently that said white gangs in 50 towns/cities…

lets change the narative a bit would you be happy if it was discovered that there were sex crimes being covered up inside a british religion having an investigation into that religion or would you want the sikhs and jews and every other denomination included… or to narrow the focus abit what about the quakers would you want them included with the extra added time and cost? or do what any right minded persopn would do and investigate that paticular cost to get an answer and justice as quickly as possible.

i have taken that at face value i hope you arent calling the brave victims that have come foward liars