I don’t deny the truth of what others see. i do say the world is much more than that.
So yes, what anyone sees is not good enough.
Nah not really mate, just by YOU and your pathetic and idiotic views on life.
Hope that clarifies.
And there we have it is once AGAIN
‘Skin colour’, with the implication of racism aimed at me…despite me repeatedly telling you just how offensive I take that.
You may think you have found my ‘Achilles heel’ so you keep aimimg it at me.
You are wasting your time mate, I have the measure of you, sat there behind the safety of your keyboard in anonimity thus out of reach, showing me ‘‘how brave’’ you are with your insults.
Where as in reality a complete fanny who would sh himself rather than say it to me in real life.
Pathetic little man.
I will stick to facts, factual reports with you got it… proven facts. Studies made up of differing inputs with no real agreement on what is the “correct” input and said inputs which are essentially based on estimates and assumptions, no thanks. Better to ask the average man in the street.
There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics quote Mark Twain
Personally I prefer to talk to experts. Those who gather lots of data from many sources, examine it all by different methods etc, such as doctors and dentists, bank managers and pensions advisors. But if you prefer talking to the average man who has little data except what he sees on his own street corner? Your choice.
The same “experts” who’s every word you not only clung to but preached with glee to anyone stupid enough to pay attention during Covid?
You do appreciate what an expert is don’t you? It’s someone who has practiced a situation over and over again to achieve as near perfection as possible. It’s not a person who has read many books and literature on a certain subject but never participated in it and then declares themselves an expert.
Covid 19 was a brand new, never before seen thing, therefore it was impossible to have experts. What we did have was best guess scenarios made by people possibly with the best intentions. Of course we then got the people who realised that suddenly the government were going to throw money at them if the toed the official line and promoted the hysteria.
The experts you so desperately cling to remind me of the meme of the woman in hi vis and hard hat saying “I’ve never done your job, but my book says you are doing it wrong”.
What’s talking to experts got to do with a series of studies fed to us with no “correct” way of analysing and based on assumptions and estimates? Your average man in the street sees far more in the real world than any non factual studies can ever unveil.
Meanwhile more displays of shear dissatisfaction and lack of popularity with this govt…(who ‘‘aint as bad as the Tories’’…according to our very own political EXPERT, speaking of.)
Starmer has got the Christmas No 1.
Of course the BBC aint playing it apparently
Was it Maoster who mentioned the phrase…‘‘Useful Idiots’’ ?
ie What the Establishment sneeringly call people who believe anything they and authoriative bodies tell them, …and who then go on to further their cause and agenda for them , by exacerbating and gleefully repeating it all.
Ladies & Gentlemen…I give you…
(Fill in the blank.)
What are you saying?
The studies I referred to earlier are all looking at facts. Real world facts. Lots of them. Far more than the man in the street can possibly see let alone analyse or make sense of.
Like many, many, things there is no one “killer fact” that experts in a field can look at.
Research scientists do not generally have one factual number to look at. They need to look to many different data all of then factual and real and use different method to analyse them.
There is no one correct way of conducting a drug trial for instance. Many trials are conducted with different methodologies and the different results are looked at and processed in different ways, by many different people.
Just because there is no single perfect trial, does not mean that they are all useless.
The figures on economic costs and benefits of migrants are just like that. Messy and complicated. And way beyond the reach of the bloke on the street corner.
Experts were in charge at Northern Rock, that went well!!!
Yup, t’was I. It’s not a new phenomenon by any means. Curiously enough during WW2 the French had a name for them; collaborators.
As you well know, the average man in the street is a generalisation meaning normal everyday people that see what they see throughout life, a bit like what myself and others see with their own eyes fully open, there again others like yourself wear blinkers and believe any old cr4p to suit their own views especially so when cr4p is based on estimates, assumptions and little factual evidence.
Jeez mate your head is totally embedded up your own arse…seriously.
How patronising (as usual)
Do you see yourself as some kind of Guru of wisdom, where we ‘the uneducated’ are all sat in a circle around your feet, waiting for you to impart and share your expertise on the meaning of life.
Get real you used to drive a kin truck like us, you know as much as the rest of us.
There are certainly costs, but what benefits are there exactly?
We are talking ILLEGAL aliens, on the whole coming here under false pretences…the only ‘benefits’ are monetary ones that they claim and cost the country to keep them, instead of helping our homeless people down on their luck, including ex.servicemen.
If it was only £2.50 instead of the millions so far and counting, it would be £2.50 too much, it is wasted money that could be used to warm the pensioners for example who Starmer betrayed.
Your opinions represent everything that is holding our country back.
Look lads don’t worry, the way it’s going they will be allowed camp in anyone’s back garden or front garden soon, or in fingers case in his shed at the back of some house that rents him the shed and possibly the riddler is his sharing partner, not only living but sharing the computer as well
Stranger things have happened but doesn’t the mind just say 99% possible
I can only come to the conclusion based on the stuff he comes out with and continually defends regarding illegal immigrants and hotels that Franglais does not live in a large town or city.
Bet the top brass at the biased agenda driven corporation are absolutely squirming at this whole situation.
Spoiler alert…shock horror.
I think I am about to be branded ‘Racist’ once again by the governments ‘Useful Idiot’ after this post…
Oh what am I to do?…how willI cope?
Seriously though…
Can somebody tell me why presently British people in this country are almost looked upon as second class citizens?
Why is virtual priority given to foreign people, who are both here ilegally and legally?
Why is there a paralell legal system, or two tier system, presently being ran, where certain ethnicities and/or religions are allowed to flout and break the law, and special treatment is given…But any slight misdemeanour by white working class people is jumped on…eg. FB posters.
Or a bit more serious…
Manchester airport incident v ‘Far right riots’ (note inverted commas)
Why are foreign systems of law enforcement allowed to be carried out in this country. (Shariah).
Why are illegal acts like polygamy allowed to go on with a blind eye turned.
Why is it not a ‘When in Rome’ scenario for these people, if any of us moved to one of their countries, would we get the same degrees of latitude, to carry out our laws and traditions that did not correlate with theirs?..a resounding NO.
And back to migrants…
Now that we have all been educated by said ‘Useful Idiot’ that migrant hotels are no longer hotels, but termed ‘hostels’, …
What would the new PC term for luxury homes in select arras like Westminster now be euphamistically known as ? …now that illegal immigrants are being housed there…along with non English speaking people…mainly because the average working British person (of various colour and creed I MUST add) paying his taxes could never afford them.
The following vid covers my points.
who the bloody hell is that nina woman she is thicker than custard. “paris has 25 % social housing” so bleeding what you can bet your bottom dollar that it wont be in the posh areas of paris where the boutiques are and the museums. There is a reason that social housing is in certain areas its because the infrastructure around them is set up for them to afford it. ie public transport cheaper shops gp services etc etc. It is designed that way so the area can survive. there is no point putting a 5* restaurant costing 1000 quid a dinner in an area where unemployment is high and the average wage is 10 quid an hour. All that will happen is the restaurant will go bust
All one can assume is that labours ultimate goal is to destroy the country and turn it into some 3rd world place where everyone has nothing. Mind you i said that before the election and got told i was being dramatic and pessimistic.