d day comes to mind it was american intel that said those guns were there and it was the american troops that were fining on the british. Hitler got a spanking taking the channel islands that werent defended properly because there was no strategic value. the american history books dont tell you this because they are their own heros.
as i said thatcher started it by selling off the bases i agree none of the successive governments have done anything about it. that doesnt mean we should cosy up to the americans… it means we should pull our finger out.
your assuming that the americans are going to stay in. I dont think they will they are just as ■■■■■■ off about europe as we are. The eu has created its own issues with russia and the ukraine and to some extent the us has contributed to that with the pipe lines.
D.Day a disaster…or anything other than a success?
Nah we need to agree to differ on this, I will argue that point all day.
Not sure which guns in particular you are on about, the whole Euro coastline was armed, known as the Atlantic wall, the Allies were fully aware which is why the initial wave was bombardment by sea,.and Airborne troops landing behind that wall.
If you are on about the false intel on the isolated Point du Hoc, that was dealt with by US forces who destroyed those guns…plus US landing forces took more casualties than anyone at Omaha .
I aint a military expert by any stretch, but it would be inevitable there would be examples of friendly fire in a vast complex operation of that gigantic scale.
D.Day was a complete success, an expensive one in terms of lives, but nevertheless a success…end of.
Do you think it would have been anywhere near succesful if it was just the British, Free French and Canadian forces without the Aericans?
Surely not.
Sorry mate you are completely wrong on this,.I have studied this stuff most of my life since school, and have visited many invasion sites first hand with the info at the museums at hand in later life.
As for the disbanding of NATO and Trump.
I know he has threatened this, but I aint sure he will.
He knows the UK is an active and valuable member, he also knows we are not associated with the EU any longer (so far ) so I think we may be ok on that score.
I know the concept of the ‘special relationship’ is mostly sentimental romantic b0llocks, but there is an element of that nevertheless.
Considering that Hitler practical took most countries by just showing up with very little resistance speaks volumes.
Without usa and Russia how would the present day be
If pearl harbor never happened or the German invasion of Russia
In absolute numbers, the Soviet Union mobilized the largest number of people at just under 34.5 million, and this included roughly 35 percent of the. By the war’s end, more Soviets were mobilized than all European Axis powers combined.
At the conclusion of World War II, the total U.S. Army strength in Europe was almost 1.9 million, a number that was brought down to 79,000 by 1949.
The size of the British Army peaked in June 1945, at 2.9 million men . By the end of the Second World War some three million people had served.
You asked how things would have been if circumstances in history were different.
Here’s one…
In 45 Patton wanted to re. immobilise the defeated German Army.
He was a particular ‘admirer’ of the Waffen SS ‘special force’, (which wasnt entirely political correct given that they were fanatical Nazis) he wanted them to join forces with the Western Allies to take on Stalin.
Think how different history would be if he had been given the go ahead.
Eisenhower thought he was crazy, but when you look now at the Cold War etc and to the present day… was he?
He died in 45 after a rta in Germany.
Conspiracies varied from his murder organised by Eisenhower, to it said that he was poisoned by the Russians during his recovery from the accident, but that is as far as it went.
He lies in a US military war cemetry in Luxembourg as he requested.
Anyhoo History lessons over.
Let’s getback to the array of f/ups by The Labour Government today…just to pi55 off the Lefties.
Labour should probably concentrate on ‘Smashing’ a few of these ‘Types’ of gangs, instead of pretending to deal with other types for effect.
FEMALE Labour MP Naz Sha was reported to have said allegedlly …
‘‘They should shut their mouths for the sake of diversity’’
In fact she just re.tweeted it rather than quote it, but quicky withdwrew it.
I get why she withdrew it, but why would you re.tweet it in the first place?
Just read and digest that for all of 5 seconds.
Has it really gone that far ?
labour dont wont to investigate this for 2 reasons,
it will go against their narrative of they are all law abiding citizens that want to embrace the british way of life ( of course the lefties will shout they are british as they have citizenship)
it might expose a few truths about someones time as the head of the cps and their links to pie
The first batch of scum of 2025 ,the first 50 of many arrive from ‘‘war torn France’’ today, escorted in by the British Border Force…all young guys surprise surprise.
Just looking at these BF guys job title description.btw.
‘Preventing those that would cause harm from entering the UK’'.
Doing a sterling job lads…surprising that Labour did not dish out any knighthoods to this dept.
Meanwhile after me trying to unsuccesfully to see a doctor after being as rough as a bear’s arse with flu, but trying every over the counter product first…(and ONLY to try and get something to be able to start back at work btw,) but being continuoisly fobbed off by a telephone receptionist.
It filled me with a warm glow to read this little gem.
ummm they have Mirza Khudadad Ahmed. Immigration Officer, Home Office. For Public Service. (Birmingham, West Midlands) got a bem what ever that is
thing is people were up in arms on here about one person getting a knighthood that was friends with boris (he was an mp) yet starmer has put at least 7 of his mates fwd and nothing said. nothing like nepotism
Nothing like hypocrisy and double standards either.
Definitely nothing like impartiality.
In fact not a lot said on here lately about the antics of this govt …in direct comparison to the antics of the last one,.which we contiuously heard about on a daily basis…strange is that.
This is why I feel it is my self imposed duty to ‘keep my end up’ on this …Mrs.
I aint a big fan of Musk tbh, this time last year I dont think I had even heard of him.
I aint fully taken in with Tommy Robinson either, although I have to say without a hint of embarrasment that I do agree with a lot of stuff he says…but my feet are still firmly on the ground.
He’s a bit Marmite, some views on BOTH sides of the coin can be a bit ott and disproportional…anti AND pro.
I would say he is in fact a political prisoner of sorts, as well as seving time for breaking the law.
As I have said before The Establishment do NOT like any form of what they see as plebs, ‘taking them on’’
They much prefer the totally and blindly servile without question types.
The fact that they give him so much creedence and consideration rather than just treat him and shrug him off as a irritant nuisance, kinda says it all to me…, their actions do not correlate with what they say.
And why tf have they put him in solitary confinement ffs like some kind of n0nce?..if not to make some kind of political point …a la fast track ‘far right’, and the Facebook ‘atrocities’.
Apart from that when I see the type of bile spewed out by the type of left wing superstars illustrating their hatred of him…that is telling me something, if those type of clowns hate him, then that is good enough for me to keep an open mind away from the official narrative…as ever.
The irony is, that aspect alone is inadvertantly gaining support for sone of the stuff he says. but they are too wrapped up in their loony left agendas to see that .
Put it this way he is more in touch with what normal right thinking working class people think, than this present shower of sh govt will ever be.
If Farage wants to pander to those previouusly mentioned that is just playing into their hands, but if he knows what he is doing, fair play to him.
Edit …Just been told Robinson requested solitary confinement for reasons best known to himself.
Not sure if true.
A typical self righteous patronising conceited lefty.
It’s all there, the air of …
‘I know much better about these type of things than you’’ ’
‘‘We fully understand stuff’’
‘‘We know things you don’t’’
‘‘You are fullly misguided’’
Just a warning!
Some social media is not as “inclusive” as Trucknet, I have just received a lifetime ban on Facebook for agreeing with a Labour councillor that, “Starmer must go”!
another 61 desperate young female doctors made the crossing yesterday. I always thought that to be a doctor you had to be reasonably intelligent however these ones decide to cross in the worst weather for a week
Now the economic migrant, (who apparently started working in the US without a permit and if so was also an illegal migrant)) and whom Farage has described as a hero, is now wanting to sack Farage, as boss of the RefUK Ltd Company, of which Farage is the majority share-holder…
Musk has also been getting involved in politics in another foreign country, namely Germany. Olof Scholz has said: “Don’t feed the troll”.
I wonder what our Trump fans think of this?
They seem gobby about Labour supporters helping the Democrats in the US, but remained quiet about Farage and his support for Trump? What of foreigners interfering in UK politics?
I heard a nice snippet from an ex-collaborator of Musk, that he was previously a-political but was always looking to serve his own business/financial interests. Any who think that he is interested in anyone or anything beyond himself will likely be in for a surprise.
Then again, many seem to think that the fraudster, illegal immigrant, stalker, violent criminal, Yaxley-Lennon, who also has tax issues in the UK is some sort of hard done by victim.