Political discussions...

I bet it sure as hell does ‘seem reasonable’ to YOU.:roll_eyes:

You really are a weapons grade plonker aren’t you.:joy:

If you took off your famous blinkers,.actually used your eyes, and stopped listening to and being influenced by lefty liberal official narrative dog sh, you would maybe see what everybody else can.

Here’s a clue to help you along…

THAT is the point of the whole issue the absolute vast majority are NOT refugees, …nor families nor Doctors nor scientists for that matter…

That majority come undet the heading of …

Young unqualified male economic migrants.
Basically scroungers, taking full advantage of people like yourself who not only allow them to, but encorage them by providing vast incentives to the detriment of the indigenous native population,

Therefore they are abusing a good system designed to rightly help the former list of categories, …but definitely not the latter list.

It is only naive gullible idiots like yourself who believe and continuously exacerbate this myth of refugee families fleeing war torn countries.

You are pathetic…wake up and start thinking for yourself for a change man.:roll_eyes:

How many people are granted asylum in the UK? - GOV.UK.
Over 50% of asylum claims are granted, so your post is factually untrue.

If I was in the unfortunate position of being a refugee I like to think I would try to get myself to a better place rather than just stay in a tent. What would you do?

Yeah because they are obviously all living in conditions as you describe while sheltering from the bombs falling all around them. God you are deluded.

Did I say that all refugees live in tents?
No, I didn’t.

Did I say that bombs fall on refugees all the time?
No, I didn’t.

In fact I didn’t say lots and lots and lots of things.

Why not choose things I did say to comment on? It really is much simpler than me pandering to your delusions about what I did say.

But why is it our responsibility to fund the fact they want a better life? We have enough people struggling and living in poverty as it is in the UK, maybe we should be looking to help them first.

If I was a refugee fleeing “genuine war” I’d be happy arriving in one of the first safe countries I could get to - this would likely be somewhere in South East Europe. The big giveaway is the fact they pass through the entire continent and then risk their lives all over again by crossing the channel. Do you really think someone escaping the horrors of the Taliban, ISIS etc would really take that chance bearing in mind they have managed to get to safety somewhere on mainland Europe. It’s only the brainwashed idiots like you who cant see they are economic chancers coming here for the freebies they know they will be handed.


Dont be confusing him with logic facts and common sense mate, he has an official narrative to defend.

He must be right and us all wrtong after all on reflection.
I mean come on…have you not read his official surveys?
As we all know official statements ALWAYS pertain to the accurate truth, and that official stats have NEVER been adjusted, manipulated, or corrupted in an effort to push forward an agenda, or make something that is downright unfair and unacceptable…actually acceptable.

Get with it man…it’s all from an official source.
It MUST be true.

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I can understand that.
If however, I was already an English speaker, or had relatives already in the UK I might well believe it would be better for me in the UK.

Remember that the vast majority of refugees do not try to come to the UK.
Most Syrians for example stop in Turkey. A smaller number come to Europe, and a smaller number of them come to the UK.

The cry “They are all coming over here” is absolute nonsense.

Those that do come to the UK are a minority, and do not do so for no reason, on that I agree. But the reason is not that the UK gives out much better benefits than other European countries, that is not true.
I have previously put up links showing that the benefits to asylum seekers in France are comparable to those in the UK, and no one put up any evidence to the contrary.

Thing is mate you will always get some lefty lawyer (someone off the same stamp as Franglais :joy:) seeing nothing wrong with this, and taking up his case…maybe even on tax funded legal aid.:joy:

Have you not heard about the alien culture trying to overthrow our own culture and ways, mainly by all the type of illegal terrorist criminal scum we are importing on a daily basis?

But don’t be voicing that view ffs or you will be branded a ‘racist’ faster than you can say loonyleft.:joy:

I best take that back…dont want to be fast tracked to Durham nick.:scream:

The gentleman has a point, we should all embrace a fully diverse multi cultural society, and do away with these out dated pub signs, in fact ban pubs completely to prevent upsetting our Islamic brothers.

Oh yeah,.and stop condemning these irregular immigrant refugee genuine aslyum seekers fleeing war to get to the hostels with their poor families, that we rightly provide, as a stop gap to them living here permanently in a provided house…I may even take in a family myself…oh hang on I’ve got the painters in next week.

Think I got away with it.

I could get used to being a deluded servile lefty, the world seems such a happier and nirvanic place.:joy:

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What a joke, given English is the most commonly spoken international language there are plenty of countries that speak English close to all the 5hitholes that people are fleeing from in their droves and i’d be interested to see how a dinghy crosser proves they have relatives in the UK when their whole aim is to keep their anonymity from our authorities by arriving with no paperwork.

You can shove your links right up your hole mate,.

