Political discussions...

Absolutely agree.
He’s so concerned about hard working people maybe getting away with a bit of tax, but actually condones scroungers and freeloaders who have no right, value, or place in this country.
Typical socialist lefty lib baloon.:roll_eyes:

In other politics not related directly to farming it’s interesting to note that four years ago we were (mostly) all locked down in order to “save Grandma”. Nowadays it seems that Grandma can freeze to death in order to “save” lots of illegals from persecution in France.

Politics, funny old game innit?

Starmer’s Britain.:roll_eyes:

Anybody care to defend or justify this?

Remember… an Army vet (with PTSD) of Afghan and Iraq.
So I think he may be qualified enough to form this opinion, so not just off the top of his head for the hell of it…
An opinion formed whilst serving the country that has betrayed him.

As the guy said, not what you would likely put on your FB account, nor me if I had one…but then again neither me or him is qualified to hold that opinion…the guy in question IS.

Old news a bit late to be concerned about things you never gave a second thought to last year never mind years

Old news?..
Nah pretty recently actually, definitely in the time that Starmer has been in charge anyway, that is a dead cert.

Tbh I can not remember anybody being put in jail this time last year…or any other year in this country, for what they considered as excercising the right of free speech.
But there ya go eh?

This whole thread is old news, stuff that’s been happening for years and years which cannot be solved by people who only post about it on the Internet, its like people bottling it up and the only way to relieve themselves is to post all the stuff that is there opinion and actually never really doing anything about it.
It’s called hidden racism
They are your doctors
Years ago they were the only people who drove and conducted your buses
They are your help desk anywhere you go or ring
They are in every aspect of society and are keeping the economy alive
And a lot of these people came into the country the very same as what the racism posts talk about on here, just maybe a different way
If something needs to be done stop blowing smoke out of the arse, get the F out and do something

So…You say people who object to a massive influx of illegal immigrants, who cost us an absolute fortune to keep them in the lap of luxury, who wander the streets intimidating our women and underage girls, who are of an alien and hostile culture to our own, the same culture (and demographic) synonimous with terrorism…are objecting purely from a racism perspective?..
Seriously ?


I think you miss the whole point mate, nobody, especially me is objecting to legitimate and legal immigration, the type of people who enhance society and the economy,…aka the people you use as an example to illustrate your point.
So all these people came in the same way eh…or ‘maybe a different way’ you say.
So which is it ?
Did all the doctors…(and bus conductors :face_with_hand_over_mouth: ) rock up on a dinghy, or arrive via the legal channels?

I’ll definitely keep my eyes on my bottom for signs of smoke btw, as you advise.

You don’t need to keep àn eye on it, it’s blowing on line
Reality check yes a majority came here with nothing and illegal and bettered themselves into privileged jobs
The majority that gets into the country comes in on student visas and then take advantage of the system
Do you honestly believe there are thousands never mind hundreds crossing on boats

They. They. They.

Not so much hidden racism there is there?

Despite your delusions we are not talking about “they”, who I assume you mean people of the Windrush generation, the Ugandan Asians fleeing for their lives, the countless genuine refugees who have done nothing but work hard and positively contribute to our society?

In case you’re not quite up to speed we are addressing the problem of Muslim males who despise everything we stand for coming here with the express intention of destroying from within everything we hold dear. Before you ask or attempt to answer with counter claims of racism just bear in mind that Islam is no more a race than Catholicism, Bhuddism, Judaism or any other ism. It’s a creed, simple as that.

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UK Visa-Free Countries

Citizens of the following countries do not need a visa to enter the UK for stays of up to six months:

  • EU/EFTA Member States
  • Andorra
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Botswana
  • Brazil
  • Brunei
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Costa Rica
  • Dominica
  • Timor-Leste
  • El Salvador
  • Grenada
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Hong Kong
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Kiribati
  • Macau
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Marshall Islands
  • Mauritius
  • Mexico
  • Micronesia
  • Monaco
  • Namibia
  • Nauru
  • New Zealand
  • Nicaragua
  • Palau
  • Panama
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Paraguay
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Samoa
  • San Marino
  • Seychelles
  • Singapore
  • Solomon Islands
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Tonga
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Tuvalu
  • United States
  • Uruguay
  • Vanuatu
  • Vatican City
    The rest can get a so called student visa or holiday visa no problem for a few weeks
    And if the truth be told the government loves it when they decide to stay

High pension holders moaning about inheritance tax on their pensions being passed on.While others are told have to work until 66/67/68 etc etc because we’re going to live too long.Go figure.

So the MAJORITY at those times came here illegally eh?..ok.:thinking:

Maybe instead of researching and listing a whole load of random countries in a pointless and tedious ‘Franglais hotel star rating’ esque style, then referring to the irrelavance of student visas, and 6 monthly period short stays, it would maybe have been more constructive to your argument, explaining how you came to that conclusion.

Way I see it looking back in recent history, the only prominent actual ‘en masse’ immigration examples over the last 80 years I know of were Jewish refugees fleeing Nazism, Polish allies vets fleeing/avoiding Stalin, and the 2 occasions of the ‘Windrush generation’ of immigrants from our commonwealth, and the Asians who were expelled from Idi Amin’s Uganda as mentioned by Maoster.

You will notice the above list includes an assortment of ethnicities, as I am getting a strong vibe from you that you are coming at the misaprehension that I may have a problem with skin colour, when you refer to ‘racism’ ? :roll_eyes:
Believe it or don’t, because I aint fussed what YOU think tbh, but there is nothing further from the truth.
Fact is if my country was being invaded by stealth as now, by thousands (not hundreds as you seem to bizzarelly believe) of blonde blue eyed young male Swedes illegally, and being a complete strain on our ‘small island’ economy and infrastructure, I would feel exactly the same…
In fact maybe on reflection not EXACTLY the same,.as a mass influx of Swedes would not be a cultural, and/or potential security and terrorist threat to our country as this present situation most definitely IS.

