I’ll paraphrase for those with a life; “however, there is evidence that some sharia councils may be working in a discriminatory and unacceptable way, seeking to legitimise forced marriage”
I could continue and dig up link after link documenting beatings received by women found “guilty” by these same courts, people who have actually been subjected to beatings and whippings etc etc etc.
You should join one and let us know how warm and cuddly and oh, illegal under British law they are!
Of course you won’t because we’ve already established that you’re big on rhetoric but very small on actually exposing yourself to anything that could potentially harm you haven’t we?
Yep not too many very recent reviews out there on Sharia law in the UK but what there are raise the issues of discrimination against women and children. I suppose that’s in keeping with the very religion itself.
But what is ‘our culture’ anymore? Every time I see a schoolteacher in a baseball cap adjuring his children to ‘like’ line up and ‘now listen up guys’, my heart sinks to my boots. The great unwashed in this country have adopted the vacuous Yank-corporation culture of the inward-looking breed of American whose value system is based on knowing the cost of everything and the value of nothing.
There is another kind of American whom I meet on my travels: the one who leaves its shores to engage with the language and culture of other nations and learn how it all works. And at least they enter Britain legally. Maybe we’re aping the wrong kind of American, but aping them we definitely are.
They do obey our laws. Or if they don’t, they are liable to prosecution just as everyone is.
Then why are you moaning about Sharia courts? Their rulings only apply to those who want to obey them.
It was proscribed in 1973, so before that time it was a legal organisation. It’s acts may certainly not have been legal, but it was.
“Sharia councils have no official legal or constitutional role in the UK. Their
work consists primarily of adjudicating on religious divorces, usually at the
request of women. They may also give verdicts on other aspects of day-today life, for example on Sharia-compliant finance or on halal food” pp2
“The ISC is a Registered
Charity2 and not a formal court of law, and therefore only deals with the
Islamic Nikah marriage ceremony rather than civil marriage contracts” pp2
"The review observed that the overwhelming majority of those using Sharia
councils were women, of which more than 90% had sought an “Islamic
divorce”. pp7
And pp8 the full quote:
The Home Secretary committed to an independent review of the
application of sharia law as part of the government’s Counter-Extremism
Strategy. The strategy notes that many people in England and Wales follow
religious codes and practices, and benefit from the guidance they offer.
However, there is evidence some sharia councils may be working in a
discriminatory and unacceptable way, seeking to legitimise forced marriage
and issuing divorces that are unfair to women, contrary to the teachings of Islam" pp8
So the 2016 report says some Sharia courts are not doing a good job. Disappointing but hardly a surprise. Regular UK courts are not prefect either.
It does say that discriminating against women is not Islamic.
Cant see much wrong with that tbh.
At least modern American culture is compatible with ours, if not a variation.
A culture that is embedded in 12th century Middle Eastern ways, with all the connotations of mysogony, brutal punishments and primitive injustices definitely is not.
It should be nipped in the bud, they came here, they should adapt, and live by our ways, not the other way round.
We still are. In many cases we are much more tolerant of others than when I was growing up. Where I see intolerance flourishing here, it where there are too many people living close to each other (you see it especially on congested roads). Any kind of mass influx is a recipe for intolerance because it takes time and competence (government, civil service, unions et al) to obviate the inevitable injustices and social unfairness of migration. You saw it when they moved blocks of problem families from London to the housing estates of the home-counties in the '60s and '70s. Mass migration is always going to challenge tolerance. Managing it well is a thing that is just not happening. And we should refuse to let it happen unless it is managed properly and fairly.
Well said.
But the agenda for migration and especially the apathy towards the illegal kind could be for future votes.
Especially as the traditional target audience of the white working class has been alienated of late.
Bring em over, welcome with open arms, book them in to the Adelphi for an unlimited all inclusive jolly, then allow them to stay whilst providing a house foc (at the cost and detriment of the native population,) and then bosh… Mohammeds yer Uncle…and future votes out of gratitude.
Sounds far fetched, but who with a brain trusts them anymore?
Over 200 signatures from indivduals and human rights groups in an open letter and findings fully justified their concerns about the treatment of women and therefore children. ANY reviews which are carried out by “their own” can never be fully independent.