Political discussions...

Because I was.

Compared to the former then it’s more acceptable BUT Britain is not the next safe country to where many of the these freeloaders leave and also suprisingly Britain isn’t the only place on earth where English is spoken and also if Muhammed’s UK relatives are sponging off the state then no.

Ooh pardon me whilst I die laughing.:roll_eyes:

The only thing on here I do laugh at (with a miniscule degree of sympathy) is your deuded and utterly brainwashed self.

Meanwhile me as ever displaying impartiality (when appropriate,) and giving credit where credit is due, as opposed to being a totally closed mind loyal to the cause deluded one trick pony artist…
So on a much more positive note…

We have a guy here, an Iranian, escaping from a genuine politically oppressive country who has arrived here, done some good, and who is eager to put something back and integrate fully as a display of genuine gratitude.

Makes a nice change, guys like this are welcome in my country as far as I am concerned.

As opposed to the criminally minded disrespectful freeloading ‘ner’ do wells’ I see roaming my local streets, posing as refugees, in designer sportswear carrrying top range smart phones, ogling women and underage young girls…hardly the image of a downtrodden opptessed refugee.

Btw it has not gone past me that this is a report by the BBC, who are more than eager to counteract negativity towards asylum seekers for their own agenda…but there ya go,

True…but so what? There is no legal obligation to claim asylum in the first safe place one can find.
Or do you think that a poorer country like Turkey should look after more refugees than than a richer country such as the UK?

Also true, and also so what?
Most refugees do not try to come to the UK. I think it is about 1% of refugees try to come here.
Are we so poor and/or stingy that we can’r afford to help even one per cent of refugees?

Why do say of “Mohammed’s relatives are sponging off the state”?
Once allowed by law, those “fit young men” are more likely to be in employment than UK nationals, and those who are out of work are less likely to claim benefits. Foreign workers are more likely to be over qualified for jobs, and are more likely to do night shifts.
Look’s like they are filling the places that UK workers don’t want.

Migrants are keeping your taxes down by working for the NHS in essential but less well paid positions for less than some UK workers “would get of bed for”.


I rest my case m’lud.
No further questions from the prosecution.:joy::joy:

A report about the ‘Offended Terrorist’ …saying what most people agree with in this country.

So what do you think you have discovered?
That refugees etc keep wages down by working for less pay?

They are less than half a percent of the UK population.
Although they do disproportionately work in less well paid jobs, they are not the ones holding pay down.

We have refugees accused of being lazy, and not working and of working too hard for low pay?
A wonderful example of the lack of joined up thinking displayed by far too many.
Just as good as disliking asylum seekers being at local Dr surgeries and disliking them having separate med care. As clever as saying they are all fit young men, and of needing lots of medical care.

Ah yeah, travel thousands of miles across many countries to jump in a dingy at the mercy of criminal gangs taking their money and risking life and limb rather than staying in the first safe country, c’mon!

So what? Think what you said in an earlier post about refugees being able to speak English and then tie it in with what I and another said about English being an internationally spoken language, get it?

“Mohammed’s relatives sponging” was aimed at the thousands of Hotel dwelling illegals already here but never mind you chose to interprit it your way.

Tax, whats that?

Once allowed by law, those “fit young men”
until then they are illegal.

It is what most UK residents in work pay.
That might be a strange idea to you?

Those asylum seekers who are here already, and might be living in buildings that used to be hotels, are not allowed to earn money by law.
But let me guess…you don’t like that they receive food whilst not working, but would also object if they did work?
Or if I’m wrong, please do explain.

And just to be clear illegal migrants are generally deported, and will mostly be in secure establishments, not in ex-hotels etc.

That’s my business thanks, many people pay little or no tax. Under the minimum earnings threshold, no tax to pay, tax efficient savings, no tax to pay on interest earned, income from premium bonds, no tax to pay to name but a few.

Class, many of our own people struggle to heat, eat and pay for a roof over their heads…and then there’s the illegals.

Simple answer, I have a problem with both of your scenarios.

Ah right, individuals entering the UK illegally are illegals, or at least they shoud be.

True enough.
I would have thought that most UK residents are OK with paying tax to provide facilities for themselves and others.
Not all agree of course, and seem proud to get a free, or almost free ride, whilst slagging off others who they perceive to be freeloaders.

Are many paid too little by the state as pensions or as unemployment benefit?
Yes, I think so too.
But I am not silly enough to blame a few tens of thousands of recent arrivals for the many years of underinvestment in social services by many governments.
I blame those who balk at paying a few extra quid in tax in order to get a better country for all of us. Those who count the few extra quid they get to spend on themselves as better value than seeing fellow citizens properly cared for.
I am sure that many other UK citizens feel the same. And that many don’t.

