Still, they aren’t as bad as the Tories eh?
bugger lugs himself did something similar i seem to remember he bought some land then put it in his mothers name to avoid paying tax. when he sold it for a huge profit he just managed to get in before the land around it was turned into a traveler camp about 2 days later and became worthless.
Has there not been some sort of parliamentary law or protocol broken here?
I aint naive enough not to know that there are always ways of working around this type of thing, but ffs that just appears blatant to me…acting on inside information and privilege for your own good.
I’m sure Franglais will be all over these types of laws and regulations, he would tell us plebs. …
(If it was the Tories.)
A few weeks ago when the main topic on here was the budget and the WFA and farmers IHT (still say it should be called Death Tax)
I suggested that a farming business could be set up as a limited company with family members as shareholders to minimise exposure to IHT.
Franglais dismissed this suggestion in his usual flippant (I know best) manner, looks like I was correct to a certain degree.
If I get a free half day I might look back at the posts to see if I can find it.
If you put “IHT @Gateshead” into the search box it will take less than 30 seconds to get here:
And, for what it’s worth…
…doesn’t seem to be a feature of the thread?
now that is too funny
apparently they will discuss this on monday. im taking bets that they out starmer and vote in one of their cronies
Nah wont happen mate.
It has been pointed out many times just how out of touch they are with the public, and how wrong they are ‘reading the room’.
Their arrogance prevents them from realising this, let alone actually caring.
Every Lefty you come across whether in power or a follower have this air about them, that they know something that you do not, and that you are misguided and that you just do not get it.
They know better…despite blatant evidence to the contrary.
We are stuck with these …'kers for another 4 and a half years like it or not.
By that time they will have imported even more human trash in to assure votes and the downfall of our culture…with a view to a further 5 years.
That is how their present plan will work whilst the rest of us are written off and put down as ‘far right’ for having the cheek to disagree with it all.
i agree that we wont have a ge but i wouldnt put it past the other labour degenerates to get shot of starmer… Rayner has already forced his hand several times and the other blithering idiot we havent heard about in a while is abbot. The likes of corbyn and milliband couldnt win an election on their own as has been proven. However get a photogenic puppet to get people to vote for them then vote him out at the first opertunity
Nah like I said mate out of touch.
They actually think Starmer is doing a good job.
But we’ll wait and see.
Not all gone away just yet, no wonder Starmer looks about 10 years older than when he first came to office.
There is going to be some fun and mischief in the UK when Trump gets in, after Labours attempted and failed interference in US election, and Trump being influenced by Musk who hates Starmer.
Then when he confronts Farage for advice on anything UK related that Starmer puts to him.
I just hope Farage then at least recognises Robinson as a supporter, instead of being influenced by the haters, then we have 4 high profiles setting the cat among the pigeons to pi55 Starmer off.
Anything to annoy the lefties is fine by me.
Don’t underestimate our DDR or Yugoslav style leader or the unholy alliance of compromised Monarchy and Socialism, that provides him and his band of Bolsheviks with their place on our world stage.
Starmer has a 5 year term v Trump’s 4 years.
Musk won’t cut it.This problem will take nothing short of a US military imposed solution which interns Starlin and abolishes the false flag British Socialist Party and which gives King and forces the choice of with or against Starmer and Socialism.
thatcher got Britain into bed with the us by flogging off our bases to them. Blair cemented it all with the gulf war mk2. I see no reason to entrench ourselves with them any more than we already are.
Dont get me wrong trump will sort out america and their interests and will be good for the world.
The latest ‘Tough hardline tactics’ from this govt in their highly succesfull …‘Smash The Gangs’ campaign.
They have really gone for the jugular this time, they are going to…
‘‘Ban them from using mobile phones’’
Yep that’ll definitely ‘‘Smash em’’.
In the meantime they still arrive here in droves unchallenged.
Words fail me with this shower,.can somebody point out to them that soundbites and idle threats with no action are fooling nobody.
It is the easiest thing in the world to stop them by adapting the methods of dealing with them,.and mainly matching the lack of incentives to stay as it is in France.
Don’t listen to all the anti US b/s.
The outcry from all the bed wetting lefties when Trump won was enough for me to show it was the right thing.
It is imperative that we maintain a good relationship with them.
History has proven beyond doubt that when the sh severely hits the fan that we are totally effed without them…especially the way our military has been cut to the bone, our forces are second to none in quality, but quantity is a different story.
Would you rather rely on the EU ?
It’s a bit like being in a sticky situation in a bar and having the choice of Tyson Fury or Julian Clary backing you up.
so instead of using a mobile to call the coastgaurd they use a radio.
I did hear yesterday that they were going to pay 15 million to a space company to hire “spy” satellites to monitor the channel so they can see them coming.
you can hear the excuses now… oh they were looking the wrong way we couldn’t see their faces. the satellite was in the wrong position… there was a solar flare etc etc
im not listening to left wing propaganda i like trump trouble is most think we needed them in ww2 (most of our disasters was linked to their errors) but history has also shown that we get dragged into their squabbles time and time again and each time become worse off for it.
Obviously at some point trump will be replaced probably with a wet lettuce like biden then we are stuck with a wimp that thinks everything can be fixed with hugs and flowers. Or to use your analagy yes tyson would be better than clarey however what if tyson had his hands and feet hobbled and a stroke?
Im for investing in our forces instead of spending billions on immigration etc etc. Have our forces here rather than going to some god forsaken hell hole that has never worked and will never work because of the attitude of the locals and handing out aid. Why should we prop up some weirdo in a country thats thousands of miles away that are too thick to support themselves.
Nah got to pick you up on that mate.
Which disasters and errors exactly?
We sure as hell DID need them in WW2, our forces were totally depleted after Dunkerque…(our first disaster nothing to do with the US.)
Then if Hitler had carried on with his invasion here after the Battle of Britain, which he could easily have despite the morale boosting ,propaganda (taking nothing away from brave pilots btw) instead of turning his attention to Russia,.we would have been occupied no mistake.
Then the Op Barbarossa winter ■■■■ up would not have happened,and there would be batallions of fresh troops Nazi troops instead invading Russia in suitable weather conditions later on …Hitler would be unstoppable.
Then the lend lease system, and Pearl Harbour inadvertently saved the day for us simplisically speaking …
It’s all in the history books, it aint a matter of opinion and povs, it is fact, so I dont know where you have got that opinion from.
Sucessive govts have had ample chances to invest in our forces, they wont.
For instance experts have said that if we had to gather up a task force to the Falklands as in 82, we would not get anywhere near.
As for ‘their squabbles’ if you are referriing to Iraq for one,.thatwas Blair’s Labour going in with eyes wide open,.we were not coerced by the US.
As you say they would rather waste money than invest it when it comes to defence,that tells me we need NATO …and especially the US, MORE than ever!