Political discussions...

Generally you’re talking about stealing the rightful property inheritance of a family to give it to someone else’s family instead.Its theft Bolshevik style.

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Power hungry ideology and dictatorship.You think that’s America not China.


But yet you fail to condemn but condone illegally entered riminals and scumbags staying in free luxury hotels claiming everything and contributing nothing.

(Or in your Lefty speak refugees, irregular immigrants staying in meagre hostels being an asset to a diverse society.)

What is it with you lot who favour foreigners and who seem to want to give everthing to everybody except our own people…from the very top down.

Starmer blew it yesterday and lost what little credibility he had left he was given another chance to launch a proper investigation into grooming gangs and the tory amendment would be removed he refused.

people can shout about the alexis jay report as much as they like. it was labour that created all the issues and resistance so it took 4 years to even get off the ground. It was labour that steered the narative towards the catholic church and a way from non british institutions.

Even down to their bill it has nothing to do with grooming gangs its about accusing british families of abusing their own children and home schooling them so they dont get found out

Rather than taxing hard working British people even more, maybe we could start with the billions we are spending housing illegal immigrants in hotels, foreign aid to countries who don’t need it, pointless and impossible to achieve net zero and climate nonsense, stupid diversity and woke agendas. Reckon I’ve saved a few quid there for starters.

Maybe the terminilogy is wrong.
Maybe it aint another 'enquiry, that is needed after all.
We all know the circumstances, predominately Pakistani moslem men r4ping underage white working class girls, that requires no further inquiry into, so it’s an actually an ‘investigation’ that is needed, into both the culprits, and the cover ups by certain members of local councils and the Police.
That would take months, am enquiry can take years.

I very much doubt that we’ll ever get a satisfactory outcome to the grooming gang scandal. There simply isn’t the political will, and you can guarantee that instead of doing the right and moral thing Labour will opt for political expediency and not risk alienating their voter base. Unless that base happen to be pensioners and working men/women of course.

In the meantime there is only one proven deterrent to safeguard your daughters and granddaughters from this menace.

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farage said that reform would do just that if the gov wouldn’t so just maybe although i suspect that the same thing will happen.

Labour rejected the enquiry because it would implicate both their politicians in power at the time and the councillors who knew what was going on but kept quiet.

Both then and now they don’t want to alienate those muslim communities because they are core Labour voter groups.

thats a given im afraid.

this whole thing reminds me of when i was in college in the late 90’s there were two non whites that repeatedly harassed the girl in the group making lewd comments etc. However even through we complained and the lecturers complained the college wouldnt do anything about it because the two individuals kept shouting racism Its just more insidious now

Why have they let these clowns win?
These left wing naive deluded morons who shout ‘racist’ ,.'(and now ‘far right’) , at the most tenuous verbal drop of a hat
Only to stifle an argument and achieve whatever warped agenda they have for doing it.

The whole of UK society needs sorted, just look at what this ridiculous behavior that everyone seems to kow tow down to has achieved…
Perceived political correctness over the sexual abuse of young kids.
When you put it in those terms it is a disgrsce.

I wonder who remembers sarah’s law (late 90’s?) who here agrees it should happen

Have a look at this.
A guy who speaks for the majority of right thinking people, a guy who asks relavant questions that most people are asking (answers being a predictable ‘NO’ :roll_eyes:).
Then a reply from a Labour MP :roll_eyes:…just listen and draw your own opinions and conclusions.

I think that given how many of the traditional English right thinking people have voted recently, to trash their own country, and seem to be committed to voting again for the same party to trash the country even worse

It’s not that surprising that they might favour foreigners

But will they vote again for the same party?
Especially the older generation staunch Labour supporters?..
Any of whom I have spoken to, say they feel betrsyed by the party they have supported all their lives.

As for the traditional target stereotype working white class Labour voter, the backbone of their electorate, most of them have been alienated and labelled as ‘far right’, many are turning to Reform as an alternative, saying Labour has lost touch with them.

With the likes of Khan in charge of London (istan) Starmer and his ‘Islamaphobia’ (whatever tf that actually means :roll_eyes:) speeches, the unlimited importation of illegal immigrants (or future guaranteed voters) , and the policy of one rule for one section of the community one for the rest 2 tier policies, (not to mention recent epic cover ups over race and religion,) the way I see it is the only section who will be voting for them are the non indigenous.

But anybody who dares to state any of the above in words out loud (even though tbf they are only saying what they actually SEE) are immediately jumped on, and almost as a default condemned as being a racist by the patheticlly blinkered servile imbeciles on the left to maintain their pc agenda…(which they seem to be doing quite well over everything else),

People are afraid to speak their minds lately, it is even taking precdence over r4pe and paedophilia being brought to justice recently, so what chance have we got against these ruling morons?..even, or especially the Tories carry a lot of turning a blind eye type guilt.

Nah in the 6 months they have been in they are about as popular as haemmeroids, and in that 6 months they have already almost given themselves enough rope to hang themselves, so if they carry on down the same road, what will things be like in 1, 2, years time?

Wow ! :flushed:…don’t hold back man will you.:joy:

And that is the whole extent of your latest up to date trademark …''Franglais criticicises the UK Government and it’s policies post ? :flushed:

Vastly diluted and definitely toothless compared to the spiteful and hateful bile displayed regularly and almost incessantly over the last few years on here…

Oh yeah, I almost forgot…
‘‘They aint as bad as the Tories’’ are they ?:joy::joy:

(Cue an endless list of misdemeanours and f/ups by Johnson, to make that point, including a list of anti Brexit examples, and references to lies and parties after work…)

Dont bother, you’ve already mentioned them !


he probably only wants more income tax and inheritance tax because it wont affect him. The kids have probably had their inheritance so wont affect them either in other words like he accused me of once im alright jack

I will certainly not be affected by inheritance tax on my estate. I will be dead.

I do expect expect my estate to be amongst the top 5% when I die, so I doubt my heirs will be affected.

Any future changes might include my estate, so my heirs might be affected.

I have spoken in favour of higher income taxes for all in the past, and think that tax should be progressive, so the richer pay more than the poorer. That seems fair to me. I expect that higher taxes would affect me.

But I believe that by paying more my taxes would increase the lives of most in the UK, and I am all for that.
We need more spent on the NHS, education, roads etc, and rich whingers blaming the billions shortfall on the poorest amongst us is a very basic and transparent foolishness. I am amazed at how many are taken in and unite with the selfish rich.

The last inquiry failed grooming gang victims — we need a full national inquiry | The Standard

There we have it.

Where do I start.:joy: