Political discussions...

Yes. There are UK laws to prevent women being treated badly.
They apply to everyone equally. No exceptions.

If those laws are inadequate they need backing up.

Funny how you concern yourself…ooh so much about trivial political crap, but the widespread beating up of women and whipping as punishment…none of your concern, not worth bothering about…quote. ‘free to act as they see fit’
I would expect that of you if you actually saw a woman getting beaten up,… just walk away.

Given up reading all of a post again then?

No I aint.
As I said you casually and nonchalantly just say, ‘‘If I want to ignore them I can’’ and… ‘‘they are free to act as they see fit’’…so thats ok then eh.?
Lets just turn a blind eye, pretend it aint going on around us,.so as long as they do not break the law it’s fine. :joy:
Or…OUR law should be against it in OUR country.

Now I know you are the most gullible and naive guy for your age that I have ever come across, but do you actually think whilst yhey are giving their wives a 'kin good kicking, or whipping them, that they actually care if they are breaking the UK law, or that it stops them from doing so?

If the authorities actually outlawed Shariah law being implemented in this country,.at least it would be a start.
Incidentally the same law and concept that advocates death to infidels…ie us.

You know it would not be so bad if you even at least condemned it…maybe even in the way you condemned what only you see as far more important stuff than the brutality towards women,.such as Boris and his mates eating their sandwiches during covid for instance.:roll_eyes:…that was of the upmost importance as you clutched your drama queen pearls, but bullies beating
up oppressed women?..doesnt involve you, so it’s fine…quote .‘‘They are free to act as they see fit’’

Got to say it AGAIN…You are a joke.:roll_eyes:

Must admit, that’s a new one on me…breast flattening…wtf. seem a right civilised lot. Along with all abuses to females, it’s all very well trying to enforce the law of the land on issues like this but when it is embeded in a faith and in this case a very very high percent of male leaders making rulings whilst followers of the religion see their faith as the major part of their existence then closing ranks in the community is rife. Honour is everything in the Muslim faith.
Just to add Priests and child abuse.


The official sources on the German Market atrocity are taking pains to reveal that the guy is actually an…‘Anti Islamist’ (sighs of relief all round from European govts I bet) and that he blames Germany for being ONE of the countries responsible for the…'Islamification of Europe…looks like we got away lightly then eh?:thinking:

He’s described on the news as a ‘Fanatical atheist of all religions’ …
Well so am I, but I have no plans to tear arse through my local Christmas market so far thus.
So basically just another religious based nut job in a different context.

All I can say is the armed Police should have slotted him,.save the German people some expense…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Dont know about you mate, or anybody else on here, but this vid not only has me ‘clutching my pearls’ but clutching my balls to get some pain relief over watching this…

Missed the last 2 minutes of it, so off to watch the bit where the Old Bill rush in mob handed, to arrest them and when Starmer fast tracks them to jail.

But hey! I’m a racist (apparentlly) for holding these views.:roll_eyes:

Totally sickening.

I have called you a racist.
You posted that you treat people of different races differently. Pretty much the very definition of racism.
That is why I called you a racist.

And it isn’t only Muslims who hold street protests to further their political views. https://youtu.be/gT9xuXQjxMM?si=4YMssvTUA0wu6S7w

Yep repeatedly despite my stated offence to it :flushed:
…Jeez mate you are kin unbelievable. :joy:

Is this the only way you think you can get back at me for repeatedly showing you up as being a complete gullible and naive d1ck?..
Hey maybe it actually is in the confines of anonimity on a forum after all.

I make a rule of saying NOTHING derogatory to anyone on here unless I would be prepared to say it to their face.

So let me ask you this…
Fact is if we met…say in a pub, I without fear of contradiction, and anybody who knows me would verify this, I would call you what I think of you,.based on what I see on here…in a heartbeat.
That is the way I am, having the courage of my convictions, and maybe tbh a bit too reckless.

So what about you?
Would you call me that to my face…or anybody else for that matter.

You’d have to be a pretty confident MAN to put out such a harsh gross,.abd very serious insult face to face to another man, of whom you know nothing about.
It’s about 2 steps short of being called a paedo phile in my book.
Even I personally would not, unless I had good reason to, or in a situation where I was trying to avoid escalation between others to keep the peace.

So come on Franglais, cut the bravado, would you be as brave in REAL life, or are you what I suspect.
All wind and pi55 who would not dare say even boo to a goose.:joy::joy:

You pathetic little man, you are an embarrasment.:roll_eyes:

Go on then…I’ll bite.
Do you argue that you are not a racist?
If so, how come?
You have said you treat different races differently, so in my book that makes you racist.

Why do you think I would not call you a racist in a face to face meet?
I mean it as a statement of fact, based on your own words about your actions and thoughts.

If you say that you treat all races equally then I will take you at your word, and happily withdraw the remark.
If you still think of, and say that you treat English converts to Islam differently to other races, then my view stands.

I neither need or desire to explain myself to somebody like you…I have your measure, and I have met plenty like you in real life.
We both know you would not dare to have the shear gall nor courage to call any man a racist to their face unless you had some sort of masochistic death wish, or the courage…which I very much doubt.

Yeah I would love to have the chance to meet you to ‘debate’ this, but due to the fact that is highly unlikely, I will continue to regard your pseudo machoism as just that, and stand by my ‘pathetic little man’ analysis.

Just to sum you up…

I’m done here.

For the umpteenth time Islam is not a race anymore than Catholicism, Buddhism or Judaism are. It’s a creed, a belief system if you will. Being anti Islam isn’t being racist, it’s being anti Islam, simple as that.

Meanwhile I imagine that the Germans taking to the streets are feeling relieved that it’s not Chancellor Herr Starmer calling the shots there or they’d all likely be currently getting fast tracked to prison.

@robroy stated in a post that he treats English converts to Islam differently to other races.

He singles out “white indingenous British” as being different.

I would feel safer walking into a tea shop, or cafe, populated by Moslems,
more than I would walk into a pub populated by racists and bigots.

Don’t confuse him mate ffs.
The official line says different…so he ‘Can not compute’.

Of course that is the case, if only in the grammatical definition sense.

I have no desire to explain myself to closed mind servile borgs, but as you brought it up I will to you, but you know me personally anyhoo.

I fully admit I am a religion…ist :smile:, anti religion more like, but I do tolerate those who feel the need to ‘have’ one to turn to, my own elder generation family are that way.

I obviously know a lot of Christians, and a few local lads from the local takeaway who are Moslems, all decent people…and why would they not be?
That does not have to make me have to like any bloody religion either group follow.
Religion is the caytalyst to most evils paradoxically, in my book.

As for d/head’s comment about Brit converts, I fully admit I deplore these Brits who turn to an alien religion, they tend to be the most radical of the so called ‘peaceful’ religion…but apparentlly that makes me a racist in the eyes of that idiot of the useful variety …Franglais.:roll_eyes:

I would imagine you are the sort of person who does nothing unless you ‘feel safe’…including being an utter gob shine on the internet.:joy::joy:

Ahh so I’m racist against my own kind…ok got it now.

As I said…showing him up to be a complete d1ck.:roll_eyes::joy:

Excellent. Crack on. Let us know how you get on :+1:

Walking into a ‘tea shop’ kinda says it all to me.:joy: