Political discussions...

is that where a perfectly reasonable and sensible plan was suspended by the left wing bleeding hearts because they knew it would work.

or is it a larger figure because the rate they are coming has risen in the same period.

because labour stopped the only half decent plan there was again the lefty bleeding hearts stop people dealing with these people the same way other countries do.

what happened to the plague of ee workers that were over here when brexit was announced and when it was implemented??? did they increase or go down. ill save you typing a diatribe of lefty propaganda that has been spread by gullable idiots and those that wanted the ee workers. It went down.

where has he been proven wrong…

But it is pointless both your eyes and your mind are completely closed,.and your naivity is legendary.

Those aspects combined with your brainwashed leftyism makes for a combination which is impossible to argue with, in order to get you to consider the opposite pov.

At least I and others can display an element of impartiality and opposing views…
I regularly criticised the Tories after voting for them for example, I have regularly stated that Farage aint whiter than white nor completely genuine…as ALL politicians …
You should try it, it does not actually hurt to admit being wrong.
Hell I even showed approval and gave credit to Labour in my last post…:flushed:

But you are basically a one trick pony stuck steadfastly in your narrow minded and somewhat bizzare views.
So basically a waste of time.
In fact I only address your posts not just because you irritate me, but to stop you getting all your own way and attempt to show you that you aint a quarter as superior as you think.

@robroy i heard a quote today that made me think of you…there is only one man in the history of politics that entered government to improve things for all his name was guy fawkes

Way I see it anybody who takes any politician of any party purely at face value, and is sold on the individual image they try and portray is a bloody idiot.
It is all a game to them, they are all false.
Even the odd one or two who start out with genuine intentions, eventually all just fall into self serving place once they get a sniff of the gravy train.

Billy Connoly said that the fact that someone actually WANTS to be a politician, should disquaify them from being one, and not to vote for them as it just encourages them.

Listened on Sky to…Dame Angela Eagle, nah me either, Border security MP apparentlly.

Anyway she reckons they are going to stop the boats but will not give a time scale as to when…
How about tomorrow? , we have a natural defence being an island, we also have a Navy…there is a clue in there somewhere.

Looking on positive side at least (after 6 months🙄) they are acknowleging the problem, if not actually doing something, but my go to default cynicism prevents me from believing it all.

I also ask myself why they are going to so much effort to tell us how many have been sent back.
It has been almost proven that Rwanda was a deterrent, so is this a face saving excercise?

of course it is… Rwanda worked thats really why they didnt want it. Labour want the migrants to lower the wage bill the more people working on the black market the better. The more people willing to work for minimum wage for semi skilled work the better.

no need for the navy we have a coast gaurd just sail round and round them with the engines full throttle the wake created will sort the problem. they will soon learn

Yep, back in the EU in all but name through the back door,.and to hell with democracy.
I would not trust Starmer and that shower of sh as far as I could spit.

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what a stupid woman. negotiations are negotiations we wont talk about the boats that doesnt matter

It’s not but you are missing the point, or possibly choosing to ignore it as usual.

If countries on mainland Europe and within the EU are taking a more hardline approach to stopping the migrants, then why aren’t we … as a friggin Island and no longer within the EU either willing or able to do something about it.

I see the woman who threw milkshake at Nigel Farage has avoided jail. Yes it was only milkshake but it could have been anything.

Just as well she chose not to write a few nasty words about him on the internet instead as she’d have been locked up straight away. :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Some Schengen countries are currently looking at ID etc at the zone’s internal borders, whereas they were not previously. The Schengen zone external borders have always been active in looking at docs.
It is more than was happening before, but I wouldn’t use “hardline” to describe it. Unless an inspector asking to see your ticket is also “hardline”?

We always look at passports at UK external borders in my experience.

Yeah the woman was charged and convinced of her crime and quite rightly so bang to rights, broadcast on mainstream TV for all to see, meanwhile no further progress on the Manchester Airport thugs who again had their actions broadcast on mainstream tv for all to see…CPS dragging their heals for a political agenda?

Hey what ya playing at?
You must not mention the airport thugs, the powers that be want us all to just forget about it, hoping it will all just go away, in fear of the risk of upsetting their…‘‘community’’. :roll_eyes:

As I have said before if their names were Wayne and Ryan their feet would not have touched, they would have been doing bird faster than you can say ‘Far right white working class’.

And what does that tell you? It tells you that those countries and their people have realised allowing mass numbers from cultures and different ways of life to ours in the West is a recipe for disaster. If only we had the balls in the UK to do something more ourselves, like taking away the incentives for the economic chancers coming here in the first place.

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Unless you have chucked them in the channel before arriving on the beach in Kent.

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The French/German/ Dutch/Belgian police et al carry guns and are notorious for willingly using them. The British police will hug you and drape you in a nice rainbow coloured shawl. This is well known, and this is the reason that passports are not ditched until the white cliffs are in sight

Well yes, we have started on that already.
Brexit has cut the UK economy so there is less reason for anyone to want to come here. If we totally trash the economy then there would be no incentive at all for anyone to come here would there?


So rather than admit the uncomfortable truth about the REAL incentives they are coming here for you have used it as an excuse to get your tedious Brexit rhetoric in. :roll_eyes:

Better to be a refugee in a country with medical care and be housed in a building with walls and a roof? Rather than be a refugee in a country with a standpipe for water and a tent to keep the snow off?

Well yes. Seems perfectly reasonable to me.

And there we have it folks from the one and only franglais.