About half of all news coverage about Islam in the UK was from just one source…
Is there Sharia law in the UK? Yes there is.
Does it apply to me or (I guess) to you? No it doesn’t.
So, without subjecting myself to watching yet another GBN video, what is the alleged problem?
If some people choose to obey laws in addition to UK laws, how does that affect you or me?
Are some migrants being housed in posh areas?
I seem to remember some getting angry that migrants were only being housed in “working class areas” and not in posh areas? Is that possibly the same people getting angry about the opposite happening?
Yep just the sort of reply we have come to expect from our UI.
The ‘alleged problem’ is the hi.jacking and drip fed change of our culture.
Aint going to waste any more time trying to explain something to a brainwash ee.
As for the source of the news…so 'kin what?
Why not just concentrate on the matter in hand.
Of course it is the only source that will report it all, all the MSN channells are either sh scared to, or it does not fit in with their political agenda and/or official narrative.
The type of stuff you and people like you listen to in fact no doubt.
Or in other words: the Sharia Courts in the UK do not affect you at all.
You would probably not even know of their existence were it not for GBN and it’s drip feed of biased news(?) stories, which you choose to follow.
Here is a senario for you… a british person is training to be a chef he uses public transport to get to his place of work or college By law he cannot carry his knifes with him. He has to leave them at the college or work place where they may get damaged or stolen. A person of different religion can carry a 2 foot knife with them because its their religion that is how it affects us.
you cannot have one law for one person and another law for someone else it doesnt work. what stops a person saying oh im carrying this knife because its my religious right when in reality he is carrying it because he is going to stab someone.
actually i saw the article in the times when i was getting my local rag.
That is UK Law not Sharia Law.
Same as Sikhs being treated differently re turbans and crash helmets. And Scots carrying dirks.
Personally I am not for such differences, but it is up to the UK Parliament to change those laws, nothing to do with Sharia courts.
ED to add
And regards Chef knives: Jacob Greys, communications specialist with Gwent Police, told us: “Ultimately it is about the context. If a chef is on their way to work and can prove that their occupation is a chef, then they are less likely to have a problem.
I dont gaf if it affects me directly or not, that is not my criteria of concern…neither does paedophilia affect me directly but it does not mean I have to condone it.
It is just wrong that our laws and mainly our culture is being changed for the worse by these people.
As I said…This is MY/OUR country, I have no truck with legal immigrants who integrate and contribute, but ‘‘When in Rome’’ etc etc, if you dont like it f.off simple.
But again…
People like YOU exacerbate it all.
Biased news…maybe.
But I only know the fact that msn do not report this type of stuff, as unlike you I keep an open mind on stuff, so listen to all different sources of news…including BBC bizarrely.
And there we have it folks, the absolute quote of all quotes from the deluded franglais.
How does Asian grooming gangs sound franglais, some going on for decades commiting r4pe and 5exual abuse of children and ignored for fear of the consequences from the vile perpetrators communities? No UK law there!
Don’t even bother saying the Police weren’t to blame.
This is what he does when backed into a corner or showed up to be a complete dic k, you should know by now.
He just faces it out regardless.
I’d love to live in Franglais ideal little world…so much easier to cope with than the REAL one .
Delusional definition… having a false belief that cannot be changed by evidence that goes against it. Delusions are a symptom of pychosis, a state where a person loses touch with reality.
Delusional disorder is a mental illness where a person has delusions that persist for atleast a month, it’s often chronic, but treatment can help many people find relief. Some people recover completely, while others have periods of remission.
Genetics…no fault of his.
Brain abnormalities…again no fault of his.
Environmental and pschological factors…very much his fault. Sat permanently in front of an electronic device with very little contact with the outside world has been proven to cause people to become a Billy no mates, thus becoming lonely, depressed and delusional.
Keep takin the tablets franglais and the old adage, get a life.
And of course his inability (due to delusion) to accept that the UK Muslim population apparently equals 6% of the UK’s total population yet the UK Muslim prisoner population apparently equals 16% - 18% of the total UK’s prison population and states those figures seem “fair”. Then tries to dilute those figures with forced Muslim conversions yet still doesn’t acknowledge that the figure even if below the 16% - 18% somewhat is shocking. I’m waiting for his words of wisdom on this.