Ah so that was the thread where you stuck up for the ethnic minorities…I’m sure they will be delighted.
Franglais champion of the underdog.
You believe what you like mate, I aint convinced.
How many of these cases are covered up that we do not know about, but I suppose that is also a fallacy in your world.
Fact is culturally these people look upon white women as trash, they have no respect for women in general,.and don’t get me started on your beloved feral ‘‘irregulars’’ who prowl the street hassling young women…but I suppose that is a fantasy also eh?
his stats for britain may be right because there are more indigenous people than illegals/migrants. what he fails to realise is how many of these indigenous perverts are white and what ratio of white to other compared to the amount in the country. ie if there are 1000 white british people and 10 of them are perverts thats 1% if there are 100 migrants and 10 are perverts thats 10%
Too soon to speculate…maybe another ‘Welsh choir boy?’
Wonder what the bookies would give…evens?
A bit crass that last remark, latest is a little toddler has been killed ffs.
Remains to be seen, and we need to be careful what we say …remember Starmer’s thought Police.
Whatever or whoever, obviously some savage nut job yet again.
The UK Police were going to patrol Christmas markets, …as '‘a gesture of assurance’ aye right.
More like a reaction to intel.
Franglais accusing someone else of “Whataboutery”
so yep a welsh choir boy oh and also a doctor thats put the cat amongst the pigeons hasnt it
your probably right but even if you arent why the police presence is it because they know only too well like the rest of us what these scum are like
I actually think at this point that even you don’t believe half the stuff you come out with and try to defend, but you have gone so far down the rabbit hole on numerous issues and taken flak from several posters that you have gone past the point of stubbornness and admitting you may be wrong that you have to keep the act up.
I’m sure we will be subjected to the patronising mentally unstable person schtick while trying to cover up the true identity and true motivations of this scumbag.
If it was the UK I would say yes, but this is Germany.
Maybe not so many natural hand wringing bed wettng lefty apologists in ‘der Fatherland’ I would say.
It makes you wonder, a Doctor, a profession dedicated to saving lives?..(Then again those 2 Glasgow airport terrorists were also Doctors…)
Not surprised he is of Arabic descent in the least.
Effin religion has a lot to answer for, but again, you should not jump to conclusions,… but I would put a year’s wages on him not being a Buddhist.
To be flippant I suppose if he was originally an illegal (or ‘irregular’ ) it kinda vindicates Franglais and his crew with the ‘Doctors and solicitors’ claptrap.
This is the second time Germany has had this,.there was a truck used as a weapon at a Christmas market, in 2016…an Islamist attack no less.
Just a pity the armed police did not get to him first.
Never mind discussing my attitude. Never mind the “whataboutery” of anything else.
I will ask you since no one else has answered:
Where do Sharia Courts affect you? Where do they affect anyone’s life in the UK, except those who voluntarily choose to go there?
Absolutely! Neither does female genital mutilation affect me, nor child brides, neither does shop lifting.
Except it does, and they do. It’s the knock on effect. You can’t practice an alien legal system on British shores, not only is it wrong on every level it’s also actually illegal. Your man Mustapha having six wives in Luton affects me not one iota, but the fact that it’s against the laws of the land are where the corrosive affects start.
Unless of course you are suggesting that we have a kind of err err err two tier legal system? Surely not.
Take those blinkers off again…I answered…
It affects our future our culture, it’s tge thin end of a very large upcoming wedge.
There are only pathetic pacifist types like you who refuse to see that.
I do not want my little grandkids to grow up in a country that encourages policies and laws that are something out of the dark ages, because you can sure as hell bet things are going to get worse with this invasion of these present criminals in years to come.
But you will be fine in your own little Franglais world where everything is cool the sun shines and the birds sing.
Nothing like that today in a certain part of Germany though I notice.
Or maybe over here preety soon.
Where did I say it did?
I was merely pointing out that no matter what the criticism or subject matter that gets posted you ‘have’ to take the opposite side, almost as a default stance rather than actual belief in what you are defending.
What are you on about?
In no way do the Sharia courts replace the UK system. They are an extra system for those, and only those, who choose to abide by them.
When you join a golf club you may agree to abide by their rules and be bound by the club committee. That is all it is.
If anyone has 6 wives then the UK system recognises one of them. That is it.
If the Sharia court recognises 6 or 66 of them it affects the UK system absolutely zilch.
It affects only those who want to be affected by it.
Where? How?
I live with zero interaction with Sharia law.
I will bet you do too. Prove me wrong.
Fair enough. You didn’t.
Cba to ‘prove’ anything to you, its a wate of time.
Seriously you are boring me with your contrary for effect drivel…why dont you just f.off.
The ones who joined OUR ‘golf club’ should abide by our ‘golf club’s’ rules.
If they cant or wont they should also f.off.
How simple is that for you to grasp.
The UK recognises only one of them! Oh well that’s ok then.
Is bigamy legal or not legal in Britain? Simple question.
I seem to remember that the IRA also held “courts” in Northern Ireland. They didn’t affect you, they didn’t affect me either. Are you also saying that was ok?
Those who are bound by a Sharia court in the UK, are doing that, voluntarily, and in addition to being subject to all UK laws.
So they are abiding by all UK laws…plus some extra ones!
Simple answer: No. It is not legal in the UK.
No one of any religion can marry for a 2nd etc time if already married.
Nothing a Sharia court says or does affects UK law in any way.
A golf club can say you are allowed to marry 3 times. It doesn’t make it so in law.
However if golf club members in their golf club, describe themselves as being married 3 times, they are perfectly free to say so. The Club steward can perform a ceremony on the 19th hole if they want. All legal.
Of course in the eyes of the law they are not married more than once.
If an IRA “court” said someone was a naughty boy then that is legal.
If an IRA court held someone against their will then clearly that is illegal. And the same with any punishment meted out.
If it against the UK law then obviously it is illegal.
I’ll repeat that Sharia courts are only used by those who choose to use them.
Ruling and punishment is accepted voluntarily.
That was not the case in Belfast, was it?
You really ARE a condescending know it all pompous twonk.
Just read back some of the stuff you churn out, and what the perceived context comes across as.
Nobody likes a smart arse mate
The fact remains any foreigner who chooses to live here should abide by our culture our rules and our laws, instead of rules and laws oertaining to whatever backward sh hole they have keft behind.
Before you start your usual b/s I have absolutely NO problem with legal immigrants, or their colour or creed, who abide and integrate, and who practice whatever mad assed superstition they choose to folow in the privacy of their homes.
The fact that we are the leading Euro country in the practice of Shariah law, (official or unofficial I dont gaf), it is just wrong and a sad indictment of my country.
That US senator who thought or said we were a Moslem country is not far wrong.