A couple of points to address on this little gem.
Firstly I could be one of your ‘Trump fans’?
Yeah a fair assumption, ‘‘fan’’ may be a bit strong, same as Robinson ‘fan’, because unlike yourself I try and maintain a fully open mind to things, as opposed to blind subservience to a cause or individual.
And I will criticise freely those individuals when justified.
One of your ‘Gobby ones’ ?
Yeah, fair enough, never been afraid of speaking my mind, no doubt about that, gobby a bit like yourself in fact.
But my ‘gobbiness’ is deterrmined by whether or not I would say it in real life…face to face.
Yours is determined by the criteria of the safety of your ensconcement in your front room at your keyboard…
Yep that old chestnut again.
Secondly I really don’t give a rat’s ass about Musk, as I said, this time last year I had not even heard of him tbh.
If he wants to get his snout into foreign politics that is up to him.
Nobody involved would give a flying ■■■■ what he thought or said, if he was not so ridiculously wealthy, with all the potential benefits that aspect can bring…exactly why Farage gives him so much creedence.
By the same token if he was pro Labour,.Starmer would sniffing around him like a fly around a cows arse on a hot day,…a la Lord Ali…
Or are you going to refute that one as well?
As for your Lefty heroes helping the Democrats, it was more about concern and priority of keeping their biggest threat out, rather than getting the democrats in.
As for Farage supporting Trump, same as Musk, no big deal as far as I can see.
He is a politician, having Trump in as a friend is going to get right up Starmer and his lefties arses, when decisions on UK/US policy come up.
‘‘Hold on Kier I’ll just check Nigel’s opinion on that one first…I’ll get right back to ya’’
So what’s not to like ?