But before you do check how many have arrived over the last few years, and especially since they took to arriving in droves by boat, rather than truck stowaways.
Minority or not, the actual numbers are far too many for a small island state with it’s induvidual area’s infrastructure and amenities to cope with.

Also the countries you list are far bigger than ours, it’s comparing apples to oranges.

You are just getting tediously tiresome now…
Either look around you and get real, or shut the ■■■■ up.
You are convincing NOBODY and annoying EVERYBODY !

Do they all arrive with no paperwork?
Where do you get that fact from?

Currently about half of asylum seekers arrive by small boats.
Other methods of entry need passports and paperwork to get tickets etc. e.g. arrive by air with a valid passport on a visitor visa and apply for asylum after entry.

Blood relationships are easily proven by DNA checks.

I was specifically refering to dingy crossings in my post, you know those small boats, you know the illegals, no need to manipulate my words.

And why would an illegal deliberateley hiding their identity want a blood test to prove their identity?

[quote=“truckpro, post:3641, topic:236118”]

So, if someone claims a relationship but refuses to give reasonable evidence, such as a DNA swob then refuse the application…it really is simple.

You are again assuming that all applicants are hiding their identity. Why is that your position?
I asked for any evidence that all asylum seekers, boats or planes, destroy any ID they have. I daresay some will do that, but to assume that all do so, is just that: an assumption.

Maybe the term ‘ALL’ was a figure of speech.
But I am sure you know that as much as the rest of us did, but your obtuse ways and methods supercede comprehension, so you use it as a basis for argument

As fir yout ‘evidence’ you seek :roll_eyes:
Unless you are sat in the dinghy with them, you would never know the exact number who ditch their passports…but again, obvious to everybody else except you.

Are you just a wind up merchant or does reading simple quotes cause you a problem? I will ask again, why would someone deliberately hiding their identity arrive here on a dinghy and then facilitare idenfification by naming a relative, if indeed they even had one?

Ask until the cows come home. See above the answer I gave to your first response.

Sorry it isn’t our responsibility to pay for the fact they want a better life than wherever they originate from. Genuine refugees fleeing war, yes I don’t mind helping those but the vast majority of these coming over on dinghys aren’t. Plus pretty much every country in western civilisation speaks English so that does not wash with me either.

When I was at school we used to have a guy who was a complete and utter wind up merchant.
He used to tell people stuff that was untrue, and that he did not believe himself, and be very convincing, and carry it on…but then reveal he was on a wind up after getting everyone around him angry and agitated in torment…(as on here now :joy:)

This guy could make some people believe absolutely anything.
But usually came clean within days or weeks.
A complete con man, who later used those talents to his advantage in later life,…which I wont go in to.

At one time on here, I even though that Franglais could be the same as that guy, and that nobody could actually and rationally believe some of the bizzare views and comments that he was coming out with, nor could be so servile and compliant with stuff like Covid etc…
So deffo on a wind up I used to think.

But now lately I am now actually thinking he has got worse with time to the point of becoming virtually caricatureistic of himself.

So now I am asking myself…
Hmm :thinking: is he now doing this as a ploy to later ‘come out’ ? saying (as my old school mate did.)
‘Look lads, I’ve been winding you up, I aint really like this nor believe all this crap’’ …
In order to save a bit of face and regain a bit of credibility,.rather than have to admit he was wrong.

If you are mate, it aint gonna work seriously, this stuff with you has gone on far too long…, years in fact.
Nobody could keep this up for that long.

So don’t even think about it, you will convince nobody, we all have you completely sussed to how and what you really are.

So just you carry on mate, whilst totally oblivious to the fact of how much of a complete and utter deluded prick you are seen as on here by many.
Irrespective of whether you care or not.

It is a legal obligation under UK law to provide asylum for those who qualify.
Under the current laws about three quarters of small boat arrivals qualify for asylum.
If you think the laws are wrong? Then vote to have them changed, and lobby your MPs.
Please do not repeatedly say that they are all economic refugees, unless you can back that up.

There is no obligation under law for asylum seekers to apply in the first safe country.
If I was an asylum seeker then I would likely seek to go to a country where I had ties, rather than stop within a few yards of the first frontier I crossed.

If the UK and other developed countries paid a bit more to for example Turkey then there would be less reason for refugees to leave there an travel further.

The idea that we can stop giving aid to people in other countries is a point of view that I do not agree with. Maybe some disagree with me, and fine I accept that. If they want to spend vast amounts on security at home, rather than spend more to feed and house human beings somewhere else? Their choice.

Why are you focusing on one single idea of someone arriving by a small boat with no papers, and deliberately hiding their true identity?
I daresay that happens, but do you then accept that those who arrive with papers and relatives here will properly be accepted more readily?

So you went to the same school as Farage?
I thought you might have learnt your lesson by now.