Andy, I think Buddhism is more of a spiritual philosophy than a religion. Enjoy it. I am no longer religious. However, I do like this verse from an old prayer that might well serve recent posters on this thread. Again, it draws from philosophy rather than religion:
[God] grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.
I think you are asking the wrong man about religion mate, any religion.
I am totally anti religion of any kind…although brought up as a kid in C of E, attending Sunday school,.confirmation classes, and marrying in church.
The adult bit of that was to please my parents, but I had turned my back on it all long before then.
I am sufficiently confident and secure about my life that I feel no need whatsoever to turn to something or someone who simply does not exist…of ANY religion.
In my opinion, the main reason for religion is fear of death and finding some comfort to what is said to happen afterwards…I have no fear nor need any comfort.
So no offence mate, but the religion you specifically feel the need to turn to, or any other whatever it is, you would get the exact same response from me if you told me you were intending turning to the tooth fairy or Santa Claus.
However if you feel the need, you have every right, and it does not matter a f what me or anyone else thinks about it.
I apologise if that offends, but you did ask,.and that is my honest answer
Yeah I mentioned changing religion in the context of British or European people changing towards something that has no bearing on their culture, and in many cases totally alien to it…specifically to Islam.
I was referring to mostly those Brits who are the most gobby about it, and the most radical.
Then although I am white and British myself, our forum prize clown accused me of being ‘racist’ towards my own kind…not sure how that works, and also it was religion I was/am anti about…not race.
Let’s not turn this into a thread on bloody religion ffs.
I’m still in full flow being the latest self appointed ‘TN UK political situation critic’’ …, after taking the baton off Franglais who refuses to criticise this govt in direct comparison to his constant gloating about the Tory govt.
You are wrong, CF. Buddhism is classified as a philosophy because it centres on the elimination of self, not on worship. Religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman and controlling power, which Buddhism is not.
If it came to ‘batons’ and Franglais after all the sh I have got off him, maybe ‘sharing’ it would not be my first choice of use.
However my actual first choice of shoving it somewhere private and warm would deffo upset the baby Jesus.
Latest on the ‘invasion of the country’ by stealth by illegal immihrants…1300 since Christmas Day.…
And no doubt many more there after from today.
Kin Starmer has made our once proud country a laughing stock.
Never mind all this ‘Smash the gangs’ rhetorical dog sh … , when is he going to simply stop the incentive and provide a deterrent to stop them leaving (war torn ) France.
My six year old grandson recently expressed an interest in politics and asked me to explain what the Labour Party was all about.
I struggled to vocalise it accurately but finally settled upon a decent explanation. I told him that I’d give him £10 if he cleaned his bedroom, which he duly did.
I gave him his £10 and immediately took £7 of it back and gave it to next doors kids for doing eff all.
the laugh is that everyone bitched about the cost of the rwanda plan (at the point of election 140 million had been spent) labour promptly said it was too expensive and scrapped it (costing more money) then promptly spent 150 million on their border plan (given to france) and have promised another 75 million all in all 85 million more than the rwanda plan and less effective by nearly 30%. Looks like working with the french etc is really effective who would of thought that
‘Boats involved in uncontrolled landings’ are a subset of ‘boats detected’. Uncontrolled landings are boats which have been recorded as arriving in the UK without interception. Any people detected in uncontrolled landings are counted in ‘irregular migrants recorded arriving by small boat’.
so in other words every single one of these gits have been brought here none of them have made it under their own steam.
if you look at the map hackney has less signatures than the outer hebredies and skye and west ross-shire have more than most london boroughs. speaks volumes
so reeves that is a supposed trained economist but in reality if she had 5 times her brains she would still make a half whit look smart screwed the economy whats starmer do… blame the regulatory bodies and tell them to remove “barriers to growth” in other words remove all the controls that allow us to enjoy safe working environments and equipment.
2 of the agencies he wrote to the environment agency and the healthcare regulation board. now wasnt two of his promises to get elected to improve the enviroment and the healthcare system?
i think after the new year ill be come a tipper driver they are going to be in demand the size of the hole this moron is digging
Yeah but at least they…‘‘Aint as bad as the Tories’’.
Proven, (if only) by the fact there is only a small fraction of weekly posts on TN criticising the govt, in direct contrast to the deluge of posts over the last few years,.when Boris and his mates were in…hmmm
to be fair the only time my friend has mentioned starmer is because one of the contestants looked like him on the xmas episode of the 1% club (yes my life is that sad) where as normally he would moan over boris mainly based on the same incorrect facts that would be spouted on here.
I think its a case of realising that what everyone with a brain said is true so keeping their head down below the parapet cos they cant be wrong
even the main stream media are having a hard time finding something positive to say about him
Good old Labour, totally on the same page as the country and in touch with it’s priorities.
Their latest proposal is to basically turn our kids into a nation of Left wing woke socialists by… ‘reviewing the outdated curriculum’ in schools.
In a nutshell… trading education for indoctrination.
A sinister turn imo…
At a guess I reckon maths is safe.
English not so…a new take on singular and plural pronouns…‘he’ and ‘she’, could die a death in favour of ‘they’…, with more use of gender neutral nouns.
Oh yeah History will more than likely be the biggest casualty, more ‘Islamic Empire’ than ‘British Empire’ more Nelson Mandela than Nelson.