Yep, I had kind of worked out that you do.

Factually no. At least not until any case they make for asylum has been examined. If rejected they are indeed illegal entrants, and should be deported.
Such a pity that in recent years the staff dealing with claims were cut, the time to look at claims increased vastly, and so there are now far too many claimants costing money when they should either be out earning and paying tax or be deported.
But hey! On the upside UK companies make money (from us taxpayers) by providing accommodation etc for these people. UK companies are making more from housing migrants than they do by providing wedding venues etc. Ya gotta love the free economy don’t ya!

You what? :flushed:
''What do I think I have discovered ‘’… :roll_eyes:
Firsty a question formed in your trademark condescending and patronising way to start with…
But why are you addressing a question about pay and ‘refugees’ to ME exactly?

Why do you interpret what I have said on these matters repeatedly in the past, that I would actually HAVE an opinion on what illegal immigrants should be earning at what jobs?

Are you a bit thick, or slow on the uptake, or just refusing to listen?..I know the answer to that btw.

I do not want them here in the first place with their criminality and potential terrorism,…
Unlike you in your protected cocoon of naivity, I have came across them regularly in my local streets, and have the measure of them.

As for ‘refugees’…I have repeatedly gave you my opinion on the validity of their ‘refugee’ status.

As for them working, for any pay ?..
Again, as I have said, they should not even be here in the first place …
They have arrived ILLEGALLY !!..you listening ?
Not irregularly…ILLEGALLY !

As for the rest of the inane drivel you adress to me in the next 2 paragraphs…See my previous answers.

Ask your loaded questions to somebody who actually gives AF., or to one of your like minded liberal cronies.
2 syllables/3Fs.

Oh and btw…they live in ‘HOTELS’ not ‘hostels’, not buildings that ‘used to be hotels’.:roll_eyes:

Ffs man you really need to listen to yourself sometimes.:joy::joy:

And there lies the problem, the real freeloaders are the ones that have contributed a big fat zilch to this country and yet the ones that begrudge paying tax have in most cases paid tax for most of their working lives.

“At least they should be” means strangley enough at least they should be.

An 18 year old UK born person, who has paid nowt in taxes, but has had free education, free health care throughout their childhood is OK in your book?
But a newly arrived 18 year old, past all the childhood diseases, and educated at no cost to the UK, is not worthy of a few weeks of food and shelter before entering the work force?

Over a lifetime, migrants pay proportionately more to the country than the native born inhabitants do.
They are not the freeloaders.
Those who exploit the tax system, and send money out of the country into offshore tax havens (often legally) are the the biggest offenders IMHO.
The country decides how much their dues should be, but they look for any excuse to get out of paying their fair share. Millionaires can employ accountants to get out of taxes, manual workers have little chance of that.
Except of course those employed “off the books” or somehow as self employed etc, who just make even more profit for the off-shored bandits who have not been chased enough by HM Revenue IMHO.

Interesting? Now now don’t deviate from what I said, I made mention of many people paying taxes for most of their working lives ie having contributed and then the freeloader illegals paying nothing yet being kept and you attempt to make a comparison to 18 year olds fresh out of education, both obviously having contributed a big fat zilch. Bizarre comparison I must say.

Wow! :joy::joy:
You surpass even yourself on that one.
An 18 yr old foreigner is more acceptable to you than an 18 year old indiginous kid who (Only) you think is a scrounger.

And the TN ‘Most ridiculous post in 2024’ award goes to…

Let me tell you this my brainwashed deluded ‘‘friend’’ .

Unlike yourself I personally,.with my Mrs, have raised 4 18 yr olds at different times, and paid all my taxes, along with my wife, to provide for their health care, and education, resulting in them all having good jobs themselves now, therefore contributing adequately to the system thereafter.

I am starting to run out of names to call you because of your obtusive stupidity.:roll_eyes:
You should read some of the stuff you post before submitting.:roll_eyes:

Don’t forget rr, there’s still time in 2024 for franglais to surpass even his latest 24 carat claptrap.

Now Now…
You can say what you want.
I can say what I want.
That is how forums work, so please don’t tell me what I can and cannot say.

Have 18 year olds contributed so far? No. They have only taken. They have “contributed a big zilch”.
It may be inconvenient to your argument but it is so.

Newly arrived migrants have taken much less and if allowed to stay will pay the same rates of tax as everyone else, without having money expended on them in childhood health care and education.

Why is it bizarre to point that out?

I think even he has reached his peak with that one.:flushed:

(I just wish there was a facility for putting a signature/slogan under your username as in the old forum, in the form of…‘‘Franglais said’’.
I’d be right on it.:joy::joy: