Political discussions...

So not a farmer then doing traditional farming on a day to day basis! That makes the relevance of his example null and void as he’s just looking at a set of numbers on a spreadsheet rather than the real world scenario the rest of us realise.

If I wanted expertise in when to plant or harvest crops, a working farmer might be a good choice.
If I want expertise in tax and finance then an accountant seems a better bet to me.

I would like there to be a reallocation of seats.In which the ‘Labour’ Communists don’t get 411 seats for less votes than they got in 2019 and in which Reform get more than the 5 seats they got for over 4 million votes.

Expecting the ‘Far Right Squad’ SWAT team anytime soon to ‘fast track’ me to jail , so I may be absent from here for at least 2 years.:flushed:
Scanning the sky as we speak for a POLICE helicopter.:grin:

Stop press newsflash…Just heard they’ve released a million and a half r4pists, wife beaters, and murderers from jail to make room for us.:joy:

Another 40k+ in 25 minutes.

You seem unable to grasp the issue here. A lot of farmers make an absolute pittance from basically dedicating their lives to it for no financial reward or gain. Making it even more financially unviable for them to continue or to pass it on their kids is not going to help anyone.

Yes some rich wealthy people buy land as a tax avoidance scheme, they need weaselling out but to just simply apply a one size fits all inheritance tax grab across the board is counter productive.

If you drive the next generation of farmers away then who is going to do it? Farming is clearly one of those family inherited, in your blood type of things that gets passed from generation to generation. It is feasible that a next generation farmer may simply say sod this and go and get a regular job/career. Something that won’t happen is someone coming out of school/college/university with no attachment to the industry going “I know I’m going to buy/work on a farm” for a living.

It was barely at 150,000 when I first heard about it mid morning today, now at nearly 1.7 million. Shows the absolute disillusionment in the country at the moment.

Awaiting some TN pro Labour positive spin anytime soon.
Putting the numbers in perspective to a percentage of population, ‘explaining’ that they are all Tory voters…(so Tories to blame) and a Comical Ali style report telling us that in fact Starmer and the Labour party are in fact VERY popular…with added links. :joy:

This petition is likely to pass 2 million by the morning. Not seeing anything about it currently being reported by the BBC or Sky News nor papers like The Mirror or the Guardian despite the fact it’s been ongoing all day at record pace for a petition. :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Wife said she saw it on tv today when I was out this afternoon.
Must have been GB news channel 512.
Even she has started watching it.

Farming is in trouble in the UK? Yes.
Is that happening before any IHT is due? Yes.
So clearly it is not the fault of IHT.

If I “dedicate my life” to something that makes me no money, should the Gov subsidise my life choices?

And that is what is happening.
Not all farmers will be hit. Tenant farmers who cannot afford to buy land, because the tax dodgers inflate the price will pay zero.
Those who do have enough land to be included will still be on a much hi
gher threshold than other businesses, and will be half the rate of other businesses, and will have ten years to pay at zero% interest.

Do you ever listen to Farming Today on BBC R4? It often has young farmers complaining they cannot get land to farm. If the dodgers sell land then it will become available for real farmers.

Where does that statement come from?

Clearly they are not a very popular Gov at the moment.

All parties take a bit of a hit after an election, but currently Labour are doing very poorly.

Any petition over 100,000 will likely be debated, but that will likely be an end to it. There is no mechanism, rightly or wrongly, to take anything further.

Jeez not like you to admit you are wrong.:flushed:
Bit of an understatement that first line.
‘Not as bad as the Tories’ though eh?

Cue endless list consisting of ‘Franglais Tory Bingo’ key words trying to prove that point.

Boris 1 point.
Covid 2 points.
Lies 2 points.
Parties 5 points.
Vol au vents 10 points.
Cheese and wine 10 points.

Here’s a non msm ‘unreliable source’ news item on it.

So, do you think that a petition achieving high numbers of signatures should be given extra powers somehow?
I am not at all sure that would be a good idea, but i can see there might be arguments in favour of it.

100.000 is the current level to trigger a debate, I think.
What should happen? And after when? 1million? 5m?

And on the petition itself, it says that Labour have gone back on promises made.
Which ones are you thinking of?

Reality, real life. Are you seriously suggesting that there is a queue of people with no connection or history of being in the farming game wanting to do it?

That has nothing to do with them being driven away from farming because the inheritance tax rules make it unviable.

You are the one making a statement.
Can you support it or not?

It is part of a vicious circle: if I know that land is unaffordable, and large land owners are hoarding it for tax purpose, then why would I bother going to agri college?
If my family has land already then I expect that will bias my choice towards choosing agri as a future.

Because that is the way it is now, is not any advert for it being the way of the future.
Given we seem to agree that farming is in a bad place right now then it is good reason to change the way it is now.

How can it be right that someone has millions of quid invested in a business but cannot afford to pay even half the tax bills that the owner of a similar sized business must pay?

If i inherit a haulage business with £millions of trucks and warehousing, but just enough cash to pay fuels bills, should I be exempt from IHT in order to keep the business? Or should I sell some of it to pay my bills?

If a business cannot pay it’s tax bills it should be broken up.
Why should the state support lame ducks?

There are problems with UK farming. Definitely so.
Ignoring them and giving tax exemptions to multi-millionaires is not going to cure those faults.

The petition in official terms will achieve nothing…I aint that naive.

On the other hand if Starmer adapts a bit of humility (:face_with_hand_over_mouth: ha ha ) and is capable of facing up to reality, (again ha ha :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) (which he has failed in miserably so far in terms of ‘reading the room’) instead of branding everybody ‘Far right’ who does not agree with him, …and jailing them to silence everybody else who thinks along the same lines, …
Then he maybe open to realising the reason for this petition at least.
ie…To send him a message that most of us thinks he is wrong in many of his policies, because people know if they take to the streets what will happen.

So going through the legal channels prevents him from his ‘disciplinarian headmaster’ aproach…
Although it has not passed me by that he has all our postcodes and e.mail adresses to catalogue for any future Starmerstazi type use…
But hey ! f.it, I’ve never been a blind confirmist, nor ever been fussed or bothered to facing up to authority…YOU should try it sometime btw.

You ask ‘Which ones am I thinking of’’
Hmmm :thinking: Let me think now…:roll_eyes:

Look mate forget it, I aint going to fall into your obvious little trap, in order to give you a vehicle to go off on another one for 10 pages, refuting this, denying that, and positive spinning the other, and blaming everything on the effin Tories, We have all had our fill of that on here, if I may speak for the perceived majority …and especially with the latest farming thing that you appear to be ‘on a roll’ about.:roll_eyes:
I think that everything about that has been said, although you insist on perpetuating it as usual displaying
your usual ‘always right’ type pomposity.

You are fully aware of the mood of the country, you are fully aware of the issues in question, you are fully aware of the promises he has broke, (‘albeit covertly through the back door’) so I am not going to indulge you in your quest to continue your ‘Comical Ali’ stance…pipe and smoke.

Lets just see what comes of this petition,.and how many signatures it gets.
By the present mood of the country he (and you) may get a surprise…and a non blinkered reality check.