Political discussions...

Where does that come from?
Cameron (a Tory) started the Jay Inquiry. Good.
Badenoch and others who had a chance to act on the report did little about it. Now however they are jumping on the bandwagon and risking what is about to be done to score political points.
You want to defend that? Carry on.

Jay was free to look at and investigate everything to do with child abuse etc.

Did the Inquiry not say what you wanted it to say? So that is why you want another one?
Hardly an open mind.

Ah, so we can save another 7 years and 200million quid. Professor RR already knows the outcome!
All from what he sees at the end of his street.
Oh, and maybe from YouTube and The Sun.

And the obligatory Covid/Conspiracy rant.

Says the man synonimous with covid obsession and the rants that went with it at the time.:joy:

Seriously Franglais…
Do one.
Just do one…

Btw put that down in your ‘Franglais’s
little victories on Trucknet’’ book, itll make yer day.
As I have repeatedly said…you are a joke.
But not a particularly funny one.

Hey @robroy look! I’m not knocking the Tories…

Hooray! Light relief in the HoC.
Well after a fashion, anyway.

No you are knocking yet another of your targets of hate…Reform.
Yet we all notice you stop short of ever knocking the Labour govt despite their epic incompetence and ineptitude.

On the subject of clowning you also never knock your own favourite party, the ultimate clowns, the nonentity mercenary Lib Dems.:grin:

Being that you are fully competent at regularly coming across on here as an absolute deluded clown, the subject matter of the vid is very apt.:joy:

Go on then…I’ll take the bait.

Why are they mercenary?
Do they take more cash than the Tories, Labour, or RefUK Ltd?
Or they in the pocket of oil companies? Tobacco? Big pharma?
Are their MPs paid hundreds of thousands by loss making companies?

Or is it just a casual, throwaway, remark?

And for the record I think that Labour have been too reticent to raise taxes. They should raise more income tax. And inheritance tax.

I firmly believe that often you get what you pay for, and for years we have been running down our NHS, Education, and infrastructure, so that some wealthy individuals get to hoard a few more of their millions.

I daresay that some on here will strongly disagree with that position, but maybe they scrimp and scrape and buy cheap tat, and don’t pay to maintain it, but then cry when it doesn’t last well.

Basically the choice is the US or China.If it’s not even too late.

A country run by a power hungry wanna-be dictator? Looking at one singe country’s interests and threatening ostensibly friendly countries? …or China?

Of course closer trade ties with democratic countries with short, cheap, secure, trade links is not on the cards for you, is it?

Interesting! Do you think that good luck and fortune need to be taxed? Lottery wins? Premium bonds wins?

Personally I don’t begrudge people having a stroke of luck, but perhaps that’s just me.

Re inheritance tax though I’m sure you realise that parents through perhaps careful monetary husbandry or sheer hard work may have built some or considerable savings/properties etc. Obviously they’ll already have paid tax on all of that, surely you’re not suggesting that taxing money and savings twice is fair? Why shouldn’t their offspring enjoy the fruits of the parents labours? Surely all good parents strive to provide for their offspring don’t they?

Perhaps not all.

Take the bait, please yourself,.I stopped ages ago trying to ‘bait you’, it’s pointless trying for a discussion with your blinkered ways,.and how you see any official narrative as being set in stone…what’s the point.

But if you insist…
Mercenary as in showing alliegance or joining anybody who will offer them a bit of power on a coalition basis…Lib Lab this Lib Con that.
Nobody really takes them serious, they are just the 2 main party’s wh0re or b1tch, a relationship of convenience on both sides.
Your party of choice no less…which kinda says it all.

And look at the clowns who have made them up presently and in the past.

The present pound shop Evel Knievel mad stunt man.

David ‘go home and prepare for govt’ Steel.

Paddy Pantsdown who couldn’t keep it in his pocket.

The ginger Jock who liked a few drinks.

That idiot who hung around Cameron’s coat tails as…‘‘Deputy PM’’.

And the Daddy of them all, the ‘piece de resistance’ the ‘creme de la menthe’ Rodney of all political leaders…
The author of the book (which had nothing to do with Polar Explorers) called ‘‘Scott of The Arse Antics’’
Ladies &Gentlemen…
Jeremy bleedin Thorpe.:joy:

Rumour has it the Monster Raving loony party rejected them because they thought ‘they didn’t take politics too seriously’ :joy:

You wanna talk about Clowns?
They have had more of them than Billy Smart.

I’m here all week.:sunglasses:

You pay tax on your income. Then pay tax on your purchases. Is that not double taxation? It happens all the time.
And extra taxes on fuel, alcohol, and tobacco.

If tax is not raised by inheritance tax it will come from somewhere else.
I think that taxing an inheritance, that is the unearned income of the heirs, is better than taxing those who do earn money themselves.

Paying tax on assets over a certain amount does not seem onerous to me.

A £325k freebie is not to be sniffed at, and any who complain about having to pay tax on amounts above that have no respect from me.

I think parents should teach kids to be self reliant, and earn for themselves. Generally we are talking about older people dying and not dependent infants.

I luuurve the politics of envy. They’re always far more revealing than anything else.

Last year when my old man died I trousered £200k. I paid no tax on that. It’s sat in an account. I don’t need it. When I die my kids get it. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Neither do I see anything wrong there.
Nice amount to pass on.
Millions of unearned going to those who have done nowt? Seems wrong to me. Exactly as it wrong for others who laze at home and get a few grand a year? Where is the difference? It’s all unearned income.

So you aint a parent then ? :roll_eyes:
If I can help my kids in anyway I do…it’s what good parents do
You can still simultaneously bring them up properly not to take things for granted,.and teach them the value of things, and not spoil them.
It’s called parenting skills, our own 4 prove it.

A longish watch at around an hour but if you’re interested this is grooming gangs from the horses mouth so to speak

How do you know what that £200k is made up from?

It certainly brings all the bedwetters out in force, getting their knickers in a twist.

I wouldn’t think they will be losing much sleep over that.

The property and wealth was earned by parents possibly also with contribution by the offspring.Either way that property belongs to whoever is stated in the Will.Its not there to be stolen for redistribution by and to a bunch of Bolsheviks.
What next a spouse loses their property rights to the marital pot for redistribution to a more deserving poor single parent.
This Communist excrement is what the FN rifle was designed for.

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