So unless you can refute or even add to that list, another influx en masse of ILLEGAL immigrants on other occasions in recent history, other than the present one, …the smoke aint emanating from MY back passage mate…:smile:

Just read this appeal by ‘The Standard’.

The illustrious lefty perspective no less, where the sense of absolute arrogant entitlement of these people who CHOSE to come here is unbelievale, and adequately (and unashamedly) illustrated.:flushed:

So Habib leaves his…wait for it … pregnant wife and kids to fend for themselves at the dubious mercy of the Taliban to come here on his own😳…
That is the first point, in question, I would have not gone anywhere whatsoever without mine in the same situation, even facing death, but would gave gone all out to find a way to take them with me, or stayed put and faced any dire consequences instead …fact.
But that is just me.
How many men (term used loosely) would abandon wife and young kids to their fate? :roll_eyes:

So he gets out of Afghan, and settles after the relief of escape to the arrival of the first safe country at last,… then makes an efffort to get his family there to safety at last to join him…Wrong !

He travels through god knows how many more safe states that he could have settled in, to the strongly incentivised land of milk and honey,.the UK…presumably via a dinghy, spending the vast amount of cash needed, to one of ‘Starmer’s gangs’ instead of spending that cash to get his wife and kids out in some way…

Then he eventually gets here to a virtual heroes welcome, stays in the lap of luxury in one of Franglais ‘No star HoStels’ :joy:, …for FOUR YEARS ! Remember his wife and kids have spent all that time at the mercy of the Taliban, (if they aint been murdered of course) Taliban will presumably know he has done a runner, and presumably why,…

But hey!.. old Habib is fine, he has been fed and catered for, for 4 years worth, and he is now lucky enough to gain asylum status…all good.

No not really, he now he is belly aching because the benefits have been stopped, he is getting kicked out of his freebie gaff, and thinks WE should just automatically carry on keeping him when he ends up on the street… with our own indigenous homeless people in a stark reality check…

Welcome to ‘Real life fend for yourself world’ Habib mate…as your wife and kids have had to do for 4 years in an unpredictable sh hole of a dangerous country, while you stay at the Windsor Hilton all inclusive foc.

So now ‘The Standard’ are on his case, along with hundreds of other ‘Habibs’ to bale them out, and carry on keeping them :joy:…with a list of things they want us to bankroll including …wait for it.

A 150 note donation to ‘refurbish their bikes’ ffs.:joy:

What planet do these gullible pathetic characters live on eh?
It would have been more apt to start a charity campaign towards Starmer’s freezing pensioners.

Jeezus this stuff and these awful repellant naive lefties do my effin swede in.

I just cant cope anymore.:joy::joy:…I need to clutch me pearls.:smile:

Have a butchers at this b/s and dig deep in your pockets lads.

Yep classic deluded lefty liberal thinking. Attack the people who contribute and allow society to tick like small & medium businesses, entrepreneurs, working people, farmers and pensioners. The latter of which have contributed all their lives and then give a free pass to those who don’t. They just despise anyone who dares to make a success of themselves.

If I was you I’d be checking where you get your facts from because that’s the biggest pile of crap.

The bottom line is that just like pensioners, this government doesn’t like farmers either because they traditionally don’t vote labour.

The bottom line on the protests is that the rich people who have been buying farm land as a tax dodge, not to actually farm it, have had their dodge recognised, and stopped.

Genuine farmers, those who get up early and work hard, actually stand to benefit from this change.
Those who buy acres of farm land, and inflate land prices for real farmers, are losing out.

Here is someone who has some expertise to explain how it works.
And note no-one is saying that farmers are not hard working, and there are no issues in UK farms. There are loads of problems, but changing the IHR is not a major problem for real farmers.

The bottom line is loosely speaking, good old fashioned ‘Class war’.

Labour have nothing to lose with alienating the farmers, farmers have traditionally been Tory voters for generations, so win win, grab a few quid off a group who never vote for them, nothing to lose.

Same with the private school charges, in their world nobody working class can afford school fees, all middle class Tory voters…how wrong they are, many ordinary people make sacrifices to give their kids a maximum chance in life.

I think their new or latest target audience, (after alienating the working class …aka ‘the far right’ :roll_eyes:,) is the Islamic vote.
It would explain a lot, definitely explain the IRREGULAR :grin: immigrant situation, aka future voter recruitment.
Maybe also explain the refusal to condemn the Terrorist organisation that is Hamass.

That would explain why a British government are ignoring the view of the majority of the British people, and virtually refusing to talk about it with any substance.
Put them up in the…HOSTELS :grin:, sweeten them up, everyone’s a winner…or not.:roll_eyes:

All put in simplistic terms granted, but a valid analysis I would say.

Outside our yard is a Farmer’s supply store.
I have just finished work and have just been talking to a mate over a coffee who farms , …one of the guys I mentioned in fact the other day… with the old Range Rover.

I mentioned that a few truckers were giving their views on their situation, on a forum, MOST of them supportive.

While talking about it I happened to notice this, and showed him it.:joy:

Quote ; Franglais’'GENUINE farmers, those who get up early and work hard, actually stand to benefit from this.
/ unquote.

His comment (after spitting out his coffee) .was
‘‘What an absolute f##### w#####
Tell him to stick to driving trucks’’.
Straight from the horses mouth.:slightly_smiling_face:

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Or his whole story is a lie.He is actually Taliban here for revenge when given the order.Which version makes more